How to Make Biodiesel At Home

By Joseph Then

Have you ever heard of the benefits of using biodiesel? Well, I am sure you have. However, do you know that the most exciting thing about using biodiesel is that you can make your own biodiesel? Therefore, you can safe more money!

Let me tell you a secret; making biodiesel is actual very simple. By making your own biodiesel, you will get to see even more rewards than you are already seeing now. So, what are you waiting for?

Supplies of Biodiesel

To make a small batch of biodiesel at home all you need are a few supplies. You need the actual ingredients to make the biodiesel - alcohol, lye and vegetable oil. You also need some supplies to mix the fuel - empty plastic bottles, duct tape, a blender and measuring cups. Be sure anything you use to make your biodiesel is only used for that purpose and never used again in the kitchen for cooking.

Once you have gathered your supplies you are ready to begin learning how to make biodiesel.

Safe Processes

Making biodiesel is actually quite safe. The risk of an explosion is low. However, you need to take precaution as there is also a risk of burning yourself. You have to be attentive as you need to see when the mixture gets hot.

In order to get the end product, biodiesel, you will have to go through a few processes- mixing the ingredients, letting it set, separating the byproduct and biodiesel and then cleaning the biodiesel. The processes will take as little as a few days to weeks to produce but it all depends on how clean the vegetable oil you use is.

Small or Big Scale

Biodiesel can not only be made at a small scale. It can be made on a large scale too. If you need a few gallons of biodiesel at a time, you can use a biodiesel kit. A biodiesel kit would be perfect if you are running on your lawnmower or other lawn equipment.

However, if you are looking to use it in your vehicle, you may need a biodiesel processor. This makes the process simple and you can even make a few gallons at a time. You will need a few supplies but it will be worth it as you will not have to spend a lot of time making biodiesel since the processor does most of the work for you.

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