Solar Power For Home is The Way Forward

By Francis Mackey

The sources of energy that we have relied upon for so long, such as gas and coal, are in ever-decreasing supply and it's becoming more and more important to find alternatives that are renewable. Of these, solar energy is more and more being hailed as an ideal energy solution.

Solar power is also becoming more widespread as a source of energy for the average family home. It's no longer the preserve of the wealthy and eccentric geniuses. A system suitable to power a family home can actually be made from scratch, without too much dificulty.

Alll raw materials needed in the construction of the solar panels, are readily available from your local hardware store. And with a modicum of DIY skills, you could easily make your own panels. The final connection to the power supply could of course be left to an electrician, but this is only common sense .

Although the production of solar power is more suited to those areas that have high levels of sunshine, those high levels are not essential, all the time. It will work fine with medium sunshine levels. And the energy produced at sunny times can be stored in batteries for later usage if required.

It is possible to build such a system for $200 or less. Price is something that may have discouraged people from getting into solar, but that all changes when they realise how inexpensive it actually is.

Solar home power is getting more and more popular with average-size, average-income families. This is mainly because the technology and the know-how has been made available to all, and because of the low cost factor. And solar power is no longer something that needs to be "designed into" a house.

How would you like to see your electricity meter count down instead of up? Well you could have this situation if you produce more solar energy than you need. You would have the option of either storing it for later use, or of selling it to the electricity company (who will gratefully accept it).

The advantages of a solar home energy system are numerous. I think the main ones are the economic aspects - both the low entry-cost and the savings that can be achieved. You could see an 80% (or even 100%) reduction in your electricity bill. Numbers like these are hard to argue against, especially in times of economic difficulty.

Another good thing about producing home solar power, is that you are helping in the fight against global warming, and helping in the reduction of carbon emissions. And once it is up and running, it will not need a lot of maintenance, and should not cost much to run.

Solar power is a long-established, proven system of electricity generation for industry and it's getting more and more popular in a domestic setting as well. I believ that this trend is only going to increase.

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