Green Consultant Training in California

By R. Michael Richmond

Los Angeles seems the perfect place to host the second-ever Green Consultant Training. California's forward thinking businesses and government faces one of the country's most challenging combination of environmental needs comparatively. The strain of resources such as energy, the growth of communities, and the desire to keep nature unspoiled make California the leader of environmental cause by sheer necessity.

However, where do businesses turn once they have exhausted the three or four popular ideas commonly promoted in Green seminars? Sure, it is a good idea to change the lights to save energy, attending a Green seminar is certain a good idea, and getting a programmable thermostat to turn down the heat at night pretty much runs most businesses to their limit of Green ideas.

However, there are hundreds of effective and low-cost Green practices that can be plugged into any business of any size. Unlike the LEED program, there is not need to throw $100,000 or more at building renovations that have a 15-20 year payback. Even the most modest budgets can use the strategies introduced in monthly segments to earn a company's Green Business certification with the Green Business League.

Think again about businesses that do not own their own building. The vast majority of businesses rent or lease their facilities. Those that do own, may anticipate a move in the future and calculate that putting money into the building will only go to someone else's benefit. The Green Business certification from the Green Business League is very affordable and is not tied to building ownership.

The Green Business League is currently training 250 Green consultants nationwide in an effort to provide the reliable resources for the Greening of any type of business. This, however, is simply not enough. California is an example of a state with a vested interest but complex problems. Businesses must share in the task of sustainable and Green transition. Earning a Green Business League "Green Business Certified" status is a positive step that needs to be accomplished by thousands of other businesses.

Green Consultants are also coming from Canada, Bermuda, Brazil, Australia, and Dubai. We all know that this is an international issue, and the project is expected to grow enthusiastically. Those considering a career in this hot market have the advantage of being the first to step into a profession that seems to have no boundaries. It simply takes a passion for the cause and a willingness to commit to something that the business world radically needs.

The confusion about the process of Going Green has been eliminated. The Green Business League has developed a monthly system that allows any size company to adopt Green ideas into their operation from a variety of monthly suggestions. Each idea is worth designated points that add up quickly. When the business reaches 100 points, the Green Business certification is issued. Knowing how busy most businesses can be, the assistance of a Green Consultant makes the process simple and nearly trouble free. Better yet, nearly every business will save MORE MONEY than they spend when they allow these Green processes to happen in their operation.

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