Fastest Bachelor Degrees - Why 4 Years Is Now Way Too Long To Spend Earning Your Degree

By John B Maxted

The driving force behind going back to school for the majority of potential students is to improve their employment prospects and increase the salary they earn. But in the long run, is this a strategy that makes sense for you?

Like anything else, there are detractors and supporters of fast online bachelor degrees. Some feel that with such a compressed program you are bound to miss out on some valuable knowledge, while others feel if it's quick, easy and flexible, why shouldn't you take advantage of it?

You don't have to take an accelerated program either, you can opt to go at your own pace if you like. Taking just one class at a time you could still finish your bachelors degree from scratch in around five years or so.

But by completing a fast online degree program you will be able to cut that time down by more than fifty percent, finishing a degree in less than two years. There are completely accredited and respected colleges that offer accelerated online bachelor degree programs. Normally you would even be able to transfer over any existing credits you have from another schooling. You'll be taking subjects on a year round schedule, with the payoff being that you'll finish your degree in two years or less.

The largest benefit to taking an accelerated program is of course that you can get the degree you need as fast as possible. For most people that need stems from the desire to get a better job and earn more money in a position that requires a degree that you don't currently hold. Online degree programs allow you to pick and choose your own schedule and do the study in your own time, meaning you can still fulfill all of your current responsibilities and day to day activities if you can organize your time well.

A great article which outlines some other strategies that will help you earn your bachelors degree quicker is titled 8 Simple Steps to Earning the Fastest Online Degree.

But taking an online program isn't for everybody. You don't have the in person interaction with professors and fellow students that a traditional college offers. However, great strides have been made allowing online students to listen to recorded lectures, participate in chat rooms and record videos with one another to enhance and enliven the learning experience.

Taking an online course will cost less when compare with a traditional college program. This is not to say that they are cheap, considering that anytime you get a degree from an accredited university there's going to be quite a bill attached. That's why its advisable to keep your eyes peeled for fraudulent schemes on the internet that offer a degree in a couple of weeks or a month and want to charge a one off fee on your credit card upfront.

To get more information on accelerated learning programs, you should do some research online. Be sure you have all the course details before making a commitment, and more than just the cost should be factored into your decision. It is possible to get a fast online degree that fits your schedule, from an accredited school, and financial aid is available for online degrees, just like any other college programs.

A large number of respected colleges offer accelerated bachelor degrees online. The process to become a student is easier and quicker than ever, meaning there's no reason to put it on hold any longer. The first step is to start planning and researching the available courses to find the program that suits you. Find the program that matches your needs and before you know it you'll have yourself a great new degree, followed by a great new job and a larger paycheck.

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  •  - 8/30/2011