Live Better, Live Cleverer

By Simon M Skinner

One of the benefits of living green is it can extend your lifespan. This may be surprising, but it is very true. There are many things that not only help the earth, but they help you, too! Eating fresh organic foods, cutting down on driving, and many other things will help you live greener, longer!

Consuming only healthy foods that have been organically produced means that you're feeding your body well at the same time you keep the earth from pesticide contamination. Organic meats are kinder to animals and keep the environment free of growth hormones and unneeded antibiotics. It also keeps these substances from going into your body. Eating fresh food that's been organically produced means you're also avoiding processed foods that are prone to clogging arteries and that don't provide enough nutrition.

One great (and easy) way to live greener is to join your local Freecycle email list. Instead of throwing away unwanted items, you can post them on the list - it's more than likely that someone will have a need for them. Of course, when you need something, you can look there first before going out and buying new things. Freecycle keeps a lot of trash out of landfills and is a great money saver.

Composting is a wonderful way to save money, keep organic material out of the landfill, and provide rich soil for your own landscaping and gardening efforts. Add vegetable and fruit waste, coffee grounds, egg shells, grains, and yard waste to the pile. Take care with animal products, however - they can take a long time to compost and attract pests. Keep a compost pile moist so it stays active, and you'll soon have great soil and less trash.

Other things you can do will just make your home more comfortable. Larger windows can help let in more natural light so you don't need to turn your lights on early. Using compact fluorescent bulbs can save you money and will save energy. Use energy-efficient appliances and don't leave your air conditioner on when you're not at home. You'll be amazed at how much this impacts your energy usage.

Small things like recycling cans, bottles and plastic packaging helps lower your garbage bills and helps reduce your carbon footprint. Use cloth bags when you shop instead of taking their paper or plastic bags. Some stores even knock off a few cents when you use your own bags. All of this will help reduce pollution, which is healthier for you because you'll be breathing cleaner air.

Once you get started, you'll wonder how you ever lived another way. Living greener allows you to feel better, be healthier, and be happy knowing that you're living on a healthier planet. Try greening up your life a little and live a lot longer.

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