Fossil Fuels Vs. Renewable Energy Sources

By Neil Schlossman

We live in a world where the need for energy is continually growing. But how will we be able to meet the ever-growing demands, if we primarily depend on non-renewable resources? Today, fossil fuels supply more than 85% of the world's energy. Sooner or later we will have to look for alternatives. It's always better sooner than later.

There are two main reasons - energy supply problems and environmental problems. As we know, fossil fuels are in limited supply. They are non-renewable and will eventually be depleted. They were formed millions of years ago from dead plants and animals and cannot be replenished. When they run out, they run out. By some estimates, they will be depleted by 2050.

The second reason is pollution. We use fossil fuels by burning (combustion) which produces many pollutants - carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds. Emissions from the consumption of oil, natural gas, and coal, are responsible for approximately 80% of yearly carbon dioxide emissions in the world. This affects both our health and the environment.

So what can we do? The future is definitely not in fossil fuels, we know that. It belongs to renewable energy. Solar power, wind power and hydro power are the leading renewable energy technologies of today.

By increasing the use of alternative energy sources, we could slowly start decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels. The best thing about renewable sources is that they will never run out.

The main drawback of renewable energy is the cost. It's true, low fossil fuel prices made it difficult for alternative sources to compete. But this is changing. Technologies are improving and the cost of green energy has fallen dramatically over the last few years.

Alternative energy sources are definitely the way of the future. But how smooth will the transition from fossil fuels be? That's up to us and is certainly something to consider sooner rather than later.

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