Coffee And The Environment

By Mark Walters

If you want to drink coffee (relatively) guilt free, here are some ways to make your coffee habit more environmentally friendly:

Drink Less Coffee - It takes around 200 liters of water to produce the coffee, milk, sugar, and cup for one regular cup of coffee. So, Just cutting one cup of coffee per day would do wonders for the environment.

Drink Local Coffee - Get coffee that has traveled the shortest distance to reach you so as help lower the impact of shipping on the environment.

Buy A Cool Mug - Purchase a really cool mug that you will want to again and again; eliminating the need for plastic or styrofoam cups.

Skip The Coffee Stirrer - Instead of mixing cream and sugar into your coffee, try adding the sugar and cream in the empty cup. Then slowly pour your hot coffee on top, letting the heat naturally dissolve the sugar.

Compost The Coffee Grounds - Instead of throwing out your used coffee grounds, create a compost heap and toss your used coffee grounds in. The nitrogen rich coffee will make a potent fertilizer. You can also spread it on top of your plant's soil if you do not have a compost heap.

Buy Organic Coffee - Organic coffee is grown without toxic chemicals, and is grown in such a way that protects sensitive ecosystems and the birds that live within them.

Opt For Fair Trade Coffee - TransFair and Rainforest Alliance coffees not only guarantee fair living wages for coffee farmers, they consider environmental standards in their certification process.

Choose A Good Coffee Filter - To reduce unnecessary paper consumption, consider buying a reusable gold coffee filter; not only will it help the environment, it makes your coffee taste better. If you do use filters, look for unbleached, biodegradable ones.

Keep Pests Away - Rather than using chemicals in your garden to drive away unwanted pests like ants and neighborhood cats, sprinkle coffee grounds and orange peels in your garden. The nitrogen in coffee burns ants' legs and is much better than using harmful chemicals.

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