Announcing River Climate action from Rushing Rivers Institute

By Rushing Rivers Institute

The scientific community has concluded that climate change is a real phenomenon. Even the predictions that are most moderate indicate the Earth warming several degrees Celsius by the year 2100, which is an alarming increase. Of the issues affected by this problem, Rivers are among the most hurt.

In this all-important bodies of water reside fish, the canary in the coal mine of global warming. As a result of climate change, river water temperatures have steadily risen thirty-five to forty degrees over the last few decades. This causes fish from southern waters to migrate north, causing competition for food.

Additionally, parasites accustomed to warmer climate are moving northbound as well, infesting fish and other creatures who are not used to their presence. This causes a chain reaction and a decrease in supply for other animals that depend on the fish, such as humans, bears and birds.

Because of these imminent threats, Rushing Rivers Institute has announced its anti-climate change campaign, Rivers Climate Action. Through our scientific background, community connections and educational resources, River Climate Action will spearhead this problem.

River Climate Action has outline several goals to see this through. First, extensive research to establish the best action and recommendations. Second, the most appropriate, inobtrusive way to implement these recommendations. Third, establishing networks and communication between other groups and institutions with similar goals.

The worst thing anyone can do is nothing Any further delaying of solutions will cause catastrophic consequences in the future for those who inherit this problem The first action is to educate yourself on the problem and its solutions.

Please take the time to see how global warming is hurting our planet. You can visit our website at to read further on the situation. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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State and Federal Laws for Homeschoolers

By Isabel Allen

In the United States, millions of children are homeschooled. This number will reach over 12 million by 2015, according to the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). Each state governs education and has its own own laws concerning homeschooling because the United States Constitution does not have specific laws concerning education. You will only have to learn the laws for your individual state if you've considered homeschooling.

Laws on homeschooling vary from state to state. Each state has a mandate to provide an education for its students; many states delegate that authority to the state's Board of Education. It is ensured by the state Board of Education that every child receives an adequate education. The Equal Education Opportunities Act of 1974, a Federal law, was passed because of this mandate. By law, no state can deny any child an education based on their race, color, sex, or national origin. In other words, within every state, every child is guaranteed an education.

While states cannot deny a child an education, it is ultimately up to the parent to choose where that child will attend school - whether public school, private school, or homeschool. Public schools, and some private schools, are regulated by the state. However, since a large percentage of homeschool families do so for religious reasons, there are often few regulations for homeschools.

One state law that appears to be universal is the requirement for children to attend school in some fashion during set compulsory ages. However, in each state, these ages may be different. Depending on the states laws; some states require children to be in school from 7 to 16, others 5 to 17. To determine what your state's compulsory ages are you can contact HSLDA, or search the internet.

Home School Legal Defense Association, National Home Education Network, and other websites on the Internet, list the homeschool laws for each state. If you choose to homeschool, it would be advantageous to learn your state's laws. After you have begun to homeschool, if you move to another state, especially if you are a military family, you can go back to these sites to find the laws for the new state.

Military families often move several times throughout the length of a soldier's career. Many are choosing to homeschool because it is one way to guarantee continuity in their children's education. Rather than transferring a child from one school to another, often internationally, a military family that homeschools can continue their child's education without fear of negative impact.

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Be Better, Be Cleverer

By Simon M Skinner

It seems all you hear today is about living a greener lifestyle. You need to reduce your carbon footprint and your environmental impact. We all know that this is important, but it can feel like being lectured at times.

By eating healthy, organic foods you are not only helping your body by giving it fresh food, you are saving the earth from being contaminated by pesticides. Organic meats help by keeping the environment free of antibiotics and growth hormones. Plus you're avoiding all those nasty things from going inside of you! By eating fresh, organic foods, you are avoiding all the processed foods that do a better job of clogging your arteries than they do of providing nutrition.

Try to drive less. By combining your errands, you not only save fuel and reduce the traffic on the roads; you are giving yourself less stress from dealing with traffic jams and other drivers. Carpool or use public transit when you can. If you choose to ride a bike or walk for some of your errands, you also get needed exercise. This will help keep your heart healthy and keep you limber and toned.

Composting your food scraps can save you money in garbage waste and provide you with great soil next season for your own garden. It also keeps a lot of good stuff out of the landfills. Just keep adding your fruit and vegetable wastes, egg shells, coffee grounds, and grains to the compost pile. You can add your raked leaves and lawn clippings as well. Don't add meat or bones... they will attract insects like flies and will take longer to compost. Water the compost down once in awhile to get the enzymes activated. Come spring, you'll have some nice compost soil to add to your own vegetable garden for more healthy eating.

You can use solar lights in your yard ? these lights work just as well as electric lights, but cost nothing to operate and conserve the use of electricity. There are many appealing designs available and they can fit into anyone's budget. You don't need to have an electrician install them and the lights are quite bright enough to illuminate your yard. You can even get solar holiday lights, adding a cheerful seasonal touch without adding a thing to your electric bill.

Small things like recycling cans, bottles and plastic packaging helps lower your garbage bills and helps reduce your carbon footprint. Use cloth bags when you shop instead of taking their paper or plastic bags. Some stores even knock off a few cents when you use your own bags. All of this will help reduce pollution, which is healthier for you because you'll be breathing cleaner air.

Once you get started, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to live greener. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel? both physically and mentally. Plus, you'll feel better knowing you're doing your part to have a healthier planet to live on. So go ahead? live greener and live longer. You'll be happy you gave it a try.

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You'll Go Broke Tring Google Scams I Lost Hundreds! by Googler 09

By Googler 09

I know you have seen it all and heard it all but may I present this too you...

I know you've ordered a home study course, you know most are "locked." The good news is the current versions of Google Cash Making Ebooks is true... allowing you to begin making cash with each, any, or all of them in a reasonable ammount of time.

Most have real examples with step by step details It's rare to find someone who's willing to show actual examples of profitable ideas that are made available to the public. It's easy to understand why... once the idea is out there, it's no longer a secret -- quickly creating a rush of new competitors. You have to read reviews and check things out before signing on with a Google Money Making E-book.

Quick Tip**You can by placing tiny classified ads at redirect their visitors to high paying affiliate programs -- getting paid with PayPal within two weeks (sometimes even within 24 hours).

Includes the WOW factor I'd like to think I know a lot about making cash with Google . I put easy systems into action and as a result have made tons of cash from home no problems.

And as an internet marketing junkie, I thought I've seen it all...

But...I'm always amazed with how easy it is to apply this information -- I've also found lots of free onlines sources I've never heard of before.

Some of the strategies and methods you learn also work with similar sites like Yahoo and AOL. With the large number of Cash Making programs,ebooks and systems online you need yours to work on all the search engines easily.

Move fast !...The moment any home study course is published, its content grows old and outdated... and this is especially true of Google Money Programs. As I review this, I'm guessing more than 15% of the ideas, strategies, and sources are either irrelevant or no longer exist...

The internet moves super fast so choose wisely and remember "Cash Is Always Being Made!

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How Obamanomics will Impact your Portfolio

By Rob Viglione

Barack Obama has the power to influence markets more than any other president. Government has never been as large or involved in the economy as it now is, and Barack Obama is proposing unprecedented policy initiatives that will make it even more so. On top of this, markets are crashing-real estate has plummeted, stocks have been obliterated, and our currency is becoming worthless.

According to Bloomberg News the cumulative federal commitment to financial rescue initiatives has reached an astounding $8.5 trillion. Additionally, Obama announced last week a fiscal stimulus package totaling $1 trillion over the next year.

With such tremendous money transfers it is more important now than ever to understand how government policy affects your portfolio. In effect, these policies strip wealth from taxpayers and redistribute it to political beneficiaries.

At the macro level, federal policies affect the dollar, interest rates, and growth or contraction of the money supply, i.e. inflation or deflation. At a lower level, direct transfers of wealth benefit the companies that are on the receiving end, and harm those from whom profits were taken. "Obamanomics: A Guide to Investing Over the Next Administration" ( helps you understand exactly how Obama's policies will affect your portfolio.

Expect union-heavy industries-like automotive, airline, and steel-to prosper as taxpayers assume the burden of employee health care and trade policy changes to protect domestic businesses. Stay away from the defense industry as both the War in Iraq scales down and long-term acquisition programs are cut. But look towards "green" businesses, carbon-efficient utilities that will benefit from cap-and-trade emissions regulation, and alternative sources of energy that will have wind-fall piles of cash thrown their way.

Obama's policies are well known, so now is the time to start considering how they will impact markets and your portfolio. Read my book and visit to stay on top of new policy direction. Don't let yourself get caught on the wrong side of the policy game!

About the Author:

Rushing Rivers: Dedicated to Stopping River Destruction

By Rushing Rivers Institute

Rushing Rivers Institute is an Environmental Non-Profit organization designed to protect the world's rivers for both human and natural use. R.R.I. differs from other programs with its ability to fuse its expertise in both ecological and physical sciences into harmonious engineering

Rushing Rivers asserts that protecting our world's water is an issue that everyone should be behind. Given the situation of rivers is a result of human actions, it falls on us to correct what has been done. Practices such as overfishing, dams and the overuse are of human error and require human solutions.

R.R.I. offers a variety of services to the surrounding community. Our team of river scientists are experts in Instream flow studies, fish and invertebrate habitat assessment, watershed and local scale river restoration planning, ecological feasibility studies of dam removal, nature-like fishway design and analyzing the impact of climate change on rivers and streams

Rushing Rivers scientists have also designed the MesoHABSIM model. This adaptation of the PHABSIM model allows for quick assessment of entire fish communities along extensive stretches along the rivers. Using this information, restoration models are constructed for future planning.

Rushing Rivers is also offering courses on the training and applications of this exciting new technology. Professors and students alike will benefit from our introductory sessions as well as the week long intermediate courses that we provide.

Community involvement is crucial to not only the world and its water, but to Rushing Rivers' plan of action. R.R.I. strongly advocates for education and community awareness that starts at the small scale and gradually makes its way worldwide.

This reasoning has lead Rushing Rivers to organize community events and recreational activities focused on inspiring love and appreciation for our waters. Most recently, a canoe trip along the For River was put together by R.R.I. to allow our inquirers a hands-on experience to these pristine bodies of water.

The height of our agenda to convey to the community is the increasing threat of climate change. Consequently, Rivers Climate Action has been initiated to fight both the causes and affects, with a particular emphasis on rivers throughout the world. Through our expertise of rivers and river science, we intend to do our part in preventing the incline of this problem.

If you wish to assist us in our campaign, please visit Rushing Rivers or River Climate Action to read further of our work. Don't forget to inform your family, friends and co-workers. We are a small group and always appreciate word-of-mouth publicity.

About the Author:

Work At Home Earning Multiple Streams Of Internet Income

By Judy Turner

If you are like a lot of moms you would love to find a way to make a little extra income and stay home with your children. You don't necessarily have to replace your full time income since after all you would save a lot of money by working at home. No daycare expenses, travel, lunches, wardrobe, etc and a lot more time to fix meals at home instead of expensive takeout. So how do you do it? How can you find a simple way to work at least part time for now? One way is to concentrate on multiple streams of internet income. Wouldn't this be better than falling for some get rich quick scheme that promises several thousand in income per month?

Finding several ways to bring in $5.00 per day might sound a bit daunting but there are some great tools online to help you get started. You just need to start with one way to consistently earn $5.00 per day and duplicate your efforts again an again. Over time, if you found ten different ways to bring in $5.00 per day then you are now making $50 per day which would be a very respectable $1500 per month working at home. This is the power of multiple streams of internet income. No more losing money on get rich quick programs that end up being a scam.

Whether you want to earn money through network marketing, niche blogging, online auctions, or even offline it doesn't matter. There are so several ways to make multiple streams of internet income each bringing in about $5.00 dollars a day (some more some less). In fact, a visit to any WAHM message board will easily inspire you.

Personally I have been in direct sales for years but just didn't enjoy it anymore. I prefer being home and working online part time at my own pace. One of my favorite activities is niche blogging. That alone is great for multiple streams of internet income because you can have several niche blogs on autopilot.

Good copywriters are always in high demand, in fact many bloggers and website owners depend on copywriters for fresh content. If this is something that interests you then there is your first idea for earning a decent income online.

By doing your research and assessing your skills and learning new ones, you can earn money with multiple streams of internet income.

About the Author:

The Basics of Going Green

By Ana Lorenzo

Making the change to Go Green is not very simple to many consumers. Going Green is being advertised and talked about all the time, but some people just don't care to change.

Living Green is not a modern thing. It is simply living simple. The meaning of a greener world is simply letting go of some of the modern conveniences and remembering how things used to be.

My family and I have been eco-friendly all our lives. Funny enough though, we didn't do it for the environment, we did it for our pockets. We couldn't afford to be wasteful and abuse on our resources.

Going Green takes no effort after all. All we need to do is mimic the ways of our parents or grandparents. If we think about how things were done 20 years ago, you'll realize "going green" efforts is nothing new. Going back to basic practices can make such a difference in our environment and in our pockets.

After so many years, I can clearly recall my dad yelling accross the house "turn off the lights!"," shut the doors!", "why is the TV on?" He was the electricity police. It was so annoying. He was so cheap. We will make fun of him by telling him he only breathed because air was free. Who would've known, now he is the cool man. Mr. Eco-Friendly.

Mother, was probably even greener. She will line dry, instead of electric drying. Hand washing dishes instead of using the dishwasher, and even using the pressure cooker instead of the oven. That was just some of the wasy she saved on electric. Now, were she really outdid herself was her commitment to save on paper towels. That was never purchased in my house. My mother used rags all the time. She must've had 20 rags around the house. A couple of rags to clean the bathroom, some for the kitchen, some for the furniture, you name it.

I am very proud to have grown up in a humble household. I learned that we shouldn't take advantage of our resourses and that there really isn't a need for some of the modern advances. There are always alternatives and less expensive solutions. More importantly, for me, there are "greener" solutions. We are in a world of "disposable" things. Disposable diapers, bibs, plates, water bottles, utensils, etc... We need to really think about the small things we can eliminate in our lives that may really not take much effort just a little bit of thought.

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Poor Education and Poor Fans

By Joseph N. Abraham, M.D.

All across the US, in all colleges, many college sports fans make great efforts to host opposing teams and their supports to join them, to provide them with the best in hospitality. At the same time, the home team college expends much money marketing games, to encourage other teams and their supports to visit, which increases attendance, which boosts revenues for the teams, and also generates support for all of the college's programs.

In tandem, the city, county and state governments sink a lot of money, attention, and effort to improve local colleges, at least partially so that tourists- which in this case means the opponents- will visit and put money into local coffers and the tax base.

Finally, former students and others at each instituion donate from their pockets, to promote their college as a font of school and community pride, for everyone involved, for the prestige of serving as leaders in various academic, intellectual, and civic fields.

And after all that, when opposing schools visit, there will always be some students and fans who insult these people. Curse them. Make obscene gestures at them.

And perhaps most vulgar, they "Boo". After all of that effort, attempting to show off the institution and the town, attempting to prove what higher education is all about, and working to prove what a civilized and warm college and community they are, when the opponents walk through the tailgating, and worse-- when the opposing teams take the field-- the crowd boos them.

These are what college education is all about? These are your students, your alumni? These are the smartest and best of your community? These is your source of leadership? This is the quality of your college degree?

This will not do. "Big time" has nothing to do with "lowlife".

But happens everywhere, all across the country. It's not a secret, everyone recognizes it. But they do nothing anything about it.

This simply cannot be tolerated. It is time for the student governments, the college administrations, the alumni associations, and the athletics departments to do what a University is supposed to do:

Produce alumni and students who know better.

About the Author:

Be Better, Be Cleverer

By Simon M Skinner

Did you know that green living can actually help you live longer? It might sound strange, but it's really true - many of the same things that help the earth will help you, too. If you drive less, eat fresh organically grown foods and do many other ecologically friendly things, you'll live a lot longer.

When you eat the naturally grown food you are giving your body fresh food, you are also keeping pesticides and chemical fertilizers from contaminating the earth. Antibiotics and growth hormones will be eliminated from the environment by eating meat from animals grown without using them. You are also keeping a lot of dangerous things out of your body. Processed foods are stripped of nutrition and are likely to clog your arteries causing heart problem.

There are many things you can do to cut down on driving. Try to do everything in one trip if possible. You will save money, cut down on traffic, and reduce emissions into the environment. Driving is stressful and stress is not good for you so less driving means less stress. Ride with someone or use public transportation if you can. You can ride a bike or walk in some cases and it will also give you some healthy exercise.

When you do things around the house, there are a lot of green products you can use that cost very little. If you replace your standard incandescent light bulbs with energy-saver bulbs, you can save a considerable amount on your energy bill, and the costs of the bulbs are very similar to the incandescent bulbs. These compact fluorescents last much longer than a traditional bulb as well as using less energy.

Making your home more green will also make it more comfortable. Big windows will let in more light, so you can leave your electric lights off longer, fluorescent bulbs and energy efficient appliances will save energy and money too. Turn off the air when you are away, fix those hot water leaks, hang clothes on the line when weather permits. These seem like little things but they will make a big difference in your energy bill.

Recycling cans, bottles and packaging will also help you reduce your trash bills and your carbon footprint. Consider using cloth bags instead of paper or plastic - you'll save resources and avoid that ever growing pile of bags in the kitchen. Some stores will give you a small discount for using your own bag. These things all reduce pollution, allowing us to live in a cleaner world.

As you can see, it is easy to begin going green. It is not only good for the environment, it is better for you and it will save you money. Living green will soon become a habit, and before you know it, you'll be looking for more ways to be even greener. So don't be afraid to take that first step. It's easier than you think.

About the Author:

Job Hunting Using Six Sigma

By Craig Calvin

If you're considering a career change or just want to sharpen your skills in the competitive job market, Six Sigma may be the solution for putting you ahead of the pack.

Six Sigma training has become an invaluable tool for companies across the globe. In businesses everywhere, inefficiency has grown to substandard levels and companies are fighting to stay in business. The most valuable product companies have is their employees, and the value of training shouldn't be overlooked. The Six Sigma concrete method for achieving and measuring quality control and productivity provides a priceless solution that no company should be without in today's marketplace.

Studies have shown that people who undergo Six Sigma training earn higher job offers and more of them, with an annual salary increase of $15,000 or more. Some employers are willing to accept Six Sigma black belt certification instead of a college degree. People who already have a college degree can make themselves a power player in almost any market by adding Six Sigma to the top of their resume.

If you already have a job, Six Sigma training can help you keep it, even in these cut throat times for business. Imagine the job security you would enjoy after implementing a system that increased productivity, increased quality, and reduced waste. Imagine if this program paid for itself in a short amount of time and even increased employee morale. From this perspective, it's easy to see why Six Sigma will help you keep your job and even help you find another is the need arises.

With Six Sigma training available for relatively low prices, there is no reason to go without this necessary career tool. You can choose to take Six Sigma green belt training or more intensive Six Sigma black belt training. Lean Six Sigma training is another competitive tool that will make your resume all the more attractive to your current and future employers. All of these can take up to several weeks of training, but it is useful, high quality training that can change your life.

One of the beauties of Six Sigma training programs is the option of online training. Many people don't have several weeks to dedicate to a training program. Online training allows them the luxury of learning at their leisure, right at home. They can move as quickly or slowly as they wish without taking time away from work and family. Six Sigma online training is perfect for those who want to be competitive, yet don't have lots of free time.

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The Different Types Of Medical Billing

By Lewis Arbour

Medical billing and coding will help to further your career in the medical field. It doesn't have to be challenging to find the best school to get your credentials, no matter how consuming it may seem at foremost.

When picking a medical billing and coding school, you should not make your choice by choosing the school with the cheapest monetary cost. I understand that you may not have a ton of money to expend on a school. Most schools charge a huge amount for their services. You're making a mistake if you go to a medical billing and coding school just because it's less pricey. This is not the time or the place to scrimp out on, because this is an investment in your career.

You need to determine how much time you are going to have to devote to acquiring your academic degree. If you're working then it might be advised to think about searching for online medical billing and coding schools. Online schools provide much better flexibility so you can obtain credentials without interrupting your present lifestyle. You will have the ability to take the courses you need while you can be comfortable in your own home. Keep in mind that you will have the power to carry on at work at making cash while taking the required actions to heighten your life.

It's important that you look at online medical billing and coding schools that are reputable. A few of the online schools are technical schools and you may be able to help you with financial help.

Two of the foremost online medical billing and coding schools are Drexel and Allied Medical Schools which are both excellent. Currently, Allied Medical School is awarding a free laptop computer to new applicants. Each of the schools will be offering some kind of financial assistance to you, maybe even zero down financing.

Acquiring your medical billing and coding academic degree has never been easier, and there is now no reason at all why you wouldn't be able to finish the courses of study and begin a new and rewarding career in the medical field. Enquire into several schools on the Internet and off the Internet and work out which medical billing and coding school is right for your way of life.

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Easy Ideas To Make Your House Greener

By Isla Hitchcock

Current gas prices and new reports of global warming have put increased focus on helping the environment. The problem seems so vast and so complex that you may be thinking, what can one person do? Surprisingly, there's a lot you can do.

The home is one of the simplest and most convenient things you can begin with. Making your house environmentally friendly is a project that will provide you a sense of satisfaction as well as a increased market value should you decide to sell. Just use some extra time that you have on the weekends to get dirty and work on the house. You can even rope in the rest of the family.

One of the most useful ways to make your home environmentally friendly is the use of a solar panel on your roof or nearby. Solar panels collect the power from the sun and convert it into usable electricity. Now sometimes you can use that electricity directly or you can sell it back to your electric company to reduce your utility bill. If you can't afford new ones, consider purchasing used solar panels. As long as it gets the job done, it doesn't matter how old it is.

Collect rainwater. Placing rain barrels under your downspouts can collect hundreds of gallons of water, which can be used to water your plants or wash your car. Most rain barrels sold in stores have a spigot that makes it easy to get the water out.

Make your house more air-tight. You want to make sure that cold air stays in the house during summer and outside during the winter. Make sure your insulation is thick enough and installed in walls and the attic. Fill all cracks and gaps around doors and windows with caulk and weatherstripping.

Use compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. The old incandescent bulbs use a lot more energy and emit a great deal of heat. CFLs, although more costly, save energy and last longer, allowing you to get a return on your investment. At the very least, replace your old bulbs in rooms that you tend to have the lights on more frequently.

And you don't even have to spend any money to save energy and natural resources. Remember to turn off lights when leaving a room and conserve water by taking shorter showers or turning it off while brushing your teeth. Small changes in habit can add up.

Some of these things may not seem like a big deal, but each bit helps, and over several months or years, they will make a difference. Check online or go to your library to learn more. Very soon, you'll be able to feel better about doing your bit in protecting the environment.

About the Author:

Get Solar Power Information And Start Reducing Your Energy Cost

By Jonathan Eyslier

Getting solar power information is the first step towards living a greener life. There are many ways that solar power can be applied to your life but first let's find out what exactly solar power is and how you can use it to improve your life.

Solar power is the method of collecting the suns energy. Unlike the nonrenewable natural energy resources, solar power will not run out nor will it hurt the environment.

Solar power has the ability to give your house electricity. Between the air you breath being cleaner and your electricity bills being dramatically reduced converting your house to solar power is worth giving a thought. To get electricity from solar power you have to hook solar panels up to your house.

In order for solar panels to work they have to have solar cells in it. Solar cells are the part of the solar panel that stores the energy that your house uses.

The solar cells are put inside of the glass panes for two reasons. The first reason is to weatherproof the solar cells. It would do you no good to have solar panels if when the first time it rained they shorted out.

The second reason is that when the solar cells are inside of glass the sun gets magnified and has the ability to produce more energy.

Solar power can also be used to heat your water. The process of using solar energy to heat your water is called thermal solar power. The sun has naturally provided us with heat since the beginning of time.

Using solar power for electricity in your house and heating your water are two of the main ways for using solar power. Implementing these two into your life will greatly reduce the cost of your electric bill. In fact, if your house produces more energy then you use then you get to be paid by the electric company.

There are other small ways to use solar power in your life. One of the things many people use is the solar lights that they put along their sidewalks. There are also fans that use solar energy and kits that convert bikes and go carts to be powered by the sun. There are even solar phone chargers and Christmas lights.

The ability to use solar power on the small things can really add up too.

About the Author:

Book Reviews Christian - Swindoll - Renner - McDowell

By Michael Bradley

"Paul" by Charles Swindoll

Written by Mr. Charles Swindoll, this book revolves around the life of Paul, believed to be one of the greatest apostles of the New Testament. This book provides you the basic facts of Paul's journey as well as adventures with the Lord. Like all other bestsellers, there is certainly much to learn from this personal story as well as his interactions with the Lord. Ordinary people can certainly find a lot of learnings that can be incorporated in our own personal journey with the Lord.

"David: A Man of Passion and Destiny" by Charles Swindoll

King David ended up becoming the greatest of all of the kings of Israel. God gave this man two of the highest compliments when He said that David was
a man after His own heart and that David was a man who would do all of the will of God for his life. Mr. Swindoll once again goes into very good
basic detail on the main parts of this man's life in the Lord and why he ended up becoming one of the greatest saints in the OT.

"Handbook of Todays' Religions" by Josh McDowell

This particular book presents a great reference book for individuals searching for some basic information in the majority of false religions all over the world as well as the many identified areas of occult and the New Age Movement. This book also goes into some of the fundamentals of secular areas such as atheism, secular humanism and Marxism. This is a solid book that would provide a wealth of knowledge the important areas of religion that are readily available at your fingertips.

"Sparkling Gems From the Greek" by Rick Renner

This book is best described as an excellent daily devotional material written by Rick Renner, one of the best teachers in the Body of Christ. This book tackles specific teachings for every single day of the week featuring some highly unique and powerful teachings. He attempts to translate words from the original Greek text that the New Testament was written in.

So as to help readers understand the specific words being used in each of the Scripture verses, 1,000 in-depth Greek word studies aside from the 365 daily devotions are provided in the book. The author discusses different topics in this anointed book that you can't go wrong with this compilation of solid biblical teachings. It is in the Bible that we grow in knowledge and grace of the Lord. The reader will definitely experience spiritual growth if one meditates on the preacher's teachings and writings.

About the Author:

Exist Better, Exist Cleverer

By Simon M Skinner

Unless you live off the grid in a remote area (and if so, you're probably not reading this anyway), you no doubt hear a lot about the need to reduce our carbon footprint and to live a greener life. It's important and almost everyone will acknowledge this, but it can feel like you're being lectured at times.

By eating healthy, organic foods you are not only helping your body by giving it fresh food, you are saving the earth from being contaminated by pesticides. Organic meats help by keeping the environment free of antibiotics and growth hormones. Plus you're avoiding all those nasty things from going inside of you! By eating fresh, organic foods, you are avoiding all the processed foods that do a better job of clogging your arteries than they do of providing nutrition.

Try to drive less. By combining your errands, you not only save fuel and reduce the traffic on the roads; you are giving yourself less stress from dealing with traffic jams and other drivers. Carpool or use public transit when you can. If you choose to ride a bike or walk for some of your errands, you also get needed exercise. This will help keep your heart healthy and keep you limber and toned.

Composting your food scraps can save you money in garbage waste and provide you with great soil next season for your own garden. It also keeps a lot of good stuff out of the landfills. Just keep adding your fruit and vegetable wastes, egg shells, coffee grounds, and grains to the compost pile. You can add your raked leaves and lawn clippings as well. Don't add meat or bones? they will attract insects like flies and will take longer to compost. Water the compost down once in awhile to get the enzymes activated. Come spring, you'll have some nice compost soil to add to your own vegetable garden for more healthy eating.

You can also get rid of your existing yard lights and replace them with solar powered lights. These do just as good of a job of illuminating your outdoor spaces, but use no electrical power. You can find solar powered yard lights in a variety of pleasing designs and you can install theme yourself without the assistance of an electrician. Solar powered holiday lights are also available, letting you save money on your electric bill while dressing up your home for the holidays.

Small things like recycling cans, bottles and plastic packaging helps lower your garbage bills and helps reduce your carbon footprint. Use cloth bags when you shop instead of taking their paper or plastic bags. Some stores even knock off a few cents when you use your own bags. All of this will help reduce pollution, which is healthier for you because you'll be breathing cleaner air.

Once you get started, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to live greener. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel? both physically and mentally. Plus, you'll feel better knowing you're doing your part to have a healthier planet to live on. So go ahead? live greener and live longer. You'll be happy you gave it a try.

About the Author:

Be Better, Be Greener

By Simon M Skinner

One of the benefits of living green is it can extend your lifespan. This may be surprising, but it is very true. There are many things that not only help the earth, but they help you, too! Eating fresh organic foods, cutting down on driving, and many other things will help you live greener, longer!

By eating healthy, organic foods you are not only helping your body by giving it fresh food, you are saving the earth from being contaminated by pesticides. Organic meats help by keeping the environment free of antibiotics and growth hormones. Plus you're avoiding all those nasty things from going inside of you! By eating fresh, organic foods, you are avoiding all the processed foods that do a better job of clogging your arteries than they do of providing nutrition.

Try to drive less. By combining your errands, you not only save fuel and reduce the traffic on the roads; you are giving yourself less stress from dealing with traffic jams and other drivers. Carpool or use public transit when you can. If you choose to ride a bike or walk for some of your errands, you also get needed exercise. This will help keep your heart healthy and keep you limber and toned.

Composting your food scraps can save you money in garbage waste and provide you with great soil next season for your own garden. It also keeps a lot of good stuff out of the landfills. Just keep adding your fruit and vegetable wastes, egg shells, coffee grounds, and grains to the compost pile. You can add your raked leaves and lawn clippings as well. Don't add meat or bones... they will attract insects like flies and will take longer to compost. Water the compost down once in awhile to get the enzymes activated. Come spring, you'll have some nice compost soil to add to your own vegetable garden for more healthy eating.

Other things you can do will just make your home more comfortable. Larger windows can help let in more natural light so you don't need to turn your lights on early. Using compact fluorescent bulbs can save you money and will save energy. Use energy-efficient appliances and don't leave your air conditioner on when you're not at home. You'll be amazed at how much this impacts your energy usage.

Batteries are another way that you can save money and go green at the same time. Modern rechargeable batteries are long lasting, easy to charge and save you a lot of money. When they do finally run out of charges for good, they are recyclable at your local hardware store, just like broken fluorescent bulbs.

Once you get started, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to live greener. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel? both physically and mentally. Plus, you'll feel better knowing you're doing your part to have a healthier planet to live on. So go ahead? live greener and live longer. You'll be happy you gave it a try.

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How To Earn Bachelor Degree Online

By Don Pedro

With the advancement of science and technology, its now possible to learn about any topic from a distance with the help of Internet. Nowadays many institutes offer educational degrees and certificates for their students, who complete their course online, online degrees are attainable on different regimes like economics, finance, Engineering as so on. In fact, online degree courses have made it possible to study any subject of your choice even if you aren't the country.

Online degree can save you a lot of hours because you don't need to follow the fixed schedule of an institute, but you can take your own course when its convenient for you and you can even take many courses at a time. You are studying of your own. So you don't need to go on the same pace with other that offline students are bound to do because of their fixed calendar.

The conventional method of studying in compounds is not applicable for online courses. There is no classroom, there's no need to the students to stay in the class and follow the dictations. There's no teacher. Only thing an online degree student needs to do is to download the stuffs from the server and do his study of his own.

But the demand for offline studies has no reason to be underestimated. Though students nowadays would like to take online courses more, but they always prefer those institutes with both online and offline courses available. And the institutes that offer offline degrees and have been carrying a healthy record from the past are more reputable. However, there are some universities that require their students to stay ion the university compound for a minimum time period before certifying them.

Online degree course runs via Internet and electronic medias. There is no need for the physical appearance of a teacher. However, to facilitate learning students use recorded videos from their instructors. And books are always there. So for any clarification on a topic a student can go through the books at home.

Previously students used to have dvds or cds with recorded instructions when internet wasn't available. But today distance learning process has been facilitated much by the introduction the World Wide Web.

But what someone should look for before taking a course is, the acceptability of the course as well as the acceptability of the institute. Also they need to make sure that the education board of that particular country recognizes online degree programs.

However, when deciding about online degree courses there are some facts that you should first inquire about. The prospect of the subject you are willing to take on and the acceptability of the degree as well as the acceptability of the institute in your region. If you can manage these well, online degree might be the best way to learn in the present time.

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Human Anatomy Course Reviews - What You Must Know

By John Rivers

Being a first year university student my hopes are centering around a career in medicine. Although I haven't determined as to exactly what area yet, I knew that I had to make some decisions in the very near future. One of my gravest concerns was not being able to keep up with the fast pace that medicine seems to dictate.

I am one of those students that really has to work for their marks. To help me with my decision making, I started to research the various medical fields that may be available to me. During that time ,I came across a very interesting advertisement for a home study anatomy training course. After reading just a bit about this course it really got me thinking as to where it could be applicable for me.

What I Liked About It:
After looking over the basics of the advertisement, I could see that maybe if I were to start this home study course now, that it would prepare me for the medical field that I decide to go in. Not only would it give me good knowledge to enter into my studies with, but perhaps it would supplement my studies during my entire training.

A more thorough study of the material confirmed this. I knew just by what I was seeing that I would be able to grasp the contents of the material, and learn it at my own pace. Based on what is in the contents of the advertisement and the examples that were shown I knew that no medical background was even necessary to start this course.

What I Didn't Like About It
During the first review of the advertisement I got the impression that although it was a home study course it was geared towards at the minimum 2nd year medical or nursing students. At this point I was going to stop reading it for a second time, but I wasn't fully convinced that what I was thinking was right. I did take a second look at it that's when I realized I was mistaken and it was on this second review that I based my opinions of what I liked about it.

First I reminded myself not to make judgments in haste as I had almost done. I could have missed out on this excellent at home study course. In fact it could have meant that I would not have followed my choice to go into the medical field. It is as the result of having this concise home study anatomy training course that has given me the confidence to work towards my goals.

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Global Warming: Agricultures Role and Health Concerns

By Gugu Martini

Because of global warming, temperatures obviously increase. This has some temporary benefits. For awhile, it will simply mean more time for crops to mature because of a longer growing season. This is especially true of regions where the spring and fall were once quite cool.

Higher temperatures can bring problems in other areas. In regions that are already warm, global warming will cause the plants to languish in the heat. Soil evaporation rates will be very high, leaving very dry earth. Add to that, droughts that will make both the soil and the air dry and might even lead to burning of some crops.

There have always been many obstacles to farming. Global warming just makes them more intense. Now, it is even more likely that a farmer will face droughts, floods, heat waves, and hurricanes, to name a few. They will be harder to overcome than ever before and they will certainly be less rare.


As global warming affects the environment, it should not be surprising that it affects the health of the people living in that environment. Changes in the climate are changes in the habitats not only for animals, but for people as well. Climate changes are already impacting people's health.

There have also been heat waves in North America. One in 2006 claimed 226 lives. Another probable result of global warming is increased pollen in the air. This happens because higher levels of carbon dioxide encourage the growth of more pollen-producing weeds. Because more pollen means worse air quality, those with allergies and asthma suffer.

Curtailing global warming would lessen the incidence of flooding and prevent this many times. Since global warming can have an affect on the food supply, it is obvious that people can suffer from malnutrition because of this. This is especially true in agrarian societies in underdeveloped countries.

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Express Yourself Through Blogging

By Mary J Russell

The freedom of speech and expression has a new facet now - blogs. No matter what you have on your mind, you can talk about it and have discussions, through your blog. Whether you want to talk about current affairs, have debates or discussions, talk about your favourite books or movies - no matter what you want to talk about, a blog is a great way to talk about it.

People may see you as opinionated or biased, but that's partly the fun of having a blog to get things off your chest. An annoyance you had to face the day before or how you simply dislike having to wait in a queue, that blog is your place to say it. You'll be surprised how many people tend to agree with what you have to say.

There are many bloggers who take the time to express their opinions to the world. Sometimes, these blogs are hilarious and focus on the humour in everyday life. Other times, you'll come across blogs which are bordering on the offensive, simply because the truth hurts.

There are neutral blogs which provide information about daily incidents and occurrences and visitors can easily take part in the discussions, contribute their opinions and help keep the blog interesting and enjoyable.

It takes effort to keep a blog interesting and if you are concentrating on providing hard news, it's harder to keep up with the news and present them accordingly. Blogs are more interesting if you update them regularly and because of this reason, having a blog to speak your mind is more appealing to the global audience.

In the world outside of the internet, most social conversations rally around who did what, went where and how it effected someone else etc. That same discussions make interesting topics on the web too. So, a blog to show everyone your displeasure at world politics or the noise from your neigbour's backyard can be your ranting and raving outlet for peace of mind.

To do all this, you don't need to have your own blog. You can simply sign up with an already established blog and become a guest blogger. Also, you can simply join in by sharing your viewpoints about anything that's discussed in the blog. Expressing yourself through a blog and letting the world know how you feel can be liberating and enjoyable.

Personal interest blogs are gradually becoming more popular among the web-savvy community and so, make the best of it through becoming a participant yourself.

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The New Conservation

By Herbert Reich

"A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children." - Audubon

We can define conservation as managing natural resources in a planned manner. We can't say that conservation is only about economics, there is a lot more to it than that. It also includes passing the beautiful nature to the coming generation and also about preserving the lives of creatures that would become extinct if care is not taken to protect them.

It is very important to maintain a perfect balance among all living creatures for everyone's survival. Any specie can undergo problems and even reach the stages of getting extinct if there is poor land management or wildlife management. Everyone with little knowledge of ecology is aware that a domino effect is caused if such a situation arises. The food chains get disturbed, even the water resources get pollutes and the nutrients of soil get destroyed. The forests also start vanishing. The Americans realized the importance of conservation with the help of two books published in the year 1864. These books were really eye openers for many. They were the 'Walden' by Henry David Thoreau, dealing with the values of nature in nourishing a man's spirits. And 'Man And Nature' by George Perkins Marsh was geared towards letting people realize how they are harming their beautiful nature.

Almost 40 years later, Teddy Roosevelt's passion about conservation advanced the cause even further. It was during his term that the U.S. National Park System was enlarged and the U.S. Forest Service established. Another influential figure in conservation at that time was John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club. He accompanied Roosevelt on a trip to Yosemite in 1903 - a trip that helped convince Roosevelt of the need to protect lands like this through federal control and management.

Conservation is not only a concern in this country. Protected areas in other parts of the world - where over three-fourths of the world's species live - have very little protection from development, along with poor management. The key to survival in these areas, according to leading conservationist Dr. Kenton Miller, is bringing in more park rangers. "The future of our ecosystem services and our heritage depends upon park rangers," says Miller. "They work on the front line with scientists, visitors, and members of local communities."

In an effort to resolve the shortage of park rangers worldwide, Adopt A Ranger helps finance the salaries of park rangers for management of national parks, nature reserves and protected areas. This organization believes the shortage of rangers is the single limiting factor in effectively protecting nature in 75% of the world. This organization and others like it are gaining public awareness and support in many countries.

The involvement of renowned people of America like John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt and the efforts of organizations like National Audubon Society and Sierra Club in protecting and preserving nature has made it possible for such awareness to reach the general public too. More and more people are now choosing the career involving conservation of our earth's resources and species. Besides becoming a park ranger, this career has many other fields to offer to students like horticulture aide, wildlife handler, forestry technician, marine life aquarium worker, conservation educator, zoological society specialist and museum specialist.

Ashworth College is one of the best colleges providing training in this field. The course comprises of 15 wide-ranging lessons on various topics like Wildlife Extinction, Water Pollution, The Nature Of Soils, and Feeding A Hungry Planet. After joining this course you get many other important objects besides the study material. You will get an illustrated course book along with a compass, a time management guide, tutorial assistance and a Swiss-design Army knife. You can also take online help whenever you desire. Take this course and see your future getting brighter. You will also feel wonderful in playing a role in conserving your beautiful planet.

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Common Sense Safety for College Girls

By Jennifer Bales

Everywhere you turn around women are still warned about "Stranger Danger" and for generations, parents have been telling their children not to talk to strangers. It's a valuable piece of advice, although it doesn't paint a complete picture. It may surprise you to find that 80% of sexual assault victims know their attackers.

Year after year, thousands of young women head off to university and college in all parts of the country. They are often unprepared for the dangers that they may lurk there - and it isn't strangers. Being raped or assaulted by someone you know presents a whole new set of problems. For some reason, because it's all happening within a closed group of friends and peers assaulted women are often not taken seriously and even get blamed by their own friends. No one wants to upset the apple cart.

Date and party rape are infrequently reported. Actually, that's a big understatement- about 90% of the time nothing is said about date rape. It's just brushed off as drunken antics at a party or a misunderstanding. This situation occurs thousands of times every year, on every campus across the country.

Heading off to school is supposed to be an exciting and challenging time, but it's also very difficult. Many kids have a hard time adjusting to life away from home. Some withdraw to their rooms and their books and others go a little haywire. It doesn't make them bad- just vulnerable.

These are the six things you need to make sure that your kids understand

The only sure way to prevent a miscarriage of justice is to prevent the crime. When alcohol and young people mix, situations can easily get out of hand. Your judgement goes downhill and so does your perception and then before you see anything coming- you have a mess on your hands.

If a date is making you feel uncomfortable, let them know immediately. Do not let the situation escalate. When your safety is on the line, there is no need to worry about being embarrassed or sparing another persons feelings. Make your feelings clear, and then immediately leave.

It is very easy to be charmed by a perfect guy, especially if you haven't done a lot of dating. But if you start to feel swamped and overwhelmed watch out for the danger signs of a potentially abusive relationship.

It's bound to happen that you'll be out with a one of the girls and she'll have too much to drink. You may not bail out on her when she is vulnerable. Be a true friend. No matter how hard it is for you, leave with her and take her to a safe place.

Never go to parties or drinking alone. Always go with a friend you can trust not to leave you alone if you get too intoxicated.

A college campus is filled with all sorts of people. Your trust is something that must be earned, not given away. Seemingly nice people are capable of doing terrible things. College is supposed to be some of the best years of your life, don't let a bad decision leave a mark on it that could scar you for life.

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Educational Gift Ideas For Kids

By Judy Turner

With the holiday season right around the corner, there may be many different types of games and toys on your child's list. Now is also a great time to introduce the children in your life to a nice educational gift or two such as educational toys, books and games, especially if they have shown interest in one particular area. From chemistry sets to children's books, an educational gift can make your holiday one that can spark a lifelong interest in learning.

One idea for children who show an interest in science is the microscope. Since this educational gift will be used for several years, you might want to splurge on a good, high quality microscope that will last for years. You can often find a good microscope online for less than you might pay in your local retail shops, as well.

Another good science based educational gift is the chemistry set. Most chemistry sets are relatively inexpensive, and you should be able to find one at your local retailer as well as online.

Children's books are also a wonderful way to add learning to the holidays. You can find children's books inexpensively online and you can even plan to open the seasonal books on Christmas Eve so that you can celebrate the night before with a story. The great thing about buying children's books for your holidays is that the stories that you read will become a family tradition that can last a lifetime.

If you are choosing a book for a young reader but you aren't really sure of their reading level, just choose a book that is meant for their age range. Even if they are unable to read the book now they will be able to eventually. In the meantime they will enjoy having it read to them.

Board games also make a great educational gift for young learners, especially those who are just learning the concept of sportsmanship. Kids can learn by playing almost any board game, but those that are age appropriate are the best choices for elementary aged kids. Kids that are younger than five should be given board games that teach basic skills, such as taking turns and counting. Board games are also a good choice when you simply want to spend more time as a family. You can make one or two night a week game night, and play the board games that you have received as gifts throughout the holiday season.

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More Tips On Searching For College Scholarships

By James Redder

With the increased costs that follow a college education over the past few decades, more and more pupils accept the fact that rising debts and student loans will be tied up to them since most of the parents can no longer afford or has difficulty meeting their additional expenses. If you are to graduate with an outstanding loan amounting to 50 to 100 thousand dollars, would you still continue? It virtually defeats the intention|reason] for Obtaining that degree in the first place. It is naturally seen everyday of our lives that tuition fees hike is almost unstoppable and the ones that can be essential for most students are the fiscal aid packages or college grants.

Fortunately, college grants and scholarships can now be availed by virtually anyone from lots of aid opportunities that is increasing in resources that were just once thought of to be committed to poor or brighter students only. Fortunately, that is not actually true these days, since that type of grant is already available for virtually everyone who would want or need it. For college training, the free monetary aid essentially belong to two categories: merit founded scholarships or grants which are doled out founded on the individual need of the student, but then there are other awards too which attract several terms for Obtaining them. The most common standards that can make a student entitled for the current fiscal aid grant are: belonging to a minority status, gender, the student's possible career plans and the field of study that the student wants to pursue. almost everyone can use one of these categories to focus their search for aid.

One of the foremost resources for college grants is the federal government so be sure to submit The free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. This will tell you if you are entitled for a Pell grant, and colleges will use this data to determine if you qualify for a school-sponsored grant. There are several independent-funded grant sanctioning bodies who also consider the FAFSA application deliberating your grant-worthiness.

The right time to start looking for a scholarship, is when your are still in junior high school and while it may appear too soon, some award bodies demand the application registered the previous year of your joining the first semester in college. The collection of names and contact details of the awards that you keep your eyes on may take a lot of your time, hence you must be able to adapt your agenda with regards to the time that you need to fulfill the long application forms, essays you need to compose and the schedules of the interviews that you need to prioritize. When you are hinting at scholarships there are three focal points for your hunt the first of which is your local community. Local community involves your high school councilor's office, the town library, church services, fraternity bodies and any business house which is located in your vicinity.

Your next agenda is to tap the offices handling student assistance in the colleges which you have looked at as potential places of study as they have most data on school-based awards which do not appear anywhere in general listings. Lastly, make use of the Internet's efficiency: While a standard online search can give you some laborsaving results, going through convincing and selective sites can lead you to a bunch of remarkable scholarships and grants resource. You can have a specified search from these resources which stores about 800,000 awards that you can pick out from depending on your profile which can be entirely compatible with any scholarship of your choice.

Of course, this feature can only get you moving in the correct direction. Getting a college grant prepared is a complex process which can leave you swamped. It is important to remember that almost half of all pupils avail of some kind of financial assistance so you ought to get it as well. With proper knowledge regarding your search, added with your commitment and planned research, success towards Obtaining what you want won't be that far off.

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Continuing Care Program: Am I Choosing the Right Career?

By Amy Nutt

Medical professionals have many options as they enter the job market. One of these is to enter a continuing care program. Continuing care programs vary tremendously from company to company, but they all have one thing in common. All continuing care careers give medical professionals the chance to provide long-term care to individuals, either in their homes or in specialized treatment facilities.

Types of Career Opportunities in Continuing Care Programs

Continuing care professionals fill a much-needed gap in the community. Certain demographics of people need continuing care and support even when their traditional medical needs have been met. For instance, an elderly individual who has had serious surgery may need some additional support during recovery outside of what the hospital can provide. Continuing care programs allow nurses and caregivers to provide that help as long as it is needed.

If you choose a career in continuing care, you could be providing your services in a hospital, nursing home, or other long-term medical facility. Nurses and therapists are often needed to fulfill these needs. Nurses who wish they could spend more time with their patients, interacting with them on a day-to-day basis, and getting to know them as individuals rather than cases on a piece of paper often find this line of work rewarding.

Hospice care is another field of continuing care. Hospice nurses help those who are in their last days live them out as comfortably as possible while being surrounded by their friends and family members in a warm, supportive environment. Working as a hospice nurse is not the career for everyone. It takes a special individual to care for the dying, but hospice nurses provide a much-needed service to the family members of someone who is suffering from a terminal condition.

Nursing home care is another possibility for those seeking continuing care careers. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities need nurses, therapists, and aids who can ensure that their residents have their medical and comfort needs met at all times. Most of these facilities need staff on hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which means there is a high demand for professionals in this line of work. Similarly, assisted living facilities for those with developmental disabilities are in need of continuing care professionals.

Benefits and Downsides to Working in a Continuing Care Program

Choosing a career in continuing care provides many benefits. First, you will be making a difference in the community among those who desperately need your services. Because you are interacting with your patients on a regular basis for a long period of time, you are able to get to know them on a more personal level than is possible in other nursing careers.

Another benefit of choosing a career in continuing care is the fact that there is a huge demand for these types of services. New medical technology is making it possible for people to undergo surgical procedures that were formerly impossible, and many of these individuals need continuing therapy after they are out of the hospital. Similarly, people are living longer and longer today, and the elderly frequently need continuing care, whether they are living at home or in an assisted living facility.

Of course, working with the elderly or those who are suffering from terminal illnesses can be emotionally draining. This is definitely something to keep in mind if you are considering a career in continuing care. If, however, you see yourself meeting a need in your community, working in an industry where you can really get to know your patients, and enjoying a job that has job security, then taking a continuing care program at the Halifax college may be the right career path for you to consider.

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College Speed Reading

By Jay Polmar, Ph.D.

Speed reading is designed especially for college students who read large volumes of printed material. Sometimes they get frustrated when they can't keep up with all the reading workload they must accomplish. Instructors and professors who are authors produce an endless stream of printed material, that even the most avid of students struggle to keep up.

With the Complete Speed Reading method, you'll easily be able to speed read twice to three times the amount you now in less time. And you will gain enhanced memory, recall, concentration, and comprehension.

The human brain/mind is capable of comprehending and cataloging from 10,000 to 50,000 units of information every minute (one unit being equal to one word) and this is based upon old statistics.

Based on new technology in education and strides in self-development, your brain/mind is capable of speedreading much more. Speed reading is a great educational tool.

Whether you study in live speed reading classes, or use online speedreading courses, or use speedreading software, we are confident that your abilties to read better, read faster, and understand what you read will be improved.

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What Is a Hydrogen Fuel Cell

By Jerremy Grey

Water fuel, hydrogen gas fuel, whatever you may wish to call it - it all relates to one thing. Some years ago, people may have been unwilling to try the hydrogen technology, but today it has become a popular concept, especially in affluent countries like America, Europe and Canada. To be able to use hydrogen gas power, you have to convert your vehicle immediately. You are surely aware that seventy five percent of the earth is water, and with this as the basis, scientists have demonstrated that water can actually be a generator of fuel energy. Unfortunately, water alone can't be used to power a vehicle and what you need is a conversion instrument and an HHO generator - but still, water is an integral part in hydrogen technology.

Nikola Tesla is the name of the scientist who is accredited with the most extensive studies done, on finding whether water can indeed be a generator of an clean fuel. Although he had made a lot of breakthroughs, not all his research were not revealed to the public. Tesla's work was more futuristic in flavor and content, which are tough for you and me to comprehend. hydrogen technology is not new and it has been in existence for numerous years now but just lately, hydrogen powered cars have gained much popularity. This is bad news for the oil making corporations, as this is a blow to their revenue, if an increased number of hydrogen-powered vehicles are made available.

There is also another development as hydrogen-powered vehicles are drawing increasing world attention to matters like air pollution and global warming. At present, 1,000's of modified cars are now using 'water' to fuel their vehicles, but of course, you need to convert first your car before you can make use of water to power your car. What would you say if you heard that this could increase mileage by seventy five to one hundred percent? Still, the facts prove it: in fact, if you try to check online customer recommendations and product reviews, you will read positive testimonies about hydrogen fuel.

Perhaps you've also seen TV interviews about satisfied car owners who are already using hydrogen gas technology. If as a car owner, the rising cost of fuel is giving you nightmares, change your car immediately. You don't have to take the car to a mechanic because you can either do the conversion on your own or purchase a ready-made HHO generator and conversion instrument. Though the latter may seem a bit costly, with an 0 as its price tag, but be assured that once you have modified your car with the help of hydrogen gas power cell technology, you are sure of many years of pleasant driving without any hole in your pocket for oil prices. Over and above saving fabulous amounts on oil, the car also operates at maximum efficiency. Gear shifting gets smoother and there is significant noise reduction.

So, do you want to be a happy and contented driver too? Well if you do - use hydrogen fuel and covert your vehicle now! Anyway, if ever you're not satisfied with the performance of the hydrogen gas technology, you can readily take it off it from your car and return to using gasoline to power your vehicle. Because the percentage of people who are satisfied with hydrogen gas power is very high, chances are that you could be content too. This has been so far the best source of alternate fuel for driving cars so become one of the many who have chosen to continue such cost-efficient ways of driving and remember, you are doing something for the environment also.

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College Financial Aid

By Jimmy Johnson

If you're on your way to college, one of your biggest concerns is probably "how am I going to pay for all of this?" Debt is a huge problem for college students these days, especially those who are attending private institutions, where person debt can easily reach over $100,000. College financial aid is a tricky business, since over the course of the usual four years of someone's college career a lot of money is going out but very little is coming back in. College financial aid offices can sometimes help students along, but if you're already in college when you start thinking about how you're going to pay for it you're already behind.

Realistically as part of your investment plan you must ask yourself how many scholarships can you gain? Scholarships are the best kind of money in that they are FREE! No repayments means you would be crazy not to put lots of effort into gaining all the scholarships you can. Colleges tend to provide money on two bases. Firstly money according to your needs which is directly related to your parents income and how many of your brothers and sisters will need investment money too. Your investment plan needs to answer two questions here. Will your parents contribute financially (all colleges assume they will)? Will you repay them or is it free money?

The second grant type is that which is awarded on what you may have achieved previously in your education and is given for academic, sporting or other excellence. It is more likely that you will be able to try for this type of scholarships if you plan to go to a private school as these types of establishments are more likely to have wealthy connections, old scholars and similar who set up these grants and which bear their name. The sums involved can be significant and may help you considerably with your yearly fees

Also, don't be afraid to look for college financial aid in the form of scholarships in odd places either. Look around your hometown for different community organizations who offer scholarships like the Knights of Columbus or the Humane Society. Though these sorts of community organizations may not be able to contribute thousands upon thousands of dollars in scholarships, every little bit helps, especially when it doesn't have to be repaid.

Any savings you have should be used only when all other monies have been put into your education. Why? Well because they continue to earn interest of course. But surely the time will come when you need to take a loan. First port of call has to be the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). There you will find out which loans you qualify for and you can then work out a repayment plan. A good tip when doing investment planning is to estimate your future income, then reduce it by 20%. Then estimate your expenditure and increase it by 20%. This will ensure that your expectations are never high to cause anxiety when not met.

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Ten Loan Consolidation Questions All Students Must Pose!

By David T. Lightcomb

Unfortunately, no college is in a position to offer help when you are faced with the challenge of choosing a suitable loan consolidation company. This is something you'll have to deal with yourself, but by asking a few questions, you'll have laid a solid foundation on which to build your success.

The good news however, is that you can simply by asking some questions. Here are 10 questions every student should ask:

1 - What are the reasons for you wanting to consolidate your loans? Of course, the primary reason is so that you are able to reduce your monthly repayments. Additionally, it carries with it, the convenience of only have one loan to be responsible for.

2 - When is the best time to consolidate your loans? When you either need lower monthly payments or are stressed by the multiple monthly payments of your current loans.

3 - Do I qualify for a student consolidation loan? Generally speaking, it is during your period of grace after graduation that one would normally apply.

4 - Is there any incentive for me to go ahead with an application? There most certainly is. In most cases, companies have various schemes in place in order to attract clients as well as offering their clients special bonuses in return for their loyalty.

5 - Does the company have a proven track record in the field of student loan consolidation? It simply cannot be stressed enough just how important it is that you choose a reputable company with a solid track record.

6 - What are the chances of my loan being serviced? Here again, you really do have to inquire about this when making an application because some lenders are in essence, only brokers. If this is the case, they'll simply sell your loan to another lender and in reality, the new lender could be far less than reputable.

7 What loan do I get? Remember, if you're consolidating federal student loans, you will loose any federal government benefits you enjoy, if you choose to consolidate with a loan other than a federal student consolidation loan.

8 - What are the terms and conditions? The golden rule here is to not sign anything until you are absolutely sure you understand the terms and conditions of the loan. After all, you are borrowing a vast sum of money which will be leaving you in debt for many more years.

9 - What features does the lender offer? Some lenders offer features to make loan repayment easier and more convenient, like online applications and account access.

10 - What if I can't make payments? Most importantly, determine this when making your application as one never knows what the future holds in store. However, most companies will have some form of service available to deal with such tragedies such as loan repayment insurance, etc.

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Should You Consider Becoming a Radiology Tech?

By Alexa Shepherd

Today, there are a growing number of individuals who are taking into serious consideration, a career as a radiology technician. This is mainly because many individuals find that a career as a radiology tech is a job that is extremely worthwhile. As a result, you should feel comforted if you are thinking of a career as a radiology technician.

If you are seriously considering a career as a radiology technician, it is vital that you do as much research as you can on the medical industry, before determining if you will indeed be interested in becoming a radiology technician. There are a wide variety of roles that a radiology technician can play, and each of these roles has its own requirements that you need to meet. Another important thing to consider is the amount you will get paid, as a radiology technician.

All radiology techs need some sort of formal education, in order to be properly trained and equipped to do the job of a radiology tech. However, there are many different courses available today, and as a result, before you decide on the specific course of study to undertake, you will need to consider and decide on the specific area of radiology which you might be interested in. These job scopes often vary from being a radiology technician, radiology technologists to just being a radiologist in a medical institution.

In order to become a radiologist, it will be necessary for you to spend a significant number of years as a radiology technician. The only other alternative you have, is to spend a large number of years studying, in order to immediately become a radiologist. This seldom proves to be the option of choice, as most people prefer to opt for a one-year certification program, which immediately gives you the avenue to become a radiology technician. If you want to spend more time preparing for your career in radiology, you can also choose to complete a bachelor's degree in radiology, which is a common choice as well.

Upon attaining a certain level of certification or academic qualification, you should feel assured that you will be able to get a job as a radiology technician in a medical institution. Apart from that, you might even be offered jobs in research facilities that use specialized radiology equipment.

Once you have gained some experience as a radiology tech, and move on to become a radiologist, you will not only be expected to operate the equipment, but also participate in the final diagnosis and reading of the radiology scans.

Regarding pay scales of radiology technicians, you should expect to get about $30,000 a year when you begin your career, and within a few years of working in the field, get about $100,000 a year.

Just like any other job, it will take determination and hard work to do well in the radiology industry. But, before you decide to get into this field of work, you should remember to speak with experience individuals who will be able to give you advise on your career of choice.

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