Getting Traffic Through Social Bookmarking

By Calvin McCarthy

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Proposing new competitions, gives the users the chance to win exactly what they want. Proper title, description and keywords are important for the search engine optimization. Some companies use competitor's product names or brand to build traffic to their web site.

Building website traffic is simply marketing your website so that it can market for you. However, website traffic is one thing, but targeted traffic is everything. Building a website is not all you need to do. Once you have a site you need to know how to drive traffic to the site. Building website traffic is simply marketing your website so that it can market for you. However, website traffic is one thing, but targeted traffic is everything.

When you have an impressive website that is worth your clients' time, remember that you do not have to walk down the same tired trails as your competitors. There is a lot of room for improvement in the field, and you'll discover that social marketing is something that you need to consider.

Social bookmarking sites are similar to directories where you can submit websites, but they have social networking and online bookmarking elements to them. Websites that are bookmarked by many users tend to show on the popular results encouraging more people to bookmark them and visit your site. This will give you loads of traffic to fuel your website's longevity.

Start out by signing up in one or two social bookmarking websites and submit your website address immediately. You will then be asked to give it a header and a description. These 2 fields will determine how much exposure your online bookmark will get. Make sure you give it a very catchy headline that is properly formatted and back it up with a short and meaningful description. You may be asked to place tags or keywords as well. Make sure you think of a lot of words that are associated to your site to further increase your chances of your bookmark being clicked. Like site directories, you should put associate your site with the correct category to get visitors that stay.

This is enough to get people interested with your website, but you also want them to stay there and become even more interested if your site is selling products or services. Keep them there by updating your website often with good content and you should be fine. Also keep your social bookmarking profiles updated to show that your website is legitimate. Social bookmarking sites are a fantastic source in getting quality traffic.

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