Viral Marketing Can Be A Useful Tool On B2B World

By Steven Shaw

They use viral marketing by e-mail as a marketing tool... what did you think I meant? Viral marketing can work well for B2B providers, as long as the following is true:

1. The product or service has to add value for the sender, as well as, the receiver.

2. Your offer must be deliverable. When you offer a product, make sure that you can deliver it even the demand rise quickly.

3. The offer has to be easily transferable to others. E-mail and Web pages provide the best medium to facilitate this.

4. Using your existing networks to spread out your message is the best viral marketing campaigns.

The idea behind viral marketing is to provoke your customers and referral sources to relay your message/information regarding on what product or service you are offering to their network of friends and colleagues. Of course in able for them to get more motivated on relaying your messages, you give back something in return. It can be a discount coupon or freebies related to your business.

Almost everyone uses computer and internet. Marketers take advantage of that, they use the internet to promote their product or services. They can easily relay messages on people through the use of email. Email helps them to increase their popularity, especially if it is for free. Viral marketing is free and a great tool on promoting your business. You post an offer and you have networks and referral sources, viral marketing multiply by itself.

To implement viral marketing at your business; first, start with your customer base. Incite existing customers to refer new ones. Second, go to your referral sources. Service providers, your outside network and colleagues can be encouraged to provide referrals that lead to business.

If you know your customers are stressed from their business, recommend some reward that will provides relaxation and leisure, a holiday trip or spa treatment will do.

In order for you're viral marketing to be successful and effective offer your customers something that will entertain them.

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