You Can Save The World: Through Responsible Waste Management

By Phylis Decourcy-Powell

People can be so rude when it comes to responsible waste management. There are some certain courtesies when it comes to your trash. Let us help you look at a few of these because it seems that more and more people fail to remember what they are.

One of the first ways that we can say that you can help is to throw away what is supposed to be thrown away. Do not throw in the trash that goes into the landfill the stuff from your car. How about that stuff in fluorescent lights? Not cool either. Then there are other harmful chemicals that you would not inhale or whatever. What makes you think it is good in the landfill? There are proper ways to dispose of stuff like that.

Then there are those who have the trash cans but do not know how to put a simple lid on it. Please do this. It is responsible. The odors do not get in the air. The rodents come around and when the rodents do not come around, the streets are nicer and people can rest without being bothered.

There are those that just slump it down and throw it down. Bags have holes in them and there are sharp things sticking out. The trash men can really hurt themselves. The stuff that comes out of the bags gets all over and makes a mess of it all. That could be a disaster. Yet, there are some who do not consider this.

Some do all of the above and do not have lids on their trashcans as mandated by some. In some states they supply you the trashcan that has a lid and they still do not use them. Then the above happens and you have just polluted and you have some very angry neighbors. Due to the fact that the neighborhood looks a disgrace and they get rodents in their trash. We could believe that they are not happy. We would not be either as it takes time to get rid of this mess.

You could even take the time to recycle. Not only can you get money for some things, but you can feel good at having reused something. Think of all the trees you could save. Think of the beauty that you just by recycling could save, yet not many people do stop to think about this.

This is just touching base on some things. The things that can happen if everyone practiced responsible waste management is great. Many things can be accomplished from this. There is a lot that can happen like not so much pollution in the ground and in the air which are just some of the things that people complain about. If we recycled we could save some of Mother Nature that everyone is seeing going extinct.

As you see, we all have our reasons. Some of them are good. Some of them are not. What we need to do is work together to practice this so maybe the earth could feel a little younger. If we did that then maybe we would be around a bit longer and all of us might be one step closer to being healthy. Is that not incentive enough I wonder? It should be, yet it is not for many people. So, check it out and see what you can do. Ask around for others to join you. People might be willing to help if you show incentive to take charge.

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