2012 Official Countdown - December 21, 2012 The End

By Chris Jensen

All of us may be familiar about the supposed end of the world. The Mayans, Egyptians, Nostradamus, the Book of Revelation, and even other world religions have all predicted that doomsday will eventually occur. Even the Bible points to a war of good and evil preceding the end of days. Christ's followers will do battle with the legions of Satan. Whoever wins will seize the earth and all of its inhabitants.

Some scientists have predicted that a galactic alignment shall occur on December 21, 2012, which will mark the end of the world. December 21, 2012 the end of mankind.

However, December 21, 2012 is probably not going to be Armageddon like what the media led us into believing. In fact, the Mayans really believed that December 21, 2012 would actually be more of a transition phase, pointing to a new period in time. They never predicted it to actually be the end of the world, but the beginning of a new age. They said that eventually mankind would have to change and continue to adapt naturally to the world climate.

Another theory is that mankind will enter the seventh day of creation or the Sabbath Rest. The Creation Story points out that God created the heavens and the earth in six days, and rested on the seventh day. According to theologists, God's day is equivalent to 26,000 human years. It is believed that December 21, 2012 is the seventh day or the day of rest. It will begin a season of peace for mankind. Evil and sickness will be erased and Christ will return to lead his people. Some even believe that the dead will return and join the living on that peaceful day.

It's 2009, and the year 2012 is fast approaching. Whether or not it will be the end of the world, what is important is that we make what remains of our lives happy and satisfying.

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