Unique Christmas Gift Idea - The Green Book

By Matt Hellstrom

With going "green" finally being recognized as vital, this book gives the matter serious attention. Contributors from Hollywood even share their best ideas. The authors, Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigen, look at the way Americans produce waste, utilize water and consume energy and offer easy to implement changes.

Celebrities, including Robert Redford, Ellen DeGeneres, Jennifer Aniston, Faith Hill, and Dale Earnhardt Jr. contribute suggestions for living green. Rogers and Kostigen establish 12 aspects of our habitat, like home, work, and school, and suggest better lifestyle choices for each. Small adjustments are the focus of the book that add up to significant and positive environmental effects by using descriptive rather than numerical analyses.

A few simple suggestions in The Green Book are:

* Don't ask for ATM receipts. If everyone in the United States refused their receipts, it would save a roll of paper more than two billion feet long, or enough to circle the equator fifteen times!

* Get a voice-mail service for your home phone. If all answering machines in U.S. homes were replaced by voice-mail services, the annual energy savings would total nearly two billion kilowatt hours.

With a 4-star rating, the reviewers all like the authors sensibilities in offering small, easy to implement suggestions. One downside however, is that the actual numbers should be corroborated before quoted. Some calculations, when researched, were off.

The authors have done a good job in providing this information in a witty, authoritative manner. They have supplied many ideas for many areas of your life and showed how the smallest choices can have the biggest effect on our world.

The Green Book is a great Christmas gift idea for the person on your list who loves our planet and wants to better they way it is treated.

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