How To Write An Impressive Essay At University

By Nick Sanders

Many students want to write an impressive essay that will influence readers of their paper to both understand and agree with their outcomes. Students have a healthy rivalry between each other, and each individual should learn how to write an impressive essay.

You will probably be aware that you will have to write a number of essays and papers whilst at college or university. You will not want to receive bad grades for these as they count quite highly in the overall mark and classification of your university degree. You will submit essays and reports to your lecturers on a number of different sub topics on your degree course, which are commonly termed modules by many different institutions. The grading of these papers will then reflect on the final grading of your degree and then you will be given an overall classifications. You should be aware that you will be asked to write other types of essays in exams, so if you become good at writing them, then you will leave university with a successful experience.

You want to be able to submit these essays with pride, even if you are finishing them at 2am! But, you will want to be able to understand what goes into them and how you can leave university with a great experience.

1. Researching your topic - you will need to include some form of research for your topic, and plan out your time, covering the different things that you will need to research and look into. You will also want to be aware that the number of sources that you read will affect the amount of understanding you have around the topic of your essay. You will want to make sure that you have enough, but not too many, as adding too many sources can cause an essay to appear disjointed and confuse the reader. On the other hand, if you only read a few sources then this isn't going to be enough to supply a coherent argument in your essay.

2. Arguments should be analyzed, When you read over a piece of research material, whether a chapter in a book or an article in a journal, you should understand it. If you read it and then start putting pen to paper, writing as fast as you can about the different thoughts that come into your mind, then you will be going don a bad road. Doing this will be a mistake, and you will not want to put forward a weak argument on the topic that is not favourably marked by your lecturer. You should understand that lecturers are looking for different types of sources, but also that you have though about the different angles that an author argues, as well as the different things that the author has mentioned.

Step 3 - Brainstorm. In order to write effectively you will need to have the ideas of where you want to go and what different parts are associated with what areas. Making a mind map and brainstorming ideas will allow you to concentrate of a few different things in one area and not just write a little bit about everything. Doing this will enable you to work towards a set goal and establish a cohesive argument for the reader.

4. Write early - You shouldn't be waiting to just before the essay should be submitted to write the different parts of your paper. You need to be clear, from the previous planning and research stages, what route you will be taking in your essay and its argument. When you are writing your essay you should be writing down a series of paragraphs on your page, and ensure that it flows in a logical and coherent manner. You should also extend arguments to cover the different avenues that you intend to go down. When you are writing your conclusion, you should draw upon the arguments which you have made and evaluate the overall understanding of your written work. You should also think about a surmise for your paper here.

5. Proofing and Correction - Nearly all of the papers that are submitted to universities and colleges around the country will need to conform to a style that is acceptable for submission. There are a number of different styles that are followed in each university, so you should ensure that you follow the correct one. Your document, as well as your sources, need to take note of these different requirements that are expected from you as a student writer, and will need to be correct. Some academic papers are rejected as they do not conform to the different types of requirements and style that has to be followed. Some papers are even rejected as they are not considered acceptable, because they do not conform to this style. Therefore, you should always ensure that you have your academic essays thoroughly proofread and edited to ensure consistency in your work and logical flow of arguments.

When you are looking over your paper, spelling and grammar are a must. You simply don't want to submit a paper without it and you do not want to overlook any mistakes that could negatively affect your mark.

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