Home Wind Power Systems For Residential Use

By Denzil De Vries

Putting your house, business or farm on a wind power system can save money and the environment. Save money on your annual power bills by combining alternative wind energy. Just having your wind turbine functioning and meeting your family's energy needs creates awareness in others of the alternative energy sources.

Wind power systems operate either on the grid and within the confines of the public power grid or run off the grid and are completely independent of outside power. Solar power systems run in much the same manner with excess power running back into the public power grid. The benefit of being on the grid is that there is a power back up if your system has problems or there is decreased wind or sun. At the end of the month the power company also pays back credit to alternative power producers.

If you choose to operate a wind power system off the grid you will generally pay a bit more to start off and obviously not have access to the public power. In rural or developing areas this is often the only option. There will be a few additional pieces of hardware that will need to be included for an off the grid system. But once wind power systems are in place, the cost recovery is rapid.

There will be a wind turbine wired to a control box that conducts the charging of a large bank of deep cycle batteries. An inverter will pull the electricity from the batteries and covert it to household electricity. Miscellaneous devices like breakers, lighting arrestors and fuses will be needed as well.

For those living in more rural and suburban areas an on the grid wind power system will be preferred. Rebates and tax benefits are often a perk for on grid systems. The turbines can be combined with the architecture and excess power can be sold back to the city power grid.

The best place to start for your alternative energy needs is your local government and power company. All power companies have branches dedicated to alternative energies. Ask what resources are available to you as a home or business owner.

Make the decision to use wind power personal by driving around your state and talking to people who have made the addition of a wind power system. Look for wind power system contractors and ask about free consultations. In the current economy finding a deal on a wind power system might be a more realistic opportunity.

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