Protecting Your Children from Online Paedophilia

By Sam Garnebo

The internet has become a regular communications medium for businesses and individuals, and teenagers and children are no exception. However, the web has also opened up a platform for predators who want to use the cloak of anonymity to prey on children and propose sexual activities upon them.

Parents need to know the true danger invovled and just what they can do to protect their children.

Tendencies of Pedophile

Nothing is more unsettling than the alarming number of people using the internet for their own twisted gain Online pedophiles are sneaky, calculated individuals. They lurk in all the popular hangouts online from chat rooms and blogs to large social community sites like MySpace and LiveJournal.

Naturally Pedophiles won't come out and tell the children what they are. They will try and disguise themselve as other children or anything they think to be harmless.

These criminals may groom a child for weeks to months before making any sexual proposals. These tactics are all calculated to arrange a face to face meeting alone with the child. A pedophile will go to great lengths to reach their demented goals, even if it means traveling to another city or state.

These cases are quite disturbing, and some of the most popular online communities are filled with these types of predators. Although many have been caught in the act, countless more continue to prey on unsuspecting children.

Who are Your Children Talking To?

Parents need to be concerned with their child's online activity. Viewing their history via the web browser's tool can help parents see for themselves what their children are viewing.

When contacting someone online there will be several profile pages. You can check the profiles yourself and see if its one of their freind or someone they met online.

If anything about one of their online friends comes off to you as suspicious ask your child about their new friend. Certainty is not something you have when talking to someone online, anyone can pose as anyone.

Internet Filtering Software

Many parents have turned to internet filtering software to protect their children from pedophiles and all the other dangers online. This type of program has the ability to restrict sites that contain questionable material, web-based video games and emails as well. Some even allow you to remotely monitor your child?s internet activities from any computer in the world and will send email notification of all the sites they have visited.

By using reliable internet filtering software and talking to your kids about why they shouldn?t be accessing certain content, you can dramatically reduce the possibilities of being approached by a predator and better assure their safety.

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