Personalization: The Secret To a Truly Effective Fat Loss Program

By A. F. Bell

Ever wondered why some people can eat a lot and remain stick thin, while another eat so little and yet look overweight? Or why some people need to spend days at the gym just to lose 2 measly pounds, while it takes another person a couple of gym sessions to produce the same result?

A fat loss program that worked well for you wouldn't necesarily give me the best results. It's true that we're all unique - and yet, why do mainstream fat loss programs recommend the same formula for everybody? This lack of individualization is exactly the reason why many good people have failed miserably and gave up for good.

In this article I'll highlight this major flaw most mainstream fat loss programs have, and then I'll give some recommendations about what you can do to make sure you're doing the right fat loss program that's going to give YOU the optimal results.

The Case Against Mainstream Fat Loss Programs

Our individual uniqueness explain why some individuals get by very well on high carb diets, while others gain weight on it. It explains why some people do very well on Atkin's and Ketogenic diets, while others only experience health problems on these programs.

It's clear that programs like South Beach, Atkins, The Zone, High / Low Carb, etc. all suffer from one fatal flaw: a one-size-fits-all approach. But we've already established that there's not one fat loss program that works for everyone. Hence, personalization is necessary.

In short, the BEST fat loss program for YOU is the one that takes into consideration your unique characteristics, body type, metabolic pattern, intolerances, etc. Don't just follow a random program - find the right combination of exercise, nutrition and training routine that's best for you!

How to Get Your Personalized Fat Loss Program

Observe successful bodybuilders and fitness models - they know the optimal weight training program for them, including the adjustments they need to make to produce the best results in less time and effort;

They know the optimal nutrition ratios suited to them;

If they want to cheat, they know how much they can and cannot get away with; They know how much rest and sleep to get to produce the results they want.

You must also be aware of what these variables are that work for you.

So how can you do this?

I obviously can't possibly tell you everything you need to know in one article, so I'll do the next best thing - refer you to the best resource I've found so far: Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Program. I think it's the best because it's comprehensive, flexible and most importantly customizable.

What Makes a Fat Loss Program Effective?

1. Tailored Nutrition Program

Chapter 5 of Burn the Fat outlines in great detail everything you need to determine your own body type and nutritional individuality. After learning the basics, you'll know exactly how to adjust your variables accordingly to produce the results you want!

2. Personalized Cardio Workout

Burn The Fat Feed the Muscle outlines how to systematically adjust the frequency, duration, timing, intensity and type of your cardio workout so that you can get the outcome you want.

3. Tailored Weight Training Program

Do you give the same bodybuilding program to a competitive bodybuilder and to a complete novice? Silly question, really. Burn the Fat has not one, but FOUR training programs, and within each of these four training programs are TWO schedules. That's a total of eight routines all together to choose from.


Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is the first program to combine all the important information you'll ever need into one exhaustively detailed resource. There's no junk nor hype (for example, it won't try sell you supplements or other unnecessary products just to make more money off you) - only proven, universal principles that can be tailored to suit any individual.

Thus instead of recommending one generic program for everyone, Burn The Fat Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto has a customizable program - which is absolutely necessary for long-term success.

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