Why Not Live A Healthier Existence?

By Simon M Skinner

Living green is getting a lot of press lately, but did you know that it can help extend your lifespan? Some people are surprised by this fact, but it's still very true. There are lots of things that help the earth, and help improve our quality of life at the same time. From eating organically to cutting down on fuel usage, lots of things can help you live a greener and longer life. Here are a few.

Healthy organic food from sources you trust helps prevent contamination of the environment by chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It also helps your body, offering it the high quality nutrients it deserves. Organically produced meats and other animal products are great for us, keeping antibiotics and growth hormones out of our systems, and out of the would around us. Eating well, from organic sources, also helps us avoid processed foods that have little nutrition, but are great at clogging our arteries and making us sick.

Try to drive less. By combining your errands, you not only save fuel and reduce the traffic on the roads; you are giving yourself less stress from dealing with traffic jams and other drivers. Carpool or use public transit when you can. If you choose to ride a bike or walk for some of your errands, you also get needed exercise. This will help keep your heart healthy and keep you limber and toned.

Composting is a wonderful way to save money, keep organic material out of the landfill, and provide rich soil for your own landscaping and gardening efforts. Add vegetable and fruit waste, coffee grounds, egg shells, grains, and yard waste to the pile. Take care with animal products, however - they can take a long time to compost and attract pests. Keep a compost pile moist so it stays active, and you'll soon have great soil and less trash.

You can do other things to make your home more comfortable and be kinder to the environment, too. For example, larger windows that are well insulated will let in more natural light, allowing you to leave your lights off more often. Compact fluorescent bulbs save energy, and in the long run, money. Leave your air conditioner off when you're away and try changing to energy efficient appliances for a much lower power bill and less waste.

Small things like recycling cans, bottles and plastic packaging helps lower your garbage bills and helps reduce your carbon footprint. Use cloth bags when you shop instead of taking their paper or plastic bags. Some stores even knock off a few cents when you use your own bags. All of this will help reduce pollution, which is healthier for you because you'll be breathing cleaner air.

Once you start, you'll be surprised at how easy a greener life really is. You'll feel a lot better and you'll be able to know you're doing your part when it comes to keeping the planet healthy. Living greener helps you live happier and longer - give it a try today.

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