Get Rich Using the Wattles Method

By Will Edwards

Wallace D Wattles' classic work The Science of Getting Rich had quite an effect on me immediately after my very first reading. I can only describe what happened as a kind of attitude change, but that transformation, I believe, is absolutely crucial for anyone interested in how to become wealthy. So in changing my attitude, I realised that I had indeed made the first move toward becoming wealthy.

The book begins with a thorough examination into the actual causes of wealth; and demolishes some very commonly-held beliefs and opinions along the way. He spells out why becoming rich does not actually relate to the sort of advantages traditionally believed by many to be the causes - things like status, intelligence, connections and so on. His structured argument on the causes of wealth is a truly impressive opening.

Having dismissed what many people would think of as the causes of wealth, he goes on to show that its real cause is what he calls doing things in a certain way. In other words, it ain't what you do, its the way that you do it - and that's what gets results.

Wattles' proposition is that anyone who can learn how to do things in a particular way - what he called the 'certain way' - can become wealthy. It is an amazing statement, but it is also the natural conclusion to be reached if his analysis of the causes of wealth is correct. However, he also suggests that you need to be operating a business of some kind.

He says that you need to give every person with whom you deal more in use-value than you take in cash-value. Theres a key principle right there, of course, concerning over-delivering, but it strikes me that the spirit of the language is naturally directed toward people who trade in some way i.e. those in business for themselves.

Personally, I think it is self-evident that you need to have your own business to become rich. If you work for someone else, your income will rise to a level dictated by the market for your talent or skills - and thats it. You may earn slightly more than your market worth, but thats absolutely it, you can never, therefore, become rich by pursuing such a course.

By contrast, your earnings are unlimited when you are working for yourself. After all, nobody is going to come along and tell you that you are not allowed to earn more than your current income. You can give yourself a raise anytime you want by becoming more effective in your business; and there has never been a better time to start because of the opportunities available right now on the internet.

The Science of Getting Rich was written, in my opinion, for the age of the internet. Of course, Wattles didn't do that deliberately, but nevertheless, his teachings translate very well to the world of the web. There really is nothing standing in the way of the average person applying this thinking and changing their lives for good.

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