Why Americans Need To Pay More Attention To Green Energy

By Jerry Dyess

Well, if it isn't enough that the Europeans and various other parts of the world consider us to be "Ugly Americans," each one of us need to do are part for the environment. Did you know that America only makes up 4% of the world's population, but consumes of around 25% of the world's energy. It doesn't matter if you think we're greedy, need a lesson in green energy, or simply Americans are ugly when it comes to energy, the point is it's time to change.

This is a particularly embarrassing situation we you consider the fact that many European countries have taken it upon themselves to reduce their reliance on traditional forms of energy, which have been proven to expedite climate change. In fact, the European Union recently announced that they have embarked on an ambitious plan to reduce CO2 levels by twenty percent by 2020. To accomplish this awesome feat, countries that are part of the EU will turn to alternative sources of energy like solar and wind power, which, of course, do not harm the environment. Already countries like Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands have invested billions in these new technologies.

Unfortunately the Americans never responded. Instead our politicians are too busy arguing about whether or not the climate change is a factual and viable issue. Until we can reach an agreement, a new legislation will be waiting in the wings. The truth is, they're all simply missing the point. Even if climate change isn't a real issue, the fact that we consume much more energy than we should for our population count has to say something. The easiest way to explain it is it's shameful, and extremely embarrassing. This is even worse considering there are various forms of alternative energy right in front of us, and rather inexpensive.

So what are we supposed to do with all these problems? The first thing is to understand that the citizens of the United States have to make the change themselves. We all have to work hand in hand and do our part to change the environment for the better. All it takes is someone like you to start a cycle, tell all your friends and family, and then hope that they do the same thing. In the end you will save money on bills, help the environment, and feel better about yourself as an American.

Solar Power - The first option most people turn to is solar power. This definitely makes sense considering our recent rise in electricity costs. While solar power is clean, sustainable, and free, it's extremely inexpensive to install. Just ask all the individuals already taking this route whether or not there are plenty of benefits. What it comes down to is the majority of your electricity needs can be met with ease. However, solar power doesn't produce electricity on cloudy days or at night, so some people utilize wind turbines as well.

Wind Turbines - While most people believe wind turbines are only for big farmland, the truth is they are nothing more than small windmills to produce electricity. They are often used in combination with solar electricity and are efficient at producing their own. This is just one of the many reasons why the Europeans have invested heavily in them. Then of course they are also inexpensive. If you want to install one for your home it's only a few hundred dollars. Plus, they're as close to maintenance free option as you can get.

Hybrid Cars - Even though hybrid cars are more expensive then your average vehicle, you will soon realize the benefits of saving on gas. It's nice to know you can save up to $1500 a year just because you purchased a better and more efficient energy car. If you look at the big picture you will save $15,000 over a decade.

Fluorescent Lights - Replace all of your standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent ones. These bulbs are far more energy efficient and may end up saving you hundreds of dollars a year on your electricity bill. They also last up to 10,000 hours, which is 10 times as long as the average bulb, and when they are spent they can even be recycled.

Energy Efficient Windows - Did you know most of the heat you lose during the winter is due to poorly built windows? If you're trying to lower your heating bill, then this is probably one of the best investments you can make.

What it comes down to is you have to think about all your options when it comes to green energy. While you would benefit more by using them all, we understand you might just want to start out with one or two. However, by doing this and sharing it with others, Americans will be able to lower our overall energy consumption.

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  •  - 8/30/2011