What Are The Main Causes of Land Pollution?

By Elizabeth Hammes

Current info about pollution is not always the easiest thing to locate. Fortunately, this report includes the latest water, air, land and ocean pollution info available.

The final type of pollution is land pollution, which is caused by putting trash into landfills, industries burying industrial waste, acid rain, pesticide pollution, etc. Land pollution can pollute the soil to the point that people can not live in an area, have to evacuate their homes and go live somewhere else, can kill plants and animals, and can eventually seep into water sources and cause more pollution.

Recycling aggregate operations will use powered machinery, fuel oil, lubricating oil and grease in various plant, equipment and vehicles on site, which have the potential to contaminate water or land. Storage of these fuels in tanks or drums may also be a cause of potential pollution problems during filling, dispensing and if leaking or spillage were to occur. The environmental quality team is responsible for inspecting sites in the borough for sources of contamination. In most cases contamination is only an issue when a new use is proposed for the land. This is dealt with through the planning system when development is taking place.

Is everything making sense so far? If not, I'm sure that with just a little more reading, all the poolution facts will fall into place.

The state governments are equally culpable in that they fail to strengthen the environmental laws or even enforce those that exist, whilst the rights of communities are tossed aside. It explains the major statutory duties on farmers and land managers in relation to environmental protection, and provides best practice advice on preventing pollution and protecting natural resources, whilst allowing economic farming ventures to continue. The eight sections cover issues such as the use of fertilisers and pesticides, buildings, storage facilities and handling areas, waste management and water use. Norwegians were therefore able to lead the world in environmental responsibility and to avoid boom/bust impact on their seacoast cities. Most important, Norway has been stashing the oil profits in a public, socially responsible "Pension Fund" that will support the Norwegians' famously high living standard for many generations to come.

Land pollution is a global problem and affected the lives of millions of people and caused several deaths and health problems. Land pollution contains noticeable trash and waste along with the soil itself being polluted. Ways to help companies reduce industrial land pollution include supporting those organizations that are actively seeking to reduce waste and voting for laws that restrict or heavily punish companies that are not in compliance with environmental regulations.

Land pollution is such a big issue because the earth is where we live - and if we don't take care of our land what will happen to human nature? What kind of world would we live in? If the state would step in and force the law I believe that land pollution could be reduced considerably. If we do not take action soon all the activities that we enjoy on a day to day basis will not be possible because the land we live on and enjoy will be so polluted that it will be dangerous to go around it. Land pollution is the polluting of Earths natural land surface. This is caused by things such as chemical and nuclear plants, Industrial factories, oil, mining, littering, overcrowded landfills and deforestation.

Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what's important about pollution.

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