Some Facts about Solar Panels Electricity

By Joan T. Ritzborough

In 2006 - according to the Energy Information Administration's report - around 86% of the earth's primary energy was produced using non-renewable energy hydrocarbons. The rest were produced with the help of other forms of energy such as water and nuclear power plants, with less than one percent energy were contributed by green energy like solar, geothermal and wind.

Unlike hydrocarbons that took millions of years to form, solar energy is renewable but why do people seem to unwillingly accept it? There are a some arguments flying around but we have to look at all the pros and cons proportionally.

Solar energy is renewable, free and can be found almost anywhere on earth. This is the main pro. We don't need to worry about supply because nature provides it for us every day.

During the process, solar panels electricity generation does not pollute the air because there are no hydrocarbons burned. A lot of money can be saved and we also keep our planet clean. Another plus point is the panels work quietly due to no mechanical components movement involved.

Another good point to consider is you can get credit from your utility company if the solar panels produce electricity more than the amount that your household needs. This will be a win-win solution: any excess electricity will be taken by the grid making the meter spin backwards so you get credit from it and if the solar generator can't fully supply the electricity then you can always get it from the grid. Most of you have probably heard about this net metering policy.

Solar generators also have some cons. One of the major issues is you have to spend a lot of money to buy the solar kits. Although the solar energy is provided free by nature the system itself is not free. You have to buy the solar panels, inverter, charge controller and solar batteries - especially if you live in an area without power lines - plus some other related accessories. Due to this pricey cost you can only expect ROI years after installing the unit.

There are some other factors that affect the solar panels performance. You can expect the panels to produce maximum electricity during full sunny days only. Clouds and winter season will obviously reduce the electricity generated. Pollutants and dirt deposited on top of the panels'glass cover will also reduce the panels output. Don't forget that you have to spare some space for the solar panels. The more electricity you need the bigger area they will occupy your yard. Whenever possible you should get them roof mounted.

When you decide to store the solar panels electricity in batteries there is another issue you need to consider. Solar batteries - just like other batteries - are highly toxic. Therefore you have to strictly follow the local regulation to dispose them of.

We all want to replace the fossil fuels based power generators but unless a better and highly efficient solar panel technology is found we can't really expect solar generators to fully phase them out now. However we know that many improvements have been made so far and better technology plus mass production will lower the production cost so more people can have the system installed. While today it looks that solar panels electricity is not a perfect solution for everybody, it still makes a huge difference in remote places where no power lines are available. In the future it will undoubtedly replace the fossil fueled power plants due to the limitation of the hydrocarbons.

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