Go Green With the Way You Clean (And Save Money in the Process)

By Cari Webbe

When it comes to using green cleaning products as a way of helping our environment, there is a wide range of opinion. Many of us think that they are just too expensive to both with, but in truth we are probably wasting our money on the products we currently use.

All it takes is a few simple ingredients, and you can clean your whole home. Not to mention the fact that you could even make green cleaning products yourself from scratch - for a fraction of the price! It really isn't too hard to take the first steps to go green.

What's Wrong With Traditional Cleaning Products?

There is actually no law forcing manufacturers to label all of the ingredients that go into our cleaning products, which is why it's very shocking to hear that a number of the ingredients haven't even been tested for safety on humans!

And, what's worse, is that we are indirectly taking these products into our system. For example, when we spray our surfaces we breathe the ingredients in. And we also absorb all of the ingredients of our laundry detergents through the clothes we wear every day.

As if the health risks aren't enough, these chemicals quickly enter into water streams, killing life and contaminating the water we drink. The bleach you use, and the many other toxic ingredients in our cupboards, just aren't necessary when it comes to keeping our homes clean!

A Healthy Alternative

You don't have to buy the most expensive products to take steps to go green today. Start by using up the products you do already have, and saving the plastic spray bottles. These can then be used to make your own cleaning concoctions.

There are a number of extremely simple options, such as a wash of vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to get rid of mold. Or you could use lemon juice as an antibacterial cleaner. So simple!

You might not have the time to create all of your cleaning products from scratch, and if that's the case then try buying eco-friendly brands like eCover. While this may cost more, you can save money by buying in bulk. There are also natural laundry options that can last around a thousand washes, ultimately working out a lot cheaper than your current detergent!

If you want to go green you don't have to change everything straight away. Start with your laundry, then move onto another area of your life. Before you know it you'll never know why you relied on those toxic cleaning products!

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