Module 3 to 4 of the Nicheblueprint Course Pulled Apart!

By Matt Rise

The second week of the niche blueprint web e-commerce course contains the modules three and four out of the total nine in the course. Throughout this article it is my intent to take a close look at these modules and tell you what is in them.

Three individual PDF's and two videos make up the contents of module three. Once completed you should have in your hands a complete catalogue, pricing sheet and a list of products and suppliers for your store.

Dropshipblueprint, a service that all niche blueprint customers get access to for free, will also be explained and you will be shown how to use it to locate good drop shippers and products for your store or stores.

Throughout this model you will be taught a number of ways to locate products to sell in addition to the use of dropshipblueprint, however dropshipblueprint will be the focus as it is the safest way to go.

For a newcomer to any business web based or not pricing can be a little bit tricky. In module three this subject is covered thoroughly so you won't be left with any uncertainties.

Earlier I mentioned that this module has three PDF's, in them all the tasks mentioned above are explained clearly. PDF one in four product selection and includes a great number of very useful resources. PDF two is especially put together checklist for pricing and PDF three contains the goal sheet for the whole of module 3.

As I mentioned before there are two videos within module three. The first video does an excellent job of teaching you how to use dropshipblueprint for when you need to find those product suppliers.

Throughout video two you will learn everything you need to know to do the very important competitive analysis and the equally important pricing of your products.

Finding the perfect domain name is the subject matter of module four. You will learn exactly what you need to know to make a good domain name selection while learning the steps you will need to take to obtain this objective.

This module comprises of one video and 2 PDF's. The two PDF's show you the process flow of finding a domain name and the resources necessary to do this.

In the video it is explained to you just how important selecting a good domain is, this will be explained to you from a branding point of view and from a seo point of view, the video also goes into many other factors that concern the selection of a domain name.

After having followed everything throughout these two modules you will be at last ready to build that first niche blueprint web e-commerce store.

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