Free Baby Mama Movie

By Jacque Julius

If you're on the lookout for a good comedy movie, then your search ends here with Michael McCullers' 2008 release - Baby Mama. The epitome of light-hearted fun, Baby Mama stars actress Tina Fey along with Amy Poehler as Kate and Angie. The performances given by both of them, coupled with the unfolding plot (written by Michael McCullers) keeps the movie light and entertaining throughout.

Tina Fey plays Kate Holbrook, a character that's focused on her career to the exclusion of all else, finally landing her the job of a Vice-President in an Organic company. Holbrook, who has never felt the urges of having a family and personal life now begins to experience the pangs of motherhood deprived. Seeking to fulfill this need, she begins to try out various options to become a single mother. When all her attempts come to naught, Holbrook is left with dreams that are seemingly impossible.

Determined to become a mom, Kate decides to make use of a surrogate mother. She picks Angie Ostrowiski (Amy Poehler) for the purpose who's a dropout from high-school, just looking to make a quick buck through surrogacy. When Angie Ostrowiski quarrels with her common law husband, she has nowhere left to go to but Kate's place. Kate's life gets chaotic when she starts having to cater to Angie's childish whims and needs in addition to the demands of her high profile job.

How the two women face up to the reality of the situation and cope with it forms the rest of the movie that manages to keep you entertained and engrossed for its 99 minute duration. While the rest of the roles - by Steve Martin, Greg Kinnear and Sigourney Weaver - are essayed with equal aplomb, the movie clearly belongs to Fey and Poehler. The plot steers clear of any heavy pregnancy-related issues, making it an out-and-out comedy that keeps your funny bones tickled throughout. The fact that the twists in the plot are unpredictable also adds to the appeal of the film.

Watch the trailer of the movie and chances are you'll steer clear of this funny movie, but a word to the wise - the movie's a whole lot better than the trailer might have lead you to believe and it has much more to offer. Michael McCuller's direction ensures the story is crisp and has a great balance between comedy and sentimentality. An average hit, it stands out for the performances given by the leading ladies who portray their roles beautifully making every moment of the movie fun to watch.

If for some reason, you happened to let yourself skip this movie when it came out in the theatres, here's your chance to watch it now. You can now watch Baby Mama online free of charge. All you need to do is pencil in some free time, invite a friend or two over, choose a cozy spot to park yourself in and log on to our website. Baby Mama guarantees 99 minutes of light-hearted fun, you're bound to enjoy as you find yourself drawn into the lives of Kate and Angie.

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