10 Best RPG Games - Pen and Paper

By Hans Verbeck

Here is a list of the ten best pen and paper roleplaying games of all-time. Although there is no scientific way to prove the 'best RPG games' ever, this list takes into account the overall popularity of pen and paper roleplaying games since the industry was first created.

10 - Gamma World - The original post-apocalyptic game. This game is also classified as a science fantasy roleplaying game. It was one of the first roleplaying games where you could play a plant that shoots poison, a monumental achievement in itself.

9 - Vampire the Masquerade - This was the flagship product of White Wolf's World of Darkness setting. Since its inception, the game has spawned numerous other similar games, such as Werewolf, Mage, Changeling, and many others.

8 - RuneQuest - Although not as popular as it used to be, RuneQuest is commonly considered by fans as one of the 'original' fantasy roleplaying games. It was created in the same genre as Dungeons & Dragons and Tunnels & Trolls, but with a slightly different campaign setting and game system.

7 - Champions - Comic books and super heroes defined this game. It was the first roleplaying game to allow the player to play a comic book super hero. Some of them were heroes that the players were already familiar with, and others were super heroes of their own design.

6 - Tunnels & Trolls - This game was created in 1975 making it older than the author of this article, as well as older that all other roleplaying games (except for one!). Also known by its shortened name of T&T, this game has long played second fiddle to the original fantasy roleplaying game.

5 - GURPs - The Generic Universal RolePlaying System is able to adapt itself to any game environment. Any setting you can think of has been created for the system. Its creator, Steve Jackson, is one of the most well-known game designers in the industry because of this game.

4 - Star Wars - May perhaps be the most popular roleplaying setting of all time. It definitely is the most popular setting that was derived from a movie and placed into roleplaying game form. You have to pick which edition you like though! There is d6, d20, and Saga Edition.

3 - Traveller - It was the original space opera roleplaying game, but it definitely isn't necessarily the most well known. That distinction belongs to a product George Lucas created. Despite this, Traveller was one created in 1977 making it one of the first roleplaying games ever made.

2 - Call of Cthulhu - The only horror-based roleplaying game on the list. The campaign setting comes from the terrifying work of author H.P. Lovecraft. The roleplaying version has seen many different companies build the game under different systems. But they all share the one same element, horror.

1 - Dungeons & Dragons - This game is bar far, the number one pen and paper roleplaying game in the world. It first claimed dominance in the roleplaying niche by being the first game in the niche, before it was a niche! Got it?! Since that beginning, the game hasn't lost any stride and continues to be the number one best-selling roleplaying game of all time.

If you count the different editions from each game as separate games, then this list would turn out to be a very different list. In general, there were specific editions to each game that were vastly preferred over others. Sometimes it was the newer edition and sometimes it was the older edition. But this list is a good representation of the best pen and paper roleplaying games ever.

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