Wind Power As An Inexpensive Alternative

By Mike Sullivan

With ever-increasing fuel and power costs, it is time that we all became more conscious about saving power. Apart from conserving energy at home and work, we can each start to use cost-effective means to actually create our own power. Solar power and wind power solutions are becoming a reality and can be a very cheap and effective means to implement at home.

Solar and wind solutions will help you eliminate your power bill and help the environment. They will also save you from power outages.

Wind power works best when the following is true:

- Your property is about an acre in size or bigger, or building around your property aren't very tall.

- The average wind speed in your area is around 11 miles per hour. If you stay in a place that has little wind flow, your system will not work. Consult an expert before installing the wind power solution at home.

- Your house needs a lot of uninterrupted power supply. Combating those power outages is easy with the pollution-free wind power systems. You need no longer worry about a break in your work because of a power uncertainty.

A wind power turbine generally consists of a tower, a body with motor, and blades that spin in the wind. The height of the tower depends on the height of surrounding objects and on the distance from them. If you are in a low-wind area you may need a larger tower, and a shorter one if you live in a high wind area.

The motor inside your wind turbine will convert the spinning energy of the blades to electrical current. This electricity can be used to power electrical devices in your home, even if there is a blackout. If you choose to remain connected to your electrical company, they will pay you for electricity that you generate and don't use.

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