What Are Whales Mating Rituals?

By Jan van Nickerk

With some whales mating rituals occur during certain seasons. Other species; however, do not seem to have a breeding season.

Female whales must choose wisely when mating. They want a bull that is healthy and strong so their calf will be healthy and strong. There is a fair amount of competition between the males and the whales mating rituals can be challenging.

During the whales mating rituals, the competition is adequate. The bulls will sing and sometimes fight in the effort to attract a mate. As it is, mating happens only once every two years. The bulls though, will spend time looking for the females. For the large whale variety, traveling to the tropics to mate and give birth, is often seen.

Whales have the same ability when they sing as humans do. They can rhyme their verses and change their songs attempting to outdo one another. The singing can last for hours with the song tending to be 10-20 minutes in length. To humans, their songs sound like simple clicks and squeaks. To female whales, it is a love song.

Some whales have tusks and will use them, in battle, to earn the females attention. These whales are known as Narwhal whales. They have tusk that protrudes from their top lip. Females and calves evacuate the surrounding area to avoid injury.

If the female approves of the males attempt, a dating period begins. During this time, the whales get to know one another. As part of the dating phase, whales will sing, swim in patterns, pose and touch each other. Once they become comfortable with each other, they mate, belly to belly.

After the mating ritual has ended, some whales leave and some stay. Those that leave return to the group of males they travel with. Those that stay protect the female and calf and form a family unit.

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