The History Of Halloween Started Over 2000 Years Ago

By Orson Welles

With a little research, one finds the history of Halloween rich and varied. This ancient holiday dates back to the Celtic era. Originally celebrated as a day called Samhain (pronounced sow in), this holiday has had an interesting development into the holiday we now know.

The original celebrations started around 2,000 years ago. The ancient Celts were located in many places. Today, these locations would include the United Kingdom, some in Northern France, and Ireland.

Originally, the Celtic culture was celebrating their New Year right around November first. This was the time of celebration because the harvest months were over and winter was beginning. The Celtics believed that the winter months resulted in death, so the new year began at the end of the warm months.

The history of Halloween story gets a lot more interesting in that the fact that they believed that on October 31 the barrier that is between the undead world, or spiritual world, and the physical world was at its all-time thinnest.

The Celtics believed that on this evening, the spirits would be walking among the physical world. At this time of year, these spirits would be responsible for damaging crops and wrecking havoc in the lives of mortals.

It wasnt all bad news during Halloween. The Druids (Celtic priests), were busy at work. They were giving future prophesies, and on November 1st many of the Celtics would go for the predictions for the new and upcoming year.

The Celtic community would bring sacrifices in exchange for these predictions. They offered part of their crops and animals in hopes that the gods would give them good luck and wealth for the upcoming year.

According to the history of Halloween while celebrating you would find the people would wear different types of costumes, a lot of the costumes were usually made from various parts of different animals. But now as you see as time is gone by Halloween has experienced a lot of different changes.

Certain cultures celebrated the passing of family members during this time. This developed into a celebration to certain gods for their loved ones.

When the Catholic church gained control, Halloween became known as All Saints Day out of respect of the saints that had lived on Earth. Halloween has a rich and varied history.

The different references of this special day are also all Saints Day, all souls Day along with other several similar names. This is the most basic and to the point of the history of Halloween, you can also find a lot of information from different religions and interpretations of the different cultures.

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