Building a Wind Turbine Is Easier Than You Think

By Don Danielson

For many homeowners, it is becoming increasingly important to find and implem3ent inexpensive, yet effective, alternative energy sources. With energy costs constantly on the rise, and a desire to conserve energy and save the planet, for many people it is an easy decision to consider alternatives.

Building your own wind generator is something that almost anyone can do. What a great project for you and the whole family. Modern technology brings the power to build a wind turbine to the average homeowner. Building a turbine can be a way to help you save money, and can allow you to realize a substantial savings on your monthly electric bill. However, it may not practical for everyone.

Today there are a number of choices available concerning not only the size of the turbine you choose but also the shape. You can use the windmill style turbine that sits atop a pole or a newer, cooler looking, vertical turbine, often found on the roof of the house.

Building your own homemade wind turbine is not an expensive undertaking and can be quite easy to accomplish. Instead of purchasing one, which can cost over $1,000, you can build your own for about $200. You don't need special tools or skills to build your own turbine. You will need a set of easy to follow plans.

You can find all the parts you need can at any hardware store. It should only take you several hours, or one day, at most to build your turbine. Whether you are looking to build a windmill style turbine or a vertical style turbine, you can simply follow the same set of building plans.

A small home turbine can save you about 80% on your utility bills but it won't provide all the energy your home needs. But how much energy your turbine can provide will depend on how many obstacles block the wind from your turbine as well as how much wind you get where you live. The size and number of blades is also important.

Go ahead; build a DIY wind turbine. You can do this easily at a reasonable cost without any special tools or skills. And there are several advantages to building your own turbine. You will pay less on your electric bills, and you'll be helping the environment.

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