Global College of Natural Medicine Reviews

By Daniel Lee

I spent the last 3 years and hundreds of hours evaluating the Natural Healing College and multiple other degree online programs and here are my review results.

Clayton College of Natural Health

Global College of Natural Medicine or GCNM

The Natural Healing College

Clayton College " Is a Natural Health School that offers a range of holistic courses, but they live in the stone age, and still require you to mail in your tests, which can be very frustrating, and quite time consuming because you will have to waste time waiting for them to mail your tests results back....Their Online Programs will also cost you an arm and a leg. They also do not help you land a job and have ZEO holistic internship program

Global College of Holistic Medicine " Theyre not an accreditation mill because they do offer a very small range of holistic courses, but, they too require you to mail in your tests, which can be painful and quite time consuming because you will have to wait for them to mail. your tests results back....Their Herbal courses are also shockingly expensive... They will NOT help you get a job after graduation and have do not have an internship program

Natural Healing College -They offer a large range of holistic courses, but they DO NOT require you to mail in your tests, your tests results are Instant which means you can complete your online degree fast..

The Natural Healing College courses are also about 1/2 the price of Clayton State University & the other distant education addition, their courses are probably the best on the planet and they give you everything you need to get started... they are also working with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation

After your Graduation from the Natural Healing College they will help you establish a valuable Internship and will assist you in obtaining employment, or Careers Natural Medicine.

In my humble opinion and hundreds of hours of researchYour best choice for an Online Holistic School is the Natural Healing College. Not the Clayton College and State University. Maybe someday they will get up to speed with technology.

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