Why You Need Dissertation Proofreading

By Nick Sanders

Many different students from a wide variety of different backgrounds and universities choose to have their dissertation proofread for a number of reasons.

You're probably at the point now where you are finishing and finalizing your work. You've done the research, toiled over your subject and thought many times why you were actually writing this massive piece for your university degree.

I wrote my undergraduate dissertation a number of years ago and found that you can easily become bogged down in all of the information that you collect and analyze in your paper. Reading a number of different journals, internet sources and books can cause your brain confusion, and you may find that you are becoming tiresome of reading the different parts of your paper.

You will have reached the stage where the initial writing and typing stages are over and you are truly exhausted from this. After all, you have been working hard and putting a lot of energy into writing the different sections of your dissertation research paper. You will probably want to go and relax after you have finished, yet you still have one important task to complete - the final edit and proofread!

At this stage, you will most likely be tired of your dissertation and sick of the site of it., You will also wanting to go out and celebrate with your friends and just want to submit your dissertation. This is where a professional proofreader can help you ensure your work is correct and ready for submission.

There are many different reasons why you should think about dissertation proofreading and allowing someone else to do it:

1. A Dissertation is very important - this dissertation research paper is going to be the most important academic document you have submitted and will count towards a high percentage of your final grade.

2. Your brain is overloaded - you will most likely have completed the writing part of your dissertation in a marathon; where you sat down over the course of a week and wrote the main part of your paper. Your mind will still be packed full of the different theories and concepts that you have been analyzing. Therefore, you won't be in a good position to proofread and edit your work.

3. Your supervisor would like it proofread - many academic lecturers do recommend a proofreader to proofread over your work to ensure consistency and clarity of your argument. They don't want to be in a position where something is unclear or just plain incorrect, as this will disrupt the flow and reading for them.

4. Two pairs of eyes are better than one - you've been reading your work over and over again, you're brilliant at spotting your mistakes, but, have you ever had a friend read over your work and point out the errors that you didn't catch? A second pair of eyes will always help.

5. A final check of the paper - you will want to ensure the paper that you do hand in is free from any errors and you simply haven't got the energy to read it through once again. A professional proofreader will be able to review your work and make it crystal clear.

So students may think that they don't need their dissertation proofread by a professional. But they are the individuals who will receive a lower mark for the dissertation paper which will then result in a lower degree classification that they wanted.

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