Finish College Fast Following A Few Simple Steps

By Jenny Willow

After high school many people dream of going to college for the next several years, meeting lots of life long friends and going to a lot of parties. That reality is not the case for everyone though. It costs money and takes time for that lifestyle and many people need to finish college fast to earn a degree and get out in the real world supporting them and their family.

For example a person working a fulltime job to support their family would not likely being able to quit working in order to finish their degree. Or someone in the Navy or other military service who's duty does not allow them to be close to a college. Although even if they were close to a college since they are in the military they would not be able to go to school fulltime most likely.

Whatever the reason for not being able to go to college fulltime to finish a degree there are other options to consider. So yes the traditional experience of going to college may not happen fully or at all, but at least it is possible to still complete a degree and get on with your professional working life as quick as possible.

Having some freedom or flexibility to earn a college degree via a distance based or online degree program is an option to consider.

To finish as fast as you can it may require additional steps as well. In case you are not aware there are tests that if you successfully pass them (and there are study guides) you may not be required to then complete certain college classes. Completing one or several of these tests could save you money and time.

One of these tests is called CLEP. This stands for College-Level Examination Program. This program can be used for both college admissions and some colleges let you earn up to 12 credit hours for each CLEP exam. Each college has different rules so you will want to check with the one you will earn your degree from first to make sure they accept CLEP exams for college credits.

There are several different CLEP exams such as English Composition, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature, Western Civilization I & II, Human Growth and Development, and more.

Hopefully completing your college education as fast as possible may seem more doable now. With a combination of finishing CLEP exams along with online colleges (assuming they accept CLEP) you may be able to finish your degree fast and get on with your professional career.

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