When enrolling your child in a private and independent school, it is important that you thoroughly research the school so that your child not only has the best education, but is also protected. There a number of considerations that one should be aware of when they are searching for the right private school for their child.
Determine your Child Needs: Before you even start looking for a private school, you should be aware of your child's particular needs. You want to make sure your child does not end up in a poor quality private school. For instance, you want to know all of the extra curricular activities that are offered to make sure there is a variety that your child can choose from and if the particular activity that your child has an interest is being offered. As well, you have to consider such needs as any learning or physical disabilities your child might have, transportation services, and the distance from the school to your home. There are also general qualities to look for such as the quality of the teachers and education curriculum. You also have to consider the type of school such as boys or girls schools, religious, military,etc. Determining your child's needs will help reduce the number of schools you will have to look at.
Educational Requirements: You should look at the education programs at the private and prep school. Look at how modern the school is regarding such areas as science labs, computer technology, etc. Does the school have large or small classrooms? How involved are the parents with the children's education. Does the school keep in contact with the parents and give them updates regularly? What type of education programs are offered such as music, theater, art, etc? Are there clubs children can join?
School's Background: It is important to get an understanding of what the school is all about. Find out such information as the school's mission, vision, policies, and philosophy. What types of services are offered such as medical, library, and counseling? Find out the background and the qualifications of the teachers and their grading policies. It is very important that the school you choose is accredited.
Visit the School: When you visit the school, assess the environment, school dress code, and how they meet special needs. (Wheel chair accessible) Look for displayed school projects such as art work. As well, look for any awards the school may have received. Try to talk to members of the faculty. Find out what universities and colleges graduates of the private school have attended. Assess the overall atmosphere of the school. Is it warm and inviting? Do the students look happy? Find out what the requirements are to get into the school. (i.e. tests, interview) Look at the school's resources such as the Library, lunchroom, and physical education facilities. You should also find out the school's discipline policy as well as its student safety policy.
Every parent wants the best education for their child. When selecting a private school, one is making a large investment in their child's future. It is important that parents do their research so that they, and their child, are happy with the private school they choose.
Determine your Child Needs: Before you even start looking for a private school, you should be aware of your child's particular needs. You want to make sure your child does not end up in a poor quality private school. For instance, you want to know all of the extra curricular activities that are offered to make sure there is a variety that your child can choose from and if the particular activity that your child has an interest is being offered. As well, you have to consider such needs as any learning or physical disabilities your child might have, transportation services, and the distance from the school to your home. There are also general qualities to look for such as the quality of the teachers and education curriculum. You also have to consider the type of school such as boys or girls schools, religious, military,etc. Determining your child's needs will help reduce the number of schools you will have to look at.
Educational Requirements: You should look at the education programs at the private and prep school. Look at how modern the school is regarding such areas as science labs, computer technology, etc. Does the school have large or small classrooms? How involved are the parents with the children's education. Does the school keep in contact with the parents and give them updates regularly? What type of education programs are offered such as music, theater, art, etc? Are there clubs children can join?
School's Background: It is important to get an understanding of what the school is all about. Find out such information as the school's mission, vision, policies, and philosophy. What types of services are offered such as medical, library, and counseling? Find out the background and the qualifications of the teachers and their grading policies. It is very important that the school you choose is accredited.
Visit the School: When you visit the school, assess the environment, school dress code, and how they meet special needs. (Wheel chair accessible) Look for displayed school projects such as art work. As well, look for any awards the school may have received. Try to talk to members of the faculty. Find out what universities and colleges graduates of the private school have attended. Assess the overall atmosphere of the school. Is it warm and inviting? Do the students look happy? Find out what the requirements are to get into the school. (i.e. tests, interview) Look at the school's resources such as the Library, lunchroom, and physical education facilities. You should also find out the school's discipline policy as well as its student safety policy.
Every parent wants the best education for their child. When selecting a private school, one is making a large investment in their child's future. It is important that parents do their research so that they, and their child, are happy with the private school they choose.
About the Author:
Private schools in Toronto, offering a balanced curriculum from Pre-Kindergarten, independent school in Toronto through to University and College entrance.
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