Kids Heading Off To College This Year Need To Consider These Tips.

By Bobbi Jameritrus

Enrolling in college is a huge step in a person's life. It can be a frightening experience. There are a lot of important responsibilities that students need to adjust to compared to their previous years. As an experienced university grad, I thought I should impart a little advice with them.

Find a way to complete as much study work as you can first thing in the morning as soon as you get up. Most likely you are at your best mentally soon after you wake up in the morning. That is of course assuming you weren't out raving the night before. Make the most of your clear mind and see how much studying you can get done in the shortest amount of time. It will make the rest of your day go a lot better.

Try not to schedule classes with times too close together. There are going to be plenty of times when you need to get stuff done right before the next class that you forgot about. You need the spare time. Plus, you don't want to be in a hurry getting from one class to the next.

Make some friends in class on the first day. Introduce yourself to somebody sitting next to you in class. See if you have something in common. You need to have someone you can bounce ideas off of for class or just to ask general questions if the need arises.

You can't trust everybody you meet. Get a locked box for your dorm room. You really need to have some place secure to store personal materials. Without one, you are likely to possibly end up having something disappear. Then you will be tempted to look for someone to blame. You'll never really know if it was your own fault or if someone robbed you.

Your studies will take off quickly. Take good notes the very first day of classes. You may assume the first day will be a breeze. It probably won't be. Make sure you have your supplies prepared. There will probably be certain things mentioned that you aren't going to want to forget.

Act like a leader. Try to set aside certain times to get together with other people in all of your career specific classes for a study group. Don't go gang busters. You don't want a whole bunch of people. You really only want just a few. Too many more than that and your study group will turn into a social gathering.

If you're smart you'll make your study area in your room as comfortable and as well organized as possible. It is really important to be well organized. When you are bugging out because you have got too much work to do, it will be much more bearable if you're well organized.

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