What is the Advantage of Home Schooling?

By Lee A. Hulse

Why have more and more families been changing from the conventional public education to home school? Do they really have more control over their child's education? Following are just 5 of the many advantages of home schooling your child.

Scheduling Flexibility Flexibility in your child's is a great advantage of home schooling. If your child is a serious athlete or musician, for example, you can schedule their schooling around practice times. Another example of how the flexibility can work is just to your child's internal clock. Not all children are alert in the morning. Some are better in the early afternoon. So why try to force

Individual attention It is impossible for public school teachers to provide very much individual attention to their students, there are just too many students to take care of. If one or two students don't understand a concept, it is just not feasible for the teacher to take time away from the rest of the class to individually instruct them until they get it.

The student needing one-on-one instruction then gets left behind. With individual attention that homeschooling provides, you can take as little, or as much time, as needed for your child to learn the lesson.

Curriculum Schedule Your child's homeschooling schedule can be adjusted to cater to his strengths and weaknesses. For example, if your child is struggling with a certain math concept, but easily understands the science lessons, you can adjust their schedule accordingly. Public schools just can't do that for each student.

Peer pressure in school Anyone who has attended public school knows about peer pressure. With home schooling, the child does not need to prove anything to peers. The latest fashions are no longer a school issue. It is easier for the student to focus on learning.

Religion With homeschooling, the parent decides if and how much of their ideologies and beliefs to teach their child. For some parents, this is THE reason why they homeschool. For others, just an added benefit.

Do you agree with Darwin's theory of evolution or that God created man? Whichever your belief, that is what you impart on your child.

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