Announcing River Climate action from Rushing Rivers Institute

By Rushing Rivers Institute

The scientific community has concluded that climate change is a real phenomenon. Even the predictions that are most moderate indicate the Earth warming several degrees Celsius by the year 2100, which is an alarming increase. Of the issues affected by this problem, Rivers are among the most hurt.

In this all-important bodies of water reside fish, the canary in the coal mine of global warming. As a result of climate change, river water temperatures have steadily risen thirty-five to forty degrees over the last few decades. This causes fish from southern waters to migrate north, causing competition for food.

Additionally, parasites accustomed to warmer climate are moving northbound as well, infesting fish and other creatures who are not used to their presence. This causes a chain reaction and a decrease in supply for other animals that depend on the fish, such as humans, bears and birds.

Because of these imminent threats, Rushing Rivers Institute has announced its anti-climate change campaign, Rivers Climate Action. Through our scientific background, community connections and educational resources, River Climate Action will spearhead this problem.

River Climate Action has outline several goals to see this through. First, extensive research to establish the best action and recommendations. Second, the most appropriate, inobtrusive way to implement these recommendations. Third, establishing networks and communication between other groups and institutions with similar goals.

The worst thing anyone can do is nothing Any further delaying of solutions will cause catastrophic consequences in the future for those who inherit this problem The first action is to educate yourself on the problem and its solutions.

Please take the time to see how global warming is hurting our planet. You can visit our website at to read further on the situation. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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