Why is Revision and Editing of My Dissertation Important?

By Nick Sanders

You will no doubt be aware that submitting a dissertation to be awarded a degree is an absolute certainty. The research paper will be an important part of your degree and will count towards the final classification you are awarded. There are a few keys to success, beyond actually doing the research and writing your dissertation, which are proofreading, editing and revision.

You should seriously think about having your research dissertation paper edited and revised to ensure that your dissertation supervisor (marker) is able to read through your work and understand your arguments clearly.

When the marker is evaluating your work, they will be interested in specific patterns and the overall arrangement of your work, making sure to not if there are any inconsistencies in your paper. Therefore, considering editing and revision should be clearly on your mind, to ensure that your work is free from mistakes and that the reader is fully able to review your paper.

Similar to when you read an article in a newspaper, your dissertation should be full of relevant information and edited to ensure the sections are well presented. It will also need to have important news at the start, moderate news in the middle, and news reviewing the 'stroy' towards the end of the paper.

Editing your dissertation, therefore, will be important. Your examiner will want to read a report that doesn't have any errors in, or at the very best only a few. The paper will need to be well written and formatted and all references conform to a set standard by the university. Therefore, a thorough revision of your paper is needed to ensure consistency throughout.

Think of a situation where you have wanted to write a word meaning we all and by mistake you write well, it changes the meaning of the whole sentence. Therefore, there is a need here for you to review your work.

If you don't review your paper thoroughly, then the overall meaning of your writing, research and argument may deteriorate and the standard of your paper will not enlighten the reader as you will have hoped; thus resulting in fewer marks and an overall lower grade.

Now, you may be wondering what steps you need to take to thoroughly edit and review your paper. The following few points will help you:

1. Editing - you should consider editing your paper well in advance of your dissertation submission deadline, as you may spot a mistake that will lead to substantial changes in your work. You should also consider editing the individual parts of your paper as you complete them.

b. Follow the proper format of writing your report. Have at least 2 to 3 sample reports with you and follow the format that they use to learn how your paper should be structure. Make each section presents to the reader where they are in the report process.

iii. You should highlight any important points in your paper, by spending extra time on their discussion and evaluation. You should also use an appropriate editing tool that will leve you will more option in editig your work, with MS word considered an optimal choice for many students.

2. Revision - When you are reviewing and revising your work, which you should consider giving a considerable amount of time to, you should review each section and chapter; but also review the paper as a whole.

Printing off your work may also help you review your work more clearly and easily. You may find it easier to concentrate and correct your written material if it is right in front of you instead of on the screen. You will probably find it easier to spot mistakes this way too.

These are a few steps that, when followed with full sincerity, will make it easier for you achieve a better grade. Finally, you should give equal time and importance to dissertation editing and review, as you have given to the actual writing of your report.

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