How to Handle Homeschool Nay-Sayers

By Isabel Allen

Everyone who decides to homeschool their children will run into at least one person, maybe more, that tell them they shouldn't homeschool. The decision to homeschool, isn't an easy one to make, and often isn't popular. However, the choice in how your child is educated is entirely up to you, so you need to decide ahead of time how you will deal with homeschooling nay-sayers.

One of the quintessential arguments of a homeschooling nay-sayer is that you're not qualified to teach your own child, regardless if you have a Bachelor of Arts in Education or not. To this argument, I say poppy-cock! If you're a parent, you've already been teaching your child since birth. Who was it that taught your child to talk, walk, and use the restroom by themselves? It was you and your spouse, of course. So, if you could teach them those skills, why wouldn't you be qualified to teach them how to read or do math?

It is said by nay-sayers that teaching a child is too difficult and that we are unqualified to do it. What is found to be more difficult is the thought of having to teach 18-20 young children several subjects all in one day. It is a difficult job; teaching one child to read is not. It can be done!

If you are wanted to homeschool, another argument you might hear by nay-sayers is that children need socialization. I'm not sure I want my children to learn all the things they learn at school and I am sure you feel the same way. Not all lessons are given by the teachers but rather are learned as the result of being with other children.

95% of homeschooled children are better socialized than the children in public schools. Homeschooled children can carry on intelligent conversations with people of all ages besides being able to deal with their peers. Public schools are not true to life and create artificial societies. There isn't any time at any point in your life that you're going to deal with people all your age. It won't happen, and it just doesn't happen, either.

These are just a few of the comments that you'll likely hear as you are researching the possibility of homeschooling your child. All I can say is that it's okay if you don't know everything you're told you need to know. Take that as an opportunity to learn right along side your child. Since you want what is best for your child, you will be giving them the opportunity to learn at their own pace and concentrate on the things they are interested in learning.

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