Growing Dangers of Internet Porn

By Sam Garnebo

Porn sites open everyday adding to the already millions due to the fact that the Porn industry is equal to big business. It is widespread, because it has never been so cheap, fast, and anonymous to watch as it is on the internet.

There are many premium porn sites, and many more that are absolutely free. When considering the number of people who unintentionally bump into this content, it's clear to see that online porn remains a pressing issue.

From Past to Present: Prevalence of Porn

Porn was hard to get at the beginning ot the web, unfortunetly however, today it could never be easier. By simply typing in your request and waiting adult web sites will flood to your screen.

Even if you're not looking for porn, it will sometimes come to you via e-mail or advertisement. This is a huge problem to those who have no desire of the filth or who have kids that use the internet.

Linking Porn with Pedophiles

Along with internet porn comes much worse, pedophiles. Predators use the net to pose themselves as other kids just looking to meet new freinds.

Pedophiles even send pornographic pictures to kids along with soliciting themselves to the child.

Out of children the ages of 10-17, 1in5 were sexually solicited while 1in4 were exposed to naked people or people engaged in sexual activity, according to the Nation Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

The numbers are appalling, and it is research like this that makes internet filtering software vital for any family of internet users.

How Internet Filters Block Out Porn

There are many filters available but most have the same techniques. Below are two of the most common:

* Keyword Filtering: Vulgar words and phrases are used to restrict sites. You can either make your own list or use a predefined list offered by the program.

* URL filtering: The URL filtering features lets you restrict access to individual sites based on their website or URL address. This type of program usually comes blocking thousands of websites that boast pornography and other offensive content.

Internet Filtering is a Must

It is suggested that parents get educated of the internet dangers how to keep their families safe. Parents need filters to monitor online activities and block porn. Due to the questionable content that floods the web a filtering program needs to be in the software package of all home-based computers.

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