Party Plan Home Parties Are The Way To Grow!

By Roger Garmo

I needed to find a good program to help my business. There are so many on the web! It's hard to know what really works and what is just hype.

When I started working in direct sales I was wondering how to build my business. I had jumped around to a couple companies (and wasted a lot of time and money) before I finally found one I liked. When I finally found a company I felt that was a good fit, I realized I really needed to concentrate on bringing in new leads.

The core of most direct sales and party plan business is booking home sales parties. The company I was with (I think everyone in the world knows it!) was no different. I found I quickly ran out of people to hold my parties.

My sister is a realy web surfer and she found the Direct Sales Guide: Get Booked Solid program. I was really interested, but it sound a little too easy so I wasn't sure. I figured I needed to do something so I went forward.

I bought it and waited. Surprisingly I got it about two days later (which I thought was pretty fast). It had a book (not super thick) and a cd. It was almost $50 so I hoped it would really pay off. I read it that night and listened to the cd over the next couple of days.

I tried it out and unfortunately I flopped with it at my first attempt. However, I decided to give it one more try and this time it worked like a charm! I was really happy to see that the bookings were easier to get based on this book's program.

I've used it off and on for a year or so and when I do it does work. I try other things too, and I really like some of the ideas I got from their Direct Sales Boot Camp Success System program, which I bought a few months later. I find this program an even more well-rounded and helpful system and it works good with the Get Booked Solid.

Bottom line, there are probably lots of programs that could work, but this one seemed best for me (and some of my team). The Boot Camp is really a more full-service marketing program, but it's more expensive (but the Get Booked Solid book comes with it!)

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