An In-depth Review Of Grow Taller 4 Idiots

By Rodney Williams

Grow Taller 4 Idiots is a book which details the many facets of growing taller naturally, and this review will break down some of the finer points of the book. The first thing you'll notice of course is the title, which is an obvious play on the "for Dummies" series of books.

After the introductory section, the meaty section of the book kicks off with a look at nutrition, and its role in growth. We get a nice look at a large number of different vitamins and minerals, and some of the ways in which they help our bodies. This is a section you would probably want to return to many times, when looking for information on vitamins.

Next we get into issues with posture that could be contributing to decreased height. This section is rather short, but does contain a couple of useful diagrams to give you a visual representation of the posture ailments. The book directs you to the exercises contained in a later chapter as possible ways to remedy these problems.

Next is sleeping, and like posture, even slight misalignments in your back while sleeping can cause permanent shortening of the space between the vertebrae in your back, leading to height loss. One possible remedy is to avoid using pillows, and while this may not be a popular option, it can provide dramatic results on your posture while you sleep.

For how long we sleep each day, it certainly is easy to understand that even slightly poor sleeping habits could have a dramatic effect on our posture and height.

The final and most thorough section is devoted to exercise routines, which can be used to increase height, flexibility, stamina and more. Many illustrations exist in this section to help guide you on the right path of training. Youll probably be using this section many times in the future.

The bonus section contains a few additional little tips, and the end of which the book is complete. There's no afterword or any kind of closing segment to wrap the book up, which is somewhat unusual.

Grow Taller 4 Idiots has the occasional little grammar hiccup, but it written quite well on the whole. All in all, a good book with plenty of useful information for anyone looking to add a couple of extra inches to their frame.

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