Help In Getting An Unclaimed Scholarship

By James Scholaris

You may be aware that there is a lot of scholarship money out there that goes unclaimed. In any given year, millions of dollars in scholarships go unused, largely because these funding sources are too obscure or their requirements too esoteric to attract applicants. However, one of the more unusual scholarships which actually is given out year after year is the Burger King Scholarship. You're probably surprised that there is a Burger King Scholarship, but this fast food giant does in fact award hundreds of scholarships annually to qualified applicants pursuing a college education.

Commonly called the BK Scholarship, applicants must meet a set of specific criteria in order to be considered as a recipient of the scholarship, just as with any other.

Burger King Joint is a very famous joint for French fries, shakes, burgers in the North America. But there scholarship programs aren't that known to students. The burger king scholarship grants about $1000 each to 700 students each year. These students can be from any country in the continents of North America or anywhere in the United States of America or from any accredited home schools that are situated in these regions.

James McLemore, the cofounder of Burger King restaurants, must take a lot of credit for the inception of these scholarships, which have been of great help for students. Approximately 10 million dollars of grants has been awarded to various students by 2007. The qualification criteria for these scholarships is not strict - It needs the student to have worked for 15 hours weekly in a part time position and it also needs the student to have a GPA of 2.5.

As for the application process of this program - You can go online and fill the profile form for registration. Click on the Burger King Scholarship program administration website. This website will provide you with the deadline for the submission and the pros and cons for earning this scholarship.

The company's website also provides you with the information on the winners' database and students who have actually earned this scholarship. The basis of this scholarship is the circular activities you are involved in, the leadership skills and of course your academia record. Your work experience can also be an important feature that can get you this scholarship.

According to Burger King, the company hopes to award at least 10,000 scholarships by the end of the year 2010. Their commitment to providing assistance to employees seeking a college education makes this a scholarship which is well within the reach of any student who meets the basic criteria for eligibility. If you happen to be employed by this fast food chain and are interested in the BK scholarship, there's no time like the present to apply and get some much needed assistance with tuition costs.

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October 13, 2009 at 6:18 AM

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