Looking For A Quick Way To Make Some Money - Consider A Yard Sale

By Bryce Walters

Are you deciding to hold a yard sale this summer? Well there are a few things that you need to keep in mind before you decide to go ahead with holding such a sale. It is always a good idea to ask the permission of your neighbor. I know at the end of the day it is your own yard, but sometimes neighbors can complain about the crowd yard sales can attract.

If you want to make sure you have no problems with your neighbors what so ever, it is a good idea to get them involved in the yard sales as well. You never know, they may want to get rid of something as well that is lying around their house.

Make sure you make adequate space on your yard before bringing the stuff out for the yard sale. It is a good idea to get a few long tables that can hold quite a lot of stuff.

Don't get too caught up in the presentation as after all it is only a yard sale and people expect things to be sloppy; one mistake that many people fall into when holding a yard sale is accidentally putting in an item that they did not want to sell. Make sure you check everything thoroughly before putting it out for the yard sale.

All of these tips and more can be found in eBooks all over the web. The one book I recommend and use my self when planning a yard sale is called One Man's Junk Another Man's Treasure- the in's and out's of garage sales.

This eBook is only a few dollars but tells you everything there is to know about garage sales or yard sales even down to the laws on having them. I used this book in planning my sale and made well over $600 in one day; not to mention cleaned a lot of clutter out my house!

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