College Financial Aid

By Jimmy Johnson

If you're on your way to college, one of your biggest concerns is probably "how am I going to pay for all of this?" Debt is a huge problem for college students these days, especially those who are attending private institutions, where person debt can easily reach over $100,000. College financial aid is a tricky business, since over the course of the usual four years of someone's college career a lot of money is going out but very little is coming back in. College financial aid offices can sometimes help students along, but if you're already in college when you start thinking about how you're going to pay for it you're already behind.

Realistically as part of your investment plan you must ask yourself how many scholarships can you gain? Scholarships are the best kind of money in that they are FREE! No repayments means you would be crazy not to put lots of effort into gaining all the scholarships you can. Colleges tend to provide money on two bases. Firstly money according to your needs which is directly related to your parents income and how many of your brothers and sisters will need investment money too. Your investment plan needs to answer two questions here. Will your parents contribute financially (all colleges assume they will)? Will you repay them or is it free money?

The second grant type is that which is awarded on what you may have achieved previously in your education and is given for academic, sporting or other excellence. It is more likely that you will be able to try for this type of scholarships if you plan to go to a private school as these types of establishments are more likely to have wealthy connections, old scholars and similar who set up these grants and which bear their name. The sums involved can be significant and may help you considerably with your yearly fees

Also, don't be afraid to look for college financial aid in the form of scholarships in odd places either. Look around your hometown for different community organizations who offer scholarships like the Knights of Columbus or the Humane Society. Though these sorts of community organizations may not be able to contribute thousands upon thousands of dollars in scholarships, every little bit helps, especially when it doesn't have to be repaid.

Any savings you have should be used only when all other monies have been put into your education. Why? Well because they continue to earn interest of course. But surely the time will come when you need to take a loan. First port of call has to be the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). There you will find out which loans you qualify for and you can then work out a repayment plan. A good tip when doing investment planning is to estimate your future income, then reduce it by 20%. Then estimate your expenditure and increase it by 20%. This will ensure that your expectations are never high to cause anxiety when not met.

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Ten Loan Consolidation Questions All Students Must Pose!

By David T. Lightcomb

Unfortunately, no college is in a position to offer help when you are faced with the challenge of choosing a suitable loan consolidation company. This is something you'll have to deal with yourself, but by asking a few questions, you'll have laid a solid foundation on which to build your success.

The good news however, is that you can simply by asking some questions. Here are 10 questions every student should ask:

1 - What are the reasons for you wanting to consolidate your loans? Of course, the primary reason is so that you are able to reduce your monthly repayments. Additionally, it carries with it, the convenience of only have one loan to be responsible for.

2 - When is the best time to consolidate your loans? When you either need lower monthly payments or are stressed by the multiple monthly payments of your current loans.

3 - Do I qualify for a student consolidation loan? Generally speaking, it is during your period of grace after graduation that one would normally apply.

4 - Is there any incentive for me to go ahead with an application? There most certainly is. In most cases, companies have various schemes in place in order to attract clients as well as offering their clients special bonuses in return for their loyalty.

5 - Does the company have a proven track record in the field of student loan consolidation? It simply cannot be stressed enough just how important it is that you choose a reputable company with a solid track record.

6 - What are the chances of my loan being serviced? Here again, you really do have to inquire about this when making an application because some lenders are in essence, only brokers. If this is the case, they'll simply sell your loan to another lender and in reality, the new lender could be far less than reputable.

7 What loan do I get? Remember, if you're consolidating federal student loans, you will loose any federal government benefits you enjoy, if you choose to consolidate with a loan other than a federal student consolidation loan.

8 - What are the terms and conditions? The golden rule here is to not sign anything until you are absolutely sure you understand the terms and conditions of the loan. After all, you are borrowing a vast sum of money which will be leaving you in debt for many more years.

9 - What features does the lender offer? Some lenders offer features to make loan repayment easier and more convenient, like online applications and account access.

10 - What if I can't make payments? Most importantly, determine this when making your application as one never knows what the future holds in store. However, most companies will have some form of service available to deal with such tragedies such as loan repayment insurance, etc.

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Should You Consider Becoming a Radiology Tech?

By Alexa Shepherd

Today, there are a growing number of individuals who are taking into serious consideration, a career as a radiology technician. This is mainly because many individuals find that a career as a radiology tech is a job that is extremely worthwhile. As a result, you should feel comforted if you are thinking of a career as a radiology technician.

If you are seriously considering a career as a radiology technician, it is vital that you do as much research as you can on the medical industry, before determining if you will indeed be interested in becoming a radiology technician. There are a wide variety of roles that a radiology technician can play, and each of these roles has its own requirements that you need to meet. Another important thing to consider is the amount you will get paid, as a radiology technician.

All radiology techs need some sort of formal education, in order to be properly trained and equipped to do the job of a radiology tech. However, there are many different courses available today, and as a result, before you decide on the specific course of study to undertake, you will need to consider and decide on the specific area of radiology which you might be interested in. These job scopes often vary from being a radiology technician, radiology technologists to just being a radiologist in a medical institution.

In order to become a radiologist, it will be necessary for you to spend a significant number of years as a radiology technician. The only other alternative you have, is to spend a large number of years studying, in order to immediately become a radiologist. This seldom proves to be the option of choice, as most people prefer to opt for a one-year certification program, which immediately gives you the avenue to become a radiology technician. If you want to spend more time preparing for your career in radiology, you can also choose to complete a bachelor's degree in radiology, which is a common choice as well.

Upon attaining a certain level of certification or academic qualification, you should feel assured that you will be able to get a job as a radiology technician in a medical institution. Apart from that, you might even be offered jobs in research facilities that use specialized radiology equipment.

Once you have gained some experience as a radiology tech, and move on to become a radiologist, you will not only be expected to operate the equipment, but also participate in the final diagnosis and reading of the radiology scans.

Regarding pay scales of radiology technicians, you should expect to get about $30,000 a year when you begin your career, and within a few years of working in the field, get about $100,000 a year.

Just like any other job, it will take determination and hard work to do well in the radiology industry. But, before you decide to get into this field of work, you should remember to speak with experience individuals who will be able to give you advise on your career of choice.

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Christian Homeschooling: How To Survive

By Brian Lehr

Every Christian homeschool encounters times when things get a little difficult. To help you get through those moments, here are some thoughts that will help you put everything into perspective.

Stop and consider the many reasons you began your Christian homeschool. Along with the educational reasons, most families also start to homeschool their children in order to have more quality family time together.

When difficulties arise in your Christian homeschool, and sooner or later they will, call the family together for a special family meeting. Discuss the issues, pray about them together, and then make some decisions as to how the problems will be corrected.

Everyone loves family traditions. Think back on when you were growing up. What traditions did your family have? Which ones can you begin in your own family? Which new ones can your family think of that you would like to start? Perhaps one of your traditions will be to begin each school day with prayer.

Celebrate unusual holidays and incorporate the history into your homeschool. For example: February 7th is Laura Ingalls Wilder's birthday; March 15th is National Buzzard Day; and April 23rd is the birthday and day of death for William Shakespeare. Weaving events and celebrations into your study will bring interest and creativity.

Always ask your children what they want to study. So often the conflict in homeschooling is created by children being coerced into assignments they have no interest in doing. Trust yourself to help them find the way and trust your children to learn through their own passions.

If your children are having a difficult time with some of your curriculum, perhaps it's better to switch to something different than to keep forcing the current material on them. Remember, if you keep doing what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten. Sometimes that's a good thing; sometimes it's not.

So you're going through a homeschool crisis? What else is new? You didn't really think having a homeschool was going to be a bed of roses simply because it's a 'Christian' homeschool, did you? Your homeschool will never be perfect; accept it and move on.

Determine your child's learning style so that you are sure you are teaching the weakest subjects using their strongest style of learning.

One of the great things about having a homeschool is the freedom to teach our children in ways that are different than the traditional school. Use your imagination and be creative with coming up with lessons and activities.

Everyone has days when they just want to quit. Maybe you've come to the place where you just want to walk away from it all. When those moments come, think back on the reasons you chose to homeschool in the first place. Also, make sure you're part of a local homeschool support group. They will be invaluable to you during the tough times. All homeschooling parents have been there at one time or another.

Have you ever had one of those days when you begin to wonder if homeschooling is for you? You're not alone. Some days can be more stressful than others. One coping mechanism is to simply go out and get some fresh air. Let the kids go play for awhile, while you spend some quite time in prayer. This will help you clear your thoughts, and help you focus more on what needs to be done when you return to your "classroom".

One of the biggest dangers of homeschooling your children is that you are so focused on them and their schooling needs, that you take very little, if any, time for yourself. As a result, you're becoming a great candidate for burnout, whereby you will be doing no one any good. Take care of yourself, so you are in a better position to take care of your family.

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Be Better, Be Cleverer

By Simon M Skinner

Unless you live off the grid in a remote area (and if so, you're probably not reading this anyway), you no doubt hear a lot about the need to reduce our carbon footprint and to live a greener life. It's important and almost everyone will acknowledge this, but it can feel like you're being lectured at times.

Happily, there are some simple steps you can take towards living a greener life. In most cities, there is curbside recycling; so all you need to do is to separate your recyclables and place them out on the curb along with your trash for pickup - the pickup service takes care of the rest, all you have to do is separate your recyclables and take them to the curb.

Try to drive less. By combining your errands, you not only save fuel and reduce the traffic on the roads; you are giving yourself less stress from dealing with traffic jams and other drivers. Carpool or use public transit when you can. If you choose to ride a bike or walk for some of your errands, you also get needed exercise. This will help keep your heart healthy and keep you limber and toned.

When you do things around the house, there are a lot of green products you can use that cost very little. If you replace your standard incandescent light bulbs with energy-saver bulbs, you can save a considerable amount on your energy bill, and the costs of the bulbs are very similar to the incandescent bulbs. These compact fluorescents last much longer than a traditional bulb as well as using less energy.

Other things you can do will just make your home more comfortable. Larger windows can help let in more natural light so you don't need to turn your lights on early. Using compact fluorescent bulbs can save you money and will save energy. Use energy-efficient appliances and don't leave your air conditioner on when you're not at home. You'll be amazed at how much this impacts your energy usage.

Small things like recycling cans, bottles and plastic packaging helps lower your garbage bills and helps reduce your carbon footprint. Use cloth bags when you shop instead of taking their paper or plastic bags. Some stores even knock off a few cents when you use your own bags. All of this will help reduce pollution, which is healthier for you because you'll be breathing cleaner air.

As you can see, it is easy to begin going green. It is not only good for the environment, it is better for you and it will save you money. Living green will soon become a habit, and before you know it, you'll be looking for more ways to be even greener. So don't be afraid to take that first step. It's easier than you think.

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Information on Music College Scholarships for Minorities

By Jerremy Grey

If your family is financially-strapped that even your basic needs are not fully met, it will be a hard time for you to convince your parents to allow you to study in college. Getting a college degree will just remain to be one of your wildest dreams forever-not unless you do something to realize such dream.

Your college scholarship will help you finance your college studies and obtain the degree that you want. There are different types of college scholarships that are intended for a specific college degree, whether you decide to pursue commerce or an engineering career someday. Furthermore, these college scholarships have sufficient funding-either from the federal and state government, colleges and universities, or private institutions-to assure that every scholar will finish their respective degrees without any delay with regards to the financial aspect.

At this point, you are probably worrying about where to find these college scholarships that are available. You need not worry; for the Internet is now flooded with college scholarships search engines.

College Freshman Scholarship

So you are already a graduate of secondary education, of course the mark of happiness and fulfillment can still be traced on your face. However, you need to accept the fact that entering the portals of college is not as easy as you may think it is.

But the greatest stress is rooted from the expenses that you will need to be able to take the course that you want, and to be able to enter the institution with a good standard of teaching. You have to consider before anything else your parent's capacity to pay your education.

There is also a Presidential Scholarship, majority of its beneficiaries are incoming honors college students. Likewise, the valedictorians and salutatorians of accredited high school may able to receive this scholarship.

The sole requirement for this scholarship is a minimum 3.0 GPA a student must maintain. No more application is necessary.

The finalists of this scholarship will be given notice on or before the 31st of January to schedule an on-campus visit. The interviews must be accomplished by March 1.

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How to talk fluent English same as like native speaker

By James Smith

CDs are a great tool for listening and learning the English language. They are comparable to traditional language schools. The advantage with the CD is that it is portable and cheaper than school. You can learn as you go or never leave the comfort of your own home. You can work at your own pace and set your own study hours.

Another option available is the English textbook. Various printed materials are easily accessible and they all come with a CD or DVD. It is impossible to learn the nuances, pronunciation, and tones that are needed to speak English correctly without hearing them. Simply reading alone will not suffice.

Make sure that you do not skip lessons, because they are built contextually on one another. If you skip it for something easier later in the book, you may miss important concepts that will help you understand later chapters. The flexibility of learning English on your own allows you to never have to skip a lesson. If you were taking classes at a language school, one missed class could be a crucial mistake.

Once common problem, however, with learning on your own is inconsistency. If you are lazy about your studies, you will not learn English very quickly. It is important to maintain a schedule and stick to it. Set goals for you to achieve each day and then work hard to reach them. If you have a hard time sticking with your planned approach, then consider signing up for an online class. They will set the goals and assignments for you.

One of the best ways to learn English quickly is to study with an English-speaking family. You will hear it used in everyday life. You will hear key pronunciation, tones, and inflections of the voices in a normal environment. You will even notice their body language while they are speaking. You can then compare your own speech with theirs to see where you need to improve. Even if you are in another country where an English-speaking family is not easy to find, there are still other ways you can get in contact with one.

Whatever method you decide is right for you, each of them will require much self-discipline and a strong desire to stick with it. It's easy to get discouraged when you feel that you are not learning quite fast enough, but don't despair. If you are willing to work hard, the possibility to learn English is right at your fingertips.

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Taking A Break By Using Fake Doctor Excuses

By Chris Channing

Maybe you need a break from work or school and decide you want to intentionally be absent. This can be very difficult, especially if you have a history of absences. Even if you don't it's best to take precaution and use a fake doctor's excuse note. This will excuse you from your work or school without hurting your attendance too badly.

These doctor's notes are fake obviously, but they are very convincing. You can even order them to be printed online. This can get you out of work or school right away and can save your mind from overwork or stress. You can take the day, week, or however long you want off. Just make it reasonable!

These notes are obviously for getting you a few days off of your hectic life. Making sure to choose which notes best suit your situation or past may make it more convincing. This can surely make your days off comforting and relaxing as you will not have to worry as bad as having something in your note that is not fitting to you.

You can get the doctor's notes you need online quickly and easily. You can personalize your doctor notes to get the most out of your sickness. Bundling your order may get you the dream vacation sickness you always wanted. You should take advantage of using the notes right to minimize having to cover yourself.

Pricing for these services is usually around 15-25 dollars for bundled packs. This gives you a large variety of options to choose from and can give you a list of ways to fake your way out of that big test to get in some extra study or just to relax before a big assignment at work.

The best way to avoid getting caught using fake excuses like these would be to take advantage of these doctor notes over as long period of time. Taking too many absences too frequently may make it too suspicious, especially if the work place or school decides to check the practice office.

Closing Comments

Get some much needed rest and relaxation quickly and easily with the use of fake doctor's notes and excuses. This can really give you a break from work or school that you can appreciate on your own time.

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Why Not Build Residential Solar Panels?

By Eric Q. Duncan

Most people today are trying to save money any way they can think of. Energy is one of the things people are trying to limit their use of to lower their bills. What most do not realize is they can drastically cut the cost of the home energy they use and at the same time live greener by using home solar panels.

The traditional way to get an alternative energy source installed in your home is to contact a company that sells and installs these for you. The cost of doing this however ranges in the thousands of dollars. With a little help, anyone can build and install their own solar panels for a reasonable price.

Installing homemade solar panels can significantly lower your utility costs and at times may even pay you. If you hook your solar power system up to your electricity provider's grid, you can actually sell your extra power back to the energy company. This means that instead of receiving a bill at the end of the month it may be possible to actually receive a check. How nice would that be?

The solar panels depend on sunshine to produce power to your home. What will you do at night or on rainy days? Here are three options for you to think about.

The first solution is to hook your solar panels up to a battery bank. A battery bank will store the extra energy produced and then will access this stored energy when the panels are unable to make solar power. If you choose to hook up to a battery bank, you don't even need to be connected to the power grid.

This is what they call being off the grid. It means all of your power is created at your home and you are not dependent on the electric company to run your household appliances, equipment, or any other object that requires electricity. Your home is self-sufficient.

You can use wind power to take over the job when the sun is unavailable for a power source. A system powered by a windmill is easy to build at home in your spare time with a few simple tools and simple instructions. You will still have a problem for instance on a still dark night.

For this reason, it is still wise to hook up to the power grid or invest in a battery bank to ensure you never have to go without power. However, by using both types of green energy you provide more energy to your home and very rarely have to depend on your back up methods for power.

The last option is to leave your electric turned on and use your solar panels for energy. Your power will be on even without the sunshine. You will save a lot on your bill and also be able to get money for the excess power you produce.

The economy has not rebounded. The situation with the environment is not getting any better. You can do your part to help by creating your own source of green environmentally friendly power. Using solar panels for power in your home has proven to be effective. With a few simple tools and a good set of instructions, you can make your own solar panels and install them in your own home.

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How to Set Up a Successful Home Online Business

By Harold Vladimogul

Setting up a home online business is very easy - keeping it profitable is what takes time. Once you get the business set up, you will have to do certain things every day to keep that business in the forefront of the Internet community. While there is quite a bit of competition on the Internet, it can be done, especially if your chosen business is unique.

STEP 1: Set up a home office. Choose a quiet space in your home. There should be minimal distractions, so a perfect place is a den or a spare PC, a desk and computer peripherals, such as a printer and scanner.

STEP 2: Decide what type of business you want to set up. Once you decide where you strengths lay and choose a business, you are ready to play. Set up a webpage for your business. Use a site such as to register the site's name. Godaddy does offer hosting, but it is limited. For a nice web site, you may want to have something that offers php and sql - especially if you are doing retail. Sql is what runs most databases, and with a retail store, you will need a store front.

STEP 3: Once the site is up and running, submit it to the search engines, especially Google, Yahoo and MSN. Make sure that you use meta tags and proper keywords, so the search find your site. Most sitebuilders will give you a place to enter keywords, which are then converted to meta tags. Always title the pages in your site. Use keyword throughout the text on the site for your home online business.

STEP 4: Create internet accounts at networking services such as, and Use proper keywords for your business. You should network on these sites at least once a week - remember, you want to keep your home online business in the front of everyone's minds.

STEP 5: Create at least one blog about your home online business. Write a post to the blog at least every other day on the blog about one of the items you are selling. If you are marketing a consultation business, write tips and tricks on the subject you consult on. Use the tips and tricks as teasers with a link to your main website.

Remember to keep at it every day. Marketing and SEO (search engine optimization) is very important in the online business world. Without it, you may not be highly successful.

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Accurate Guidelines to Athletic and College Nursing Scholarships

By Maxwell Smithson

Athletic scholarships are specially designed for the students who excel in sports provided they will be able to acquire a good grade which is appropriate to the required scores of the organization who funded the scholarship. And of course, the talent that goes with the discipline a devoted sports person desires.

However, you have to note that you should educate yourself even though you maybe playing sports. And as you join a division, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons of attending either in smaller colleges or large institutions.

You must be aware that the sports played during college are not like playing in your school or in your local community. Before engaging here, you can consult first your trainer/coach if you're "good enough" to qualify for college sports already.

Most of all show your best advantages like showcasing both academic and athletic accomplishments. Then cite that you are looking for a scholarship. It will also be an advantage if you would initiate in submitting the applications to the college where the coach you wanted to contact works, this will emphasize your enthusiasm on the program.

With all the colleges and universities that offer athletic scholarships for great athletes, your college education will never be too straining to your parent's purse anymore. Instead, they will feel glorified of having a kid who can excel not just in sports alone, but also in academics.

College nursing scholarship

Observe the trends in the job market. The medical field hires a lot of competent people every year, and the demand for medical professionals is still increasing at present. Even those who already have a career are looking for ways to join this particular field.

Nursing is quite an expensive course, and if you don't have the money, you can't possibly graduate. What a sad ending for an aspiring student, but don't lose hope yet. There are still ways to pursue your college studies without anymore worrying for your expenses.

Education helps people learn about different things, but it doesn't end there, it is also a business in itself. If you don't have enough money, you can't get the best education possible. If you don't have money, that is not a problem. If you want to finish a course in nursing, you must be aware that it entails a lot of coursework. So if you are a working student, you will surely have difficulty in keeping up with your job and the coursework. What you need is a college scholarship to fully concentrate in your education.

If you are quite confident that you can maintain a scholarship, apply for one. It never hurts to try.

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The Great Mississippi Tour - visits to ghostly haunts

By Penelope SanMateo

Do you want to take a tour of Mississippi that includes the scary things to do there such as the "Candlelight Ghost Tour" during Halloween week in Vicksburg or the Ghosts and Legends tour in Columbus? If ghosts aren't your thing how about going to Noxubee and seeing the restored 1907 jail with it's operative gallows? If you want beauty rather than ghosts and scary things then maybe you should visit the Magnolia mansion which was built in 1850 with the antebellum architecture features showcasing the exquisite mahogany staircase and the stunning furnishings of the time. You can visit the mansion in Aberdeen.

You might want to stop in at the Tom Bevill Visitors Center and Museum in Pickensville. This museum show the story of life on the river in this replica of an 1830 - 1860 Greek revival antebellum plantation mansion built on the Tombrigbee River.

Stopping on Columbus on a Saturday night from March through September will allow you to visit the Columbus Speedway. This 3/10 mile, oval clay track with the high banks will give you lots of thrills as the cars race around. There is nothing quite like the noise, dirt and of course the greasy food at a track to make your vacation just a bit more special.

Black History Month in Columbus shows off the African-American Heritage with driving tours from the different locations in town. There is a celebration downtown on the weekend with Friday being a night of music, food and stories on Catfish Alley. The driving tours are held at 9, and 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. On Saturdays the tour is free.

Magnolia is a small community that you will want to make sure you visit while on your Mississippi tourism vacation. This small town is home to three of Mississippi's premier Queen Anne residences and an antebellum Greek Revival cottage as part of the Southtown Historic District. The Myrtle Street District is a typical neighborhood from the turn of the century and will transport you back in time by just looking at the simplicity of this area. Both of these districts are on the National Historic Register.

The City of Magnolia can be reached by Interstate 55, north or south, at exit 10, from the east on Highway 48 from Hattiesburg, Ms., and from the west on Highway 24 from Liberty, Ms.

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Eliminating Plastic and Paper Bags

By Ana Lorenzo

The production of plastic bags is out of control. Billions are produced each year in order to meet the demand. Recycling of such bags is minimal. Only 1% of plastic bags go to recycling. The remaining bags go straight to the landfills or get blown into our eco system harming our land and sea mammals.

The effects of this abuse have been catastrophic to our environment. To add to the devastation, over 12 million barrels of oil are required annually to produce plastic bags for the US alone.

It is simple to eliminate plastic bags. We can all join forces in this movement. It is not a modern trend it is a necessary step in conserving our planet. Global warming is occuring and we need to take responsiblity and do our part to save our world.

Many of the large retailer and grocery stores are selling alternative bags. Unfortunately, not many consumers are using them. Some consumers forget to bring them to the stores. Some just don't care. Others, just dont' like the retailer's bags as they have a huge store logo printed on them. The Bag Movement, LLC developed a bag that addresses all those excuses.

The Bag Movement has taken consumer's concerns and developed reusable bags that are sure to set a trend. They've designed bags that are lightweight, washable and compact. The design also promotes awareness for causes such as breast cancer, AIDS/HIV, Child Abuse and Neglect and Heart Disease. The company donates 15% of all net proceeds to organizations such as St. Jude Children's hospital, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, AIDS Research alliance, and Operation Homefront.

Even during these tough economic times. Our community must get together and do what's right. Simple steps that can make a difference. One small habit we can develop that can change the world and save lives.

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7 Things About Wind Power

By Eric Q. Duncan

It should come as no surprise to anyone that it is time to seek alternative fuel. Oil, which is derived from fossil fuels, is diminishing and the largest reserves are in the hands of foreign governments. The best replacement is something that is naturally occurring and wind fits that description. You may not know this but it is possible for you to build your own wind generator.

Savings of up to 80% are a real possibility with the use of wind power. Believe it or not, the use of wind power goes back centuries. As far back as the Vikings, wind was harnessed to move their ships from place to place with great efficiency and speed. Early civilizations also used wind-powered mills to grind grain or pump water.

The windmill is the first generation of the wind turbine that is used to produce energy for both large-scale applications and simpler home applications. Charles Brush created the first wind turbine in 1888. He used pieces of a picket fence to create a rotor. At this early stage tying the unit into a local power grid was not possible, however today it is.

You will need to conduct meteorological research and testing to find the perfect spot. Records are kept regarding wind speeds worldwide. Next, you will need to make sure you're close to the power grid, because you will need to tap into it. Call your local power company and they can tell you where it is. Larger wind turbines will need to be manufactured and can be bought in kits, smaller wind turbines (700-100 watts) lend the possibility of being able to be build on your own. The larger the rotor on the turbine, the more wind you will be able to harvest. One thing to be aware of with wind power is the higher the wind speed, the less generation of power you will attain. This is another reason to be aware of how much wind any given area may receive.

In order to find the perfect location you will need to do a little research. There are records kept recording winds speeds around the world and a quick search of the internet should render some good meteorological data and research. Your next move will be to contact your local electric company to determine how close you are to the grid. This is important because you will likely want to hook on to the grid.

Energy independence is easier to grasp that you may think. Wind power is easy to harness and make plans for you to even be able to power your own home and make so much electricity that you could sell it back to the power company to profit on your own. Our health and our environment would greatly benefit from this green renewable energy source with less contaminates produced and less harm against the Ozone.

Once you have completed these basic steps and you are ready to produce your own green energy, you will find that you can have a sense of freedom and great accomplishment. Seeing the movement of rotors as you feel the breeze upon your cheek is symbolic of the small carbon footprint that you will be generating.

We have been lulled into thinking that energy independence is too complicated. The truth is harnessing this natural energy source is not that difficult, you can power your home with green electricity and may even produce enough to sell back to your power company. When is the last time they sent you a check? If all this is not enough of a reason to take another look at wind power then consider the health and environmental problems we will be solving.

Once all the steps are complete and you are self sufficient, producing your very own clean electricity, you will feel a great sense of accomplishment. Watching your wind turbine turn as it heats and cools your home will make you instantly feel good about what you are doing for yourself and the planet. Every turn of the blades decreases your carbon footprint on the earth.

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Indigo Publishing Stuns With Art Books

By Chuck R Stewart

Based in Macon, Georgia, Indigo Publishing produces a wide variety of photography and art books, as well as other types of workThis wonderfully talented team of writers, photographers and graphic artists produces some of the most striking stories of the most picturesque places in the US, along with vibrant stories about interesting people, such as the Atlanta Braves or the University of Alabama's Crimson Tide.

Walter Victor's book, Brave at Heart: The life and lens of Walter Victor is a beautiful example of one of Indigo Publishing's photography books.Walter Victor was the official photographer of the Atlanta Braves, and this book is a 40 year history of the Atlanta Braves as a photo journal.The Atlanta Braves photo journal is Walter Victor's view of the team, through his camera lens, and this heartwarming tale is sure to make anyone smile.Thoroughout Atlanta Braves history no other photographer has been honored with a camera well of his own, except Walter Victor; they even put his name on it.He has been honored by many as a living legend in sports photography.This photo journal chronicles Victor's time with the Atlanta Braves, which has been as long as they have been in Atlanta, after the move from Milwaukee. It is not to be missed by baseball fans.

Another example of the stunning art work books offered by Indigo publishing is titled Bama Football Fan: A new beginning.The book features the artwork of Richard Russell, who is the official artist of the University of Alabama's Crimson Tide.Russell has done countless works for Bama football in addition to doing work for Auburn University as well.There is an intense rivalry between these two great Bama football teams, and Russell's art captures it all from the viewpoint of the fan.Told in his own words, his book, Bama Football Fan is a collection of the artists favorite paintings and stories. Russell doesn't paint Auburn and Bama football scenes, but is a gifted cityscape artist as well. This is truly a great gift for any Bama Football Fan.

Another of the books offered by Indigo is called Crowning Glory: American Wives of Princes and Dukes.This is a great fairytale-come-true tale of the more than 100 American women who went on to marry royalty.Who could forget the story of King Edward, who abdicated the throne of England to marry Wallis Simpson, a divorced American woman.Until there deaths, they lived a life far removed from luxury.Another example is the well known story of Academy Award winning actress and fashion icon, Grace Kelly and her marriage to Prince Ranier III of Monaco.Today her son Prince Albert II is the reigning monarch in Monaco.Her daughter Princess Stephanie, who is one of the most beautiful women in the world, was the subject of many tabloid stories in the 80's and 90's.

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Arizona Vacations - see the stunning Grand Canyon

By Penelope SanMateo

There are Arizona vacations and then there are Arizona vacations! You will want to see the stunning Grand Canyon which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and one of the greatest assets of the Natural World. This canyon is huge; the floor runs 277 miles with stunning views from any area of the Canyon you visit.

You may begin your trip in Flagstaff where the beauty of the mountains surrounds you. There is shopping, dining or live music to enjoy in downtown Flagstaff's downtown area. Maybe you will be there for the Oldest Hopi Art Show in the World which will showcase the art, music and culture of the Hopi Indians. Or maybe you will want to visit the Meteor Crater Center which displays the never-ending process of impacts and collisions in our solar system by the Meteors. Take time to visit the Painted Forest where nature has created the beauty of petrified wood in stunning colors, a true work of Mother Nature's handiwork.

The begin your day headed for the Grand Canyon where you will drive north of Flagstaff on Hwy 89 toward Hwy 64. The reason for going this route is that it takes you to the less crowded East entrance of the park. You won't have to fight so many people to find parking and begin your adventure at the Canyon. When you arrive at the Canyon take the leisurely drive on Desert View Drive. This is the longest stretch of road open to the public along the South Rim of the Canyon. In the evening you will want to catch the sunset as it sets on the Grand Canyon with all the vibrant colors and majesty.

If you spend the night near the Canyon take off for the John Wesley Powell Memorial Museum in the morning. You will learn about this explorer's Colorado River Voyages. At the museum you will be able to see the oversized replica of the long boat they used on the river. In the museum you will see some sketches, photos and other memorabilia of Powell's adventures on the river from 1869 0 1871. Amid the displays are also Native American and pioneer artifacts.

After your visit to the museum you may be in the mood for a boat trip on the great Lake Powell. You can find everything you need at Page which over looks the dramatic vistas of Lake Powell and Glen Canyon Dam. It is also adjacent to the fabulous Navajo Nation which will take another day to truly see and enjoy.

While you are in the area you will be able to visit Rainbow Bridge National Monument. This is the largest sacred natural bridge in the world. You can walk on it from the docking area of your tour boat. It spans 275 ft across the river and stands 290 ft tall.

The Canyhon de Chelly National Monument offers you rugged cliffs to see and stunning views. There are jeep tours that you can take and explore the Anasazi ruins. The Anaszi Indians are the ancestors of the modern Pueblo Indians. They were in the area as early at AD 1 and AD 1300! There are artifacts of their baskets, pottery, cloth ornaments and tools remaining for you to see.

Take a jeep tour of Canyon de Chelly National Monument. Here you will be surrounded by sheer cliffs and hundreds of Anasazi ruins. There are also modern Navajo homes and farms in the area. The Anasazi Indians are the ancestors of the modern Pueblo Indians who settled and farmed in the Four Corners region between about AD 1 and AD 1300. They made fine baskets, pottery, cloth ornaments and tools. They left behind a wide array of artifacts for you to study while you are in the canyon. This will be a fabulous stop on your trip.

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Why Not Live A Healthier Existence?

By Simon M Skinner

Living green is getting a lot of press lately, but did you know that it can help extend your lifespan? Some people are surprised by this fact, but it's still very true. There are lots of things that help the earth, and help improve our quality of life at the same time. From eating organically to cutting down on fuel usage, lots of things can help you live a greener and longer life. Here are a few.

Healthy organic food from sources you trust helps prevent contamination of the environment by chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It also helps your body, offering it the high quality nutrients it deserves. Organically produced meats and other animal products are great for us, keeping antibiotics and growth hormones out of our systems, and out of the would around us. Eating well, from organic sources, also helps us avoid processed foods that have little nutrition, but are great at clogging our arteries and making us sick.

Try to drive less. By combining your errands, you not only save fuel and reduce the traffic on the roads; you are giving yourself less stress from dealing with traffic jams and other drivers. Carpool or use public transit when you can. If you choose to ride a bike or walk for some of your errands, you also get needed exercise. This will help keep your heart healthy and keep you limber and toned.

Composting is a wonderful way to save money, keep organic material out of the landfill, and provide rich soil for your own landscaping and gardening efforts. Add vegetable and fruit waste, coffee grounds, egg shells, grains, and yard waste to the pile. Take care with animal products, however - they can take a long time to compost and attract pests. Keep a compost pile moist so it stays active, and you'll soon have great soil and less trash.

You can do other things to make your home more comfortable and be kinder to the environment, too. For example, larger windows that are well insulated will let in more natural light, allowing you to leave your lights off more often. Compact fluorescent bulbs save energy, and in the long run, money. Leave your air conditioner off when you're away and try changing to energy efficient appliances for a much lower power bill and less waste.

Small things like recycling cans, bottles and plastic packaging helps lower your garbage bills and helps reduce your carbon footprint. Use cloth bags when you shop instead of taking their paper or plastic bags. Some stores even knock off a few cents when you use your own bags. All of this will help reduce pollution, which is healthier for you because you'll be breathing cleaner air.

Once you start, you'll be surprised at how easy a greener life really is. You'll feel a lot better and you'll be able to know you're doing your part when it comes to keeping the planet healthy. Living greener helps you live happier and longer - give it a try today.

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Headed to college? Don't leave home without...

By Ellen Baskin

In addition to the obvious; items like clothes, hygiene products, and grooming essentials, there are a number of things to put on your list of
must-bring-to-college items. Here are some of them.

A security box, small safe or trunk. Most college dorms provide pretty good security, but extra levels of security and/or privacy are never a bad idea. A trunk can secure a lot of items and double as a table.

Every student needs a reliable alarm clock. No explanation needed, right?

Overhead lighting doesn't cut it for studying. It strains your eyes, and you probably can't use it when your roommate is sleeping. Get a good study lamp.

Do not forget laundry essentials. Minimally, you will require a laundry bag and a hamper or basket. And, you'll save money if you buy soap, fabric softener, etc. in a supermarket or dollar store instead of a laundromat.

You will certainly need clothes hangers. Guys are advised to buy only wrinkle free clothing. Gals may need an iron or a steamer to get their dressier clothes in shape.

Bring a sewing kit. Why put a piece of clothing out of service when you can fix it so quickly and easily? Guys, you might even be able to meet women by looking helpless as you try to sew.

Be sure to have a flashlight and first aid kit handy. If you only use them once they'll have been worth shopping for and bringing along.

Everybody remembers towels, but lots of folks forget robes. A robe will give you warmth and "coverage".

Everybody needs to store things. Plastic storage boxes make almost everything easy to organize and to find. And, they're cheap and nearly impossible to break.

If you are allowed to cook, you will want easy clean cookware and utensils. A popcorn popper will let you make great, quick snacks, as will a toaster oven or microwave (if allowable).

Bring one or two sets of dress clothing. You may not need them often, but you never know when an occasion will arise for which everyday clothes are not enough.

Don't forget that camera! A real one, not one in a phone. It will allow you to forever capture your college memories for posterity. Just ask anyone who has been to college what they would give to have pictures.

Check out your dorm room to see how large it is and what is included. Then, make as comprehensive a list as possible of what you need, starting with the articles above. It will make your life much easier as you get ready to rush off to college.

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Green Consultant Career

By Wayne Pozdol

In a shrinking economy, where do you find a career that does more than suck you into a money pit? One area that has grown despite the economy is the demand for Green businesses. The reason is that health is always a pressing concern, and the environment will not be ignored. As a trend, Going Green is nearly universal and very important in marketing and in practice.

The problem is that the available Green Consultants are ad hoc and not well versed. Taking a business Green is not as simple as buying CFL bulbs or buying questionable carbon credits. The Green Business League offers the the only trademark Green Consultant training program that will prepare students for a lucrative and exciting business. The Green Business League has teamed up with the Green Clean Institute to offer a full program of training.

Each Green Consultant must attend a well-designed four day training program. There is a lot to learn in the area of Green business transition, and there is also a valuable business plan that will effectively launch your business in your community. Unless other businesses, training is not expensive, there is no recruiting, and no inventory to purchase. Yet, the income potential is easily six figures for those that faithfully follow the business plan. These classes are, however, limited in attendance and tend to fill up rapidly.

The environmental issue has become a broad area of science. There are numerous applications and a hundreds of books on many subjects. Pollution is just one subject. Sustainability has become a huge issue addressing the harvesting, use, and disposal of natural resources. Health concerns address acute and chronic illnesses brought on by chemical exposure. There are literally hundreds of ideas that can be brought into any business to make it more Green that amateurs do not understand.

Green Business certification is the reward of a dedicated process of Green transition. The Green Business League provides a simplified plan that allows businesses to accumulate points by adopting ideas from a monthly list of Green options. Once the company acquires 100 points, it receives its Green Business Certified status. This process allows each company to take a unique path toward certification.

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University Degree Program

By Gary Pearson

Are you one of those people who loves what they do? Do you wake up in the morning and look forward to going to work? Then you are one of the lucky ones. Most of us dread Monday mornings and upon receiving our paychecks wonder if it is even worth it. Of course, if we'd just gone to school for a few more years then perhaps we would be in our dead end jobs. These days there are many older people out there who are considering a return to work to upgrade their skills or get the education they need to get their dream career.

It's easy to see the benefits of completing a University degree program. For one, you can apply for much better jobs, and therefore better money. In addition, once you have a great job you advance much faster than your non-degree co-workers. Think about that perfect job that you saw in the paper - you'd be a shoe-in for that job if you had your degree.

If you've done any job searching lately you will notice that many jobs that previously required little or no experience are now asking for completion of a University degree program. Completing a degree indicates to employers that you are educated, goal orientated, and used to working hard. It's easy for employers to choose a recent graduate over someone who only has high school or less.

Not to say that University students are smarter, per say. There are of course many kids who keep going to school so they can have a good time instead of working. Though most of these students will not finish their degrees, having partied themselves into failure or expulsion. Being a full time student takes dedication, something that they reflect when they come to the working world.

Have you looked into a University degree program for your future? Maybe you're just finishing up high school and are preparing for that college road that lies close ahead. One thing that many individuals have to remember concerns age. Just because you did not attend college immediately following high school, doesn't mean that you can't now. A University degree program is not exclusive to 18 year olds. You can even be middle-aged and head back to college for a new degree. Folks just like yourself do it all the time.

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Renewable Energy - What Can I Do?

By Eric Q. Duncan

You cannot define renewable energy that easily. It is the general term used for a whole range of unconventional energy sources, so the definition has to be all-encompassing. As most experts put it, renewable energy is any energy source that occurs naturally and very widely.

Several renewable energy sources depends on nuclear-power. This meaning that the nuclear power comes from our sun. In a huge reaction, the sun produces energy as light and heat and reaches us as a natural source of energy. The sun is the best source of renewable energy among wind power, biomass energy and other. Fossil fuel could be categorized as biomass energy, but is limited and have plenty of fatal side effects.

The US National Renewable Energy Laboratory has a great renewable energy program that finds the upcoming energy saving building methods. We have realized that energy efficiency is the best way to go, and this is where people will be educated in this aspect.

They work in synchronization with the big shots of the construction industry, highlight efforts towards building with renewable energy and inform producers as well as consumers about what financial gains they may make from using this form of energy. NREL also cooperates with agencies to set guidelines for buildings and other energy consuming appliances.

Using renewable energy is beneficial for the nature in our polluted world of today. The most important types of this type of energy is wind and solar energy. Bio fuels, geothermal energy and wave or tidal power are becoming more popular, but we have to remember that some of these can potentially harm the earth.

What is the difference between renewable and alternative energy?

Many people don't know the fine difference between the two. Renewable energy is fundamentally natural; it's the energy we get from the sun, wind or waves. Alternative energy, however, includes both bio fuels and nuclear energy sources which are not really healthy options for us to use.

The infrastructure we have is suited for fossil fuels, even though renewable energy or green energy more cost effective. Our government has not been busy taking any steps to change things and go in for green energy sources. With the present situation worsening every day, we have to get a change really soon.

A good thing about fossil fuels is the easy way we can store the energy we get, a procedure that is more complicated with renewable or green energy sources. Solar power, for instance, is not that effective in cloudy weather. Without any wind, that source of energy cannot be made use of. This and the fact that initial costs to get energy from these unconventional sources are relatively high, have lent it a small drawback when we compare to traditional energy sources.

About the Author:

Top - Ranked College

By Dane Masters

Top School Graduate, Top Honors In Life!

If you're a high school junior or senior, you might be wondering how much of a difference going to a top ranked college really makes. Should you put in the extra time and effort to maintain a higher GPA so you'll be able to get into an elite school, or can you afford to back off a bit and enjoy what's supposed to be the best years of your life? After all, as long as you get a degree from somewhere, you'll be set. Right?

Despite this sort of thinking, most graduates fail to get good jobs with enticing salaries. Why is this so? It is because most well-known companies prefer to have as their employees, graduates from the Universities of Northwestern or Pennsylvania or Harvard. Graduates from mediocre colleges or unknown schools only rank second on their lists. So, the college or school does matter. The more elite, the better! Newspaper articles that claim, for example, MBA graduates drawing salaries of up to $100,000 a year, do not mention these facts. Hence, it is advisable that youngsters wishing to have a bright future work extra hard to get admission into a well-reputed school or college.

There are different sources with different ranking systems. It is they that decide which college stands first, which second, and so on. The rankings do not remain the same every year--they keep changing for various reasons. Sometimes, the college does not have enough funding resources; sometimes, they are unable to offer all the academic programs that students desire; and sometimes, the teaching faculty cannot cope with the complications of each course. At times, an institution loses its top ranking simply because it was not compatible with a particular system of ranking. However, each source does offer an explanation for the way they have ranked colleges. The college goer should peruse each explanation thoroughly and bear in mind why and how changes could take place. Only after that, a particular school or college should be opted for the purpose of further studies.

There is still an element of uncertainty when a student wants to opt for a particular college. General rankings are not enough to go by. One has to find out if that particular school or college is top where certain academic courses are concerned or top in overall rankings. For instance, a person wishing to pursue engineering studies would be better off going to MIT since it is the best in the field, rather than going to Yale which has an overall "best" rating. So unless the sophomore is uncertain about whether he will stick on with a particular course for the whole year or change midway, he/she would be well advised to go to only a school offering that particular discipline. The "uncertain" student may opt for the highest ranking college in general.

The next question would be, "where can you see the list of topmost colleges in the country"? Apart from the national magazine which contributes an entire issue to overall rankings of colleges, there are other places to search--books, the Internet, and annual school guides.

If the idea is to have a comfortable lifestyle in the future, then the time to work is during the high school years. A little effort and sacrifice will ensure that the coming years provide huge benefits.

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Learn to Be a Dynamic Student

By Dr Jay Polmar

DYNAMIC SPEED READING becomes a part of long-term memory. We believe this is caused by intense concentration. Intense concentration causes the altering of states of consciousness which, in turn, accesses long-term memory.

The other factor is eidetic or auditory memories. You can remember everything you have ever seen or heard, even if you weren't paying attention to what was said. Your brain/mind, like a computer, stores all memories.

As you start to learn the various methods used in the BE DYNAMIC THROUGH SPEED READING, you'll notice learning skills improving quickly! It is techniques repeated over and over, with visualization and various other added methods that will help you achieve the results you desire and be the best you can possibly be.

You'll become a better student, employee, communicator, and decision maker in your life. And only one of your benefits will be that you will cut reading time on reports, memos, correspondence, newspapers, novels, non-fiction, magazine, etc. You will save time, and more time to enjoy life.

Writers get paid by the word in articles and by % of gross sales (royalties) in book publishing; usually the thicker the book the higher the price and the higher the royalty. Writers are unnecessary verbose. What this means is there are many words within sentences that are just there as fillers; what you have to learn to do, through the Be Dynamic Through Speed Reading program, is only read the words that are essential.

Dr. Jay Palmar created the "Be Dynamic Through Speed Reading" program to share these valuable tools with students to help them get the most out of their reading experience.

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Affiliate Payload - Quality CPA Guide

By Ben Brewer

Alex Goad of Google Payload has just released his most recent project Affiliate Payload. Alex has released about 3 other internet marketing products before this one, and all have been good so far. Affiliate Payload is no exception.

Affiliate Payload is a how to guide that deals with the subject of CPA offers. CPA is a huge potential money making market for anyone at all that has a clue on how to make use of it. In this guide Alex not only runs over all the basics to get you started, but he also gives away some of the most cutting edge techniques for using CPA to make 6 figures per month.

Even if you are completely new to CPA, this is a great guide. It basically takes you from the beginning where it introduces just the basic concepts of how and why CPA offers work, and then it runs right down into the detail of how to get them making you more money than average.

Probably one of the best bits in Affiliate Payload, especially for the newbie, is the tricks and insights it gives into doing market research, and getting the best keywords for your campaigns. Some of the keywords you will find with these techniques are literally goldmines, with little or no competition.

The second thing that I really found that I liked about Affiliate Payload was how it teaches you about campaign tracking. This is seriously a must do practice when it comes to any form of online marketing. If you are not using tracking, then you are seriously leaving moeny on the table, and hurting your business.

Alex gets into some really sneaky and very much under utilized methods later on in the ebook. One such method is to use seasonal and overnight trends to get very high paying and low competition keywords, and make a quick profit by using smart market research.

Using Facebook applications is a very sneaky method thats included in Affiliate Payload towards the end of its pages. As you may know, Facebook gets A LOT of traffic, and if you can funnel some of that traffic off into your CPA offers and do it in the right way, then you can really do well.

Alex Goad has really left no holes barred in this course, and as I mentioned earlier, it does not matter if you have never done any sort of work with CPA before. This guide really teaches you how to go from clueless to master, and it really is not that hard once you know how.

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Speed Reading in Only One Hour - Understanding the Mechanics

By Dr. Jay Polmar

The mind is a force of immeasurable power, and we only use a tiny portion of it. In the book, "Speed Reading in only One Hour" I show you how to tap some of that unused power and how to use it for your own improved grades in high school, college, and great successes life.

Your brain can understand from 10,000 to 50,000 bits of data per minute; one bit equates to one word. Although this information comes from old statistics (1980's),. based on recently developed speed reading technology, and strides in various types of learning technology, you can achieve phenomenal reading speeds.

The average high school graduate, when tested, reads about 250 words per minute. The college student reads at about 300 words per minute. But, no matter what your beginning reading speed, don't worry, it is only the beginning. Imagine what an advantage you will have to be able to read over 100% faster than you had before; the possibilities are limitless.

We receive information through our five physical senses, (touching, tasting, hearing, smelling, and seeing) and by those we make decisions. We make choices and judgments from the factors that our physical senses bring into play. The five physical senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch) are preprogrammed for automatic reaction.

We learn in various ways, beyond the physical senses, through other forms of thought. Much of human thinking is conscious in nature. Senses, however, are totally automatic. An example of might be: when a hungry teenager smells pizza, he or she might start tasting in and even salivating. What's taking place is that the sense of smell has automatically brought up a thought, "PIZZA", to the brain and mind. The thought might be unconscious.

Sensing food is a physical sensation through smell. It is a mental sensation (unconsciously or consciously) through thought. And lastly there is a physical sensation through eating, swallowing, and smiling. To summarize the PIZZA adventure: Brain and mind is where the "action" is taking place. Body is where the "reaction" is taking place.

Your brain and the mind has awesome untapped potential; I'll teach you how to tap into that potential by using the course Speed Reading in One Hour, available at . I'll show you how you can be a total success in your college life and beyond.

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How to Know if Homeschooling is Right for Our Family

By Isabel Allen

The choice to homeschool should not be made lightly. Homeschooling is legal in every state, but you need to research and discuss in order to make a wise decision. Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you want to know if homeschooling is right for your family, and to see if it is a option for your family.

Am I comfortable spending all of my time with my children? One of the main reasons that people homeschool is because they love their children and want what's best for them. They also genuinely like spending time with their children, which is good since you'll be spending all of your time with them. If your children frustrate you easily, homeschooling might not be a good match for you.

Will questions bother me? Homeschoolers are usually asked a lot of questions. Those questions could be about what curriculum they're using or about socialization for their children. If you homeschool, it helps if you don't mind answering the same questions more than once.

To find out about homeschooling, you can check out books from your public library. Everything you need to know about the topic is more than likely to be found in a large selection of books. Since most homeschoolers rely on the library for learning, and source materials, you may even ask the librarian if there are homeschoolers in the area.

Is there a support system available? After you've read some books, find local homeschoolers, or do an online search for "homeschool groups (your city)" or "homeschool groups (your state)." There are homeschooling co-ops available in many places, as well as opportunities for families to get together and have fun.

What if I have other questions? After you've found some families that already homeschool, and ask them about the pros and cons of homeschooling. Most families will be honest about their reasons, and will be more than happy to help you make an informed decision. Ask them what types of hardships they had to deal with when starting out. Should you be concerned about socialization for your children? What about curriculum? Do they have suggestions about what to use or not to use?

When choosing a curriculum, you need to know that curriculum choices are astronomical - in the price, and often in the variety available. While it is possible to homeschool without using a set curriculum, it is also possible to have "school at home" by choosing books very similar to those offered in public schools. The library books you check out earlier should have given you an idea of what your child should learn in each grade, and should have explained about the different methods.

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Finding Others Who Homeschool in My Area

By Isabel Allen

When you first start thinking about homeschooling, you probably wonder if you'll be the only one in your area. However, with the ever increasing number of homeschooling families, that is not likely. Finding other homeschoolers, however, may not always be easy. You just need to know where to look.

Homeschoolers are likely to be found at local churches. Many homeschoolers are Christians but it certainly isn't a requirement. You might consider attending a couple of services to see if the local church has homeschoolers if you don't currently attend services.

Besides churches, another place to find a homeschooling family would be the public library. Many homeschoolers use the library as a source for learning materials. Go to the library and see if you find children there during normal school hours. If you find children, most likely they are homeschooled and a parent is sure to be nearby. You could also ask the librarian if she knows of any homeschoolers. Most likely she will because they will be some of her best patrons.

You'll probably run into at least one home schooling family enjoying the sunshine and fresh air at the park during school hours. Or they might be finding things to use in a school project, or picking up some leaves for a nature book. Local parks are a great place to find homeschoolers in any case.

You might find a homeschooling family at the grocery store while you're doing your own shopping. Many homeschoolers use real life circumstances to teach rather than just depending on books. So, if you see children standing around the meat freezer with calculators, it's likely they're doing comparison shopping for their math lesson.

Another place to find homeschoolers in your area is the Internet. Using one of the common search engines, try doing a search on "homeschool groups (your city)." Expand your search to include your county and then your state if that doesn't work. Surely you'll find someone close by, since there are homeschoolers in every state of the union. Don't give up on the outside chance that you don't find anyone locally. Through any number of Yahoo homeschooling groups, you can still find support online.

Don't be afraid to approach a family that you see out and about during school hours when searching for homeschooling families locally. Most homeschoolers are used to being asked why their children aren't in school. Asking questions is a great way to meet new acquaintances, and they probably won't be offended. You may find that there are more homeschoolers in your area than you first thought; so keep an eye out for them.

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Winning Back Your Ex Girlfriend's Heart

By Filipina Kisses

Is it impossible to win an ex girlfriend back? It may or may not be, but if you are looking for ways to win an ex back, there is no harm in trying. If it's meant for you, it will come back to you.

Having a second chance at love is an opportunity you cannot miss and it is also much more sweeter. But you also have to make sure you still have feelings for your ex and you are really sincere in your intentions.

Consider these things first:

1. Reasons - What are the reasons you broke up? Find reasons for your ex girlfriend to come back to you. Let your ex girlfriend see that you are worth a second chance.

2. Attraction - There must still be a strong attraction between the two of you before this could work. If your ex girlfriend is still attracted to you, then there is a good chance of winning your ex girlfriend back. Work on this attraction.

3. Compatibility - If you were compatible together, then this is good, it means your personality matches and you clash less and you have common things you both enjoy doing.

4. Method - How do you win an ex girlfriend back? Things that you should never do is to beg and plead for your ex girlfriend to come back. Don't threaten your ex girlfriend like you are going to hurt yourself. These are a big no-no. So you have to be careful on your methods on how to win your ex girlfriend back. Play up the good parts, your attraction, compatibility, what you know could be the reason of the break up, change and improve on that.

5. Time - This could be difficult. But give your ex girlfriend some time. Don't call or text your ex a hundred times a day just because you are lonely. This could irritate your ex girlfriend. Don't entirely disappear also. Be subtly visible and let your ex be aware that you are still there. Some people need time to think.

Get effective ways on getting your ex girlfriend back. Find more win ex back tips here: Tips to Get Ex Girlfriend Back

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Live Better, Live Cleverer

By Simon M Skinner

It seems all you hear today is about living a greener lifestyle. You need to reduce your carbon footprint and your environmental impact. We all know that this is important, but it can feel like being lectured at times.

When you eat the naturally grown food you are giving your body fresh food, you are also keeping pesticides and chemical fertilizers from contaminating the earth. Antibiotics and growth hormones will be eliminated from the environment by eating meat from animals grown without using them. You are also keeping a lot of dangerous things out of your body. Processed foods are stripped of nutrition and are likely to clog your arteries causing heart problem.

There are many things you can do to cut down on driving. Try to do everything in one trip if possible. You will save money, cut down on traffic, and reduce emissions into the environment. Driving is stressful and stress is not good for you so less driving means less stress. Ride with someone or use public transportation if you can. You can ride a bike or walk in some cases and it will also give you some healthy exercise.

When you do things around the house, there are a lot of green products you can use that cost very little. If you replace your standard incandescent light bulbs with energy-saver bulbs, you can save a considerable amount on your energy bill, and the costs of the bulbs are very similar to the incandescent bulbs. These compact fluorescents last much longer than a traditional bulb as well as using less energy.

You can use solar lights in your yard ? these lights work just as well as electric lights, but cost nothing to operate and conserve the use of electricity. There are many appealing designs available and they can fit into anyone's budget. You don't need to have an electrician install them and the lights are quite bright enough to illuminate your yard. You can even get solar holiday lights, adding a cheerful seasonal touch without adding a thing to your electric bill.

Batteries are another way that you can save money and go green at the same time. Modern rechargeable batteries are long lasting, easy to charge and save you a lot of money. When they do finally run out of charges for good, they are recyclable at your local hardware store, just like broken fluorescent bulbs.

As you can see, it is easy to begin going green. It is not only good for the environment, it is better for you and it will save you money. Living green will soon become a habit, and before you know it, you'll be looking for more ways to be even greener. So don't be afraid to take that first step. It's easier than you think.

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How Speed Reading Works

By Dr. Jay Polmar


Hand movements can cause you to accelerate your reading speed. We'll shortly teach you hand movements that will accelerate your reading ability. Try each one and see which suits you best.


Pace your eyes so swiftly over a line that you don't have time to form the sounds of the words or syllables in your throat.

To understand this concept, you must understand that your nemesis "The Babbler" (your own inner voice) is reading to you in silent speech and then it goes into your brain.

You'll read without sub-vocalizing. You already know the basics: Pace your eyes so swiftly over a line that you don't have time to form the sounds of the words or syllables in your throat.

To understand this concept, you must understand that your nemesis "The Babbler" is reading to you in silent speech and then it goes into your brain. We did experiments in Hawaii, New Mexico, Florida, and elsewhere. It appears that those with the slowest speaking rates have naturally slow reading rates. With this method, your speaking rate will no longer limit your reading speed. You can read as fast as you can think. What I am saying is you can read as fast as your mind can work.

Extend your index finger, close all others. Use you index finger as a beginner Speed reading student and run it under the line of type you are reading..

Extend your index finger, close all others.

Through the DYNAMIC SPEED READING program you will easily learn how to develop these skills to enhance your reading ability and speed through practice and exercises. You could soon be reading twice as fast as you ever have and retaining valuable information to increase your comprehension and improve your grades.

Dr. Jay Polmar, founder of, a research organization that's developed speed reading courses for people worldwide has taught over 100,000 students throughout the world in 5 different languages.

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Do Potential Employers value Distance Learning Degrees?

By Mary Jack

With the technological expansion of the Internet, distance learning degrees have become increasingly popular. With great support facilities and the convenience of online degree programs, parents and workers can still have a family and a job while receiving an education. Unfortunately, the Internet has also provided an avenue for individuals making money by selling bogus degrees over the Internet. In a 2003 report by USA Today, 400 diploma mills are already in operation, with the shameful industry already worth $500 million per year, and the numbers are still rising.

Nevertheless, many colleges and universities are now offering legitimate degrees and diplomas. Unlike the mills, institutions of higher learning are doing everything possible to provide the same quality of education offered to students in the traditional learning environment. With access to video lectures, online courses, innovative online testing methods, and virtual library facilities, those seeking distance learning degrees can rest assured their diplomas have been justly earned. Unfortunately, many employers' views have been tainted because of the influx of fake degrees.

To address the misinformation, 6 accreditation agencies have been authorized by the U.S. National Education Board to weed out the unscrupulous bogus programs. Then, the agencies give accreditation to the colleges and universities that meet the minimum standards for legitimate learning institutions. In addition, the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) also provide accreditation specifically to distance learning schools. The DETC has the backing of both the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the Department of Education. Therefore the students can rest assured their education has matched, and often exceeded that of their traditional peers.

In addition, specific programs in specialized areas can obtain accreditation through the agencies associated with the subject matter. For example, the American Health Information Management Association provides accreditation for qualifying health programs; accounting programs are assessed by the International Association for Management Education. However, it only counts if the agencies are endorsed by the Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

So, to verify the educational quality of any institution, students, parents, and potential employers should be concerned about accreditation status. If any college or university has that coveted seal of approval, it means distance learning degrees have met the same basic standards of excellence with the support and facilities necessary to adequately offer online degree programs. Conversely, specialized accreditation concentrates on evaluating the course curriculum based upon the established standards of the university or college.

Distance learning degrees from accredited institutions assure graduates, parents and prospective employers any degree earned is well deserved. The work completed has met the standards of adequately preparing people in their major area of study. Conversely, it also means colleges and universities not granted accreditation do not meet the standards of excellence required. Nevertheless, for the student who is only taking classes necessary to an area of specialization, only the courses need that all important stamp of approval.

Nevertheless, in the end, it all comes down to the discretion of the employer. He or she must decide whether potential employees have satisfactorily completed an online degree program. Hopefully, with accreditation through a well recognized agency, the confusion can be eliminated, and a valid resume will make it to the short list of excellent candidates with their distance learning degrees as an impressive symbol of fortitude and dedication to personal achievement.

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