The Little Mermaid Online Free

By Kevin Peterson

After a streak of below average animation movies Walt Disney was looking for a stroke of brilliance from its creators. The animators at Walt Disney gave them exactly what the doctor ordered, a worldwide massive hit in the form of The Little Mermaid movie. The movie is completely based on a fairy tale book by Hans Christian Anderson who wrote it in the'00's.

In King Triton's underwater kingdom lived many princesses and one of them was Ariel and she was a little different from the rest. The princess and her best friend a fish named Flounder liked to go to the surface and look for humans and if they found any human artifact which fascinated them they'd bring it back and store it. Ariel was always attracted towards humans and always thought about what it feels to be a human and if she would ever be able to meet a human prince and live happily ever after.

Every time the mermaid goes to the surface she meets a seagull named Scuttle, who pretends to know everything about humans but obviously has no clue and rambles inaccurate and humorous information all the time. Then one day on one of her expeditions she spots Prince Eric, who she falls in love with at first sight, and after a monstrous storm tears down his boat Ariel rescues the prince and takes him ashore. This leaves the both of them desiring each other, as Eric swears to find the woman who sang and saved his life and Ariel who desires more than ever to be a human and be with Eric.

King Triton learns about the entire incidence and is furious with Ariel's behavior and uses his trident to destroy Ariel's human artifact collection. Ariel is totally shattered by the king's behavior and at that very moment gets lured by two eels, Flotsam and Jetsam, to meet the sea witch Ursula who can make all of Ariel's dream come true.

Ursula's deepest desire is to conquer the underwater world and she wants to use Ariel to do so. She promises to make Ariel into a human for three days during which Ariel has to get her true love's kiss. But in the bargain she takes away Ariel's voice and the task which looked so easy at first now seems very difficult.

Eric finds Ariel on the surface as a human and he thinks that Ariel is the same girl who saved his life but then he realizes that she cannot speak and discards the notion. Soon after that Ursula appears as Vanessa, who is a beautiful woman and sings in Ariel's voice to lure the prince, marry him and also plans to take over the underwater kingdom. Will she be successful? Well you will have to watch the movie to find out.

To know what happens in the end people must watch this brilliant animation move. Those who still haven't see it can now do so for free. All one needs is the internet. Connect to our website and watch The Little Mermaid online free on your computer.

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