Why Need Health Insurance Policies For College Students

By Dan Miller

Getting ready for college is an exciting time for both the student and the parent. It's important to keep in mind the health of the student when preparing for college. When considering college student health insurance, what does your coverage provide?

Many insurance plans that a parent has don't include coverage for students who are over the age of 19. Sending a student off to college without coverage for emergency injuries and illness is not a smart idea. College student health insurance plans protect students in emergencies and offer valuable coverage for necessary care.

Students need health insurance just as much their parents do. Being out on their own for the first time, students can be more prone to illness or injury. With a college health plan for their student, parents can feel confident that their child's healthcare costs will be covered while they are away at school.

For those parents who may not have coverage due to unemployment or highly restrictive plans, health insurance for college students is often an affordable and recommended option. Providing emergency coverage, including costs for hospital stays and services, these plans are a great way to provide valuable coverage.

College student health insurance is especially valuable for student athletes who may not be protected during practices and games. Without emergency care coverage, the bills associated with hospital stays and x-rays can be huge, leaving the student and the parents in a large amount of debt.

Without having to worry about medical bills and what kind of medical care they may receive, your student can be free to focus on their studies and the new experiences that college brings. Students and parents can rest easy knowing that their health insurance will take care of everything.

Before sending your new student off to college, find the college health insurance plan that best suits your needs. Look at several plans online to learn more about what type of coverage is offered and how much they cost.

Every college-bound student should include signing up for college student health insurance on their to-do list. With affordable emergency coverage for illness and injury, students can save thousands of dollars in medical bills down the road.

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