The Benefits of Going Back to College

By Julie Clark Robinson

Even if you're gray around the temples and haven't cracked a book in years, this is a great time for you to go back to college, whether you choose a traditional university or an online college to attend from home. It's never too late to consider changing your career or elevating your chances for advancement. Here's what you'll get in return:

1. You'll feel more fulfilled. Getting beat down by bosses in the workplace doesn't do much for the self esteem. However, listening to lectures and preparing for tests will empower you to do your best. Once you have a good grade or two under your best, you might just find yourself standing taller and with a better outlook on life. You'll be meeting new people and raising yourself to different standards of success, too.

2. New job opportunities. Even if you want to remain at your current place of employment, higher learning could open the doors to the glass ceiling you've been feeling. In fact, your company might even offer tuition reimbursement. Or, you could choose a new field and branch off in a completely new direction. One thing is for sure, people who stop their learning with a high school diploma make just a little more than half of what people who've gone on to college of some sort. (This was documented in the U.S. Consensus Bureau in 2004.)

3. Peace on the home front. Imagine coming home from work feeling fulfilled and rewarded after spending the day doing what you enjoy. Your marriage would likely benefit, as would your relationships with your children and friends. A college degree, regardless of whether you attend an online college or a traditional university, is the beginning of a better future for you and your family.

4. Be a good role model. Children of people with higher education tend to grow up and get higher education as well. Especially when the children see their parents strive for a goal this might not be easy to reach while trying to raise a family and hold down a full-time job. By going back to college, you'll be demonstrating what it's like to work hard for a better life.

Don't let the fear of being older than the other college students at the university keep you from achieving your goals. In fact, more than 50% of the students in online colleges and traditional universities are over the age of 25. Many are retirees who have decided that they'd like to keep working to augment their fixed income or empty nesters that are looking for new challenges. You're best way to get ahead of the game is to start now and head back for more education.

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