Global College Of Natural Medicine Review

By Dr. Vince Scaglione

I have spent the last few years and countless hours reviewing the Natural Healing College and various other degree online programs and here are is my assessment.

Global College of Natural Medicine or GCNM

Clayton College of Natural Health

The Natural Healing College

Global College of Natural Medicine is not a certification mill since they do offer a very small array of holistic courses. They require you to mail in your tests, which can be very time consuming and frustrating when you have to mail it in, have them grade it and then mail it back to you all the while time is being wasted. The herbal course's they offer are extremely expensive and after you graduate they do not guarantee you job placement since they do not have an internship program.

Clayton College is a Naturopathic College and offers a variety of Aromatherapy courses, but they too require you to mail in your tests. Same scenario as with GCNM, mailing in your test can be frustrating and time consuming. This also shows the lack of technology, with it being the 21st Century you should not have to mail in your homework. Their tuition cost is through the roof and once you graduate you have to find your own work since they too do not offer an internship program.

The Natural Healing College or NHC offer a healthy variety of holistic courses, however they do not make you mail in your tests. Your tests are graded online which means you get instant feedback and you are able to complete your online degree faster.

The Natural Healing College courses are also about one-third the cost of CGNM, Clayton College and other distant education schools. Also, they are working with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and their courses are perhaps the best in the world as they provide you with everything you need to get started.

Upon graduating from the Natural Healing College they will assist you in getting your career up and running. Their extraordinary internship program will help you get a job and/or open your own practice in your newly acquired degree in Holistic Health.

I wanted to share my opinion from my extensive research to help others strive in the field of Holistic Health. I have concluded that the best choice for a school of Holistic degree is the Natural Healing College, which is far more advanced in technology than Clayton College and the Global College of Natural Medicine.

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