The Sun Provides Us With A Constant Power Supply: Solar Power Is Untapped Energy

By John McLaren

We are ignoring the cheapest and cleanest power source on the planet - our Sun. Natural energy is provided to the Earth by the Sun every day. The energy is easily harnessed by us and it can be used to reduce foreign dependence on oil as well as help the environment. Solar power is untapped energy and that should change.

The Sun can provide us with the means to eliminate our energy and resource issues for good. Scientists are always working on locating a source of renewable energy for the earth to reduce pollution and dependence on foreign oil, but the Sun is simply over looked as an option. We cannot just continue to pass up the opportunity for clean energy that the Sun is providing. The reasons to use solar energy are numerous.

First: Solar energy is quite a clean energy source.

It is true that using solar energy would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the air every day by power plants as well as homes and businesses. This would have the potential to slow down global warming and might even reverse it to an extent. At least the air we are breathing would be cleaner and that would make us healthier.

Fact 2: Solar Energy is a very inexpensive form of energy.

The untapped energy released by the Sun is possible the most inexpensive way to provide energy to home, businesses, and any other electricity-dependant entity. The biggest cost is in installing the technology that is needed to capture and convert the energy. After that, solar energy is free.

Fact 3: Solar energy is a renewable energy.

The Sun will continue to send rays to the Earth every day no matter how many of those rays we capture and use to power out electronics. Using the Sun's ray for energy will not cause them to run out. This energy is absolutely renewable. The best part is that it renews itself!

People are often concerned that cloudy days will make it so they have no power if the convert to solar energy; this is simply an all-too-common myth. Cloud cover may reduce the amount of solar energy collected, but the average cloud will not block the Sun completely. Solar energy can also be stored in a generator to be used later. A back-up source of power would still be recommended for now.

Just switching to solar energy would greatly reduce pollution to the Earth and the expenditure of natural, un-renewable resources. These reasons alone are enough, but if you need a better reason consider that solar panels can qualify for a tax credit and after you put them in, most of your energy will be free.

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